Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer


>Trump rally in Altoona PA 8/12/16
>Trump rally in Erie PA 8/12/16
>Trump Rally in Kissimmee FL 8/11/16
>Trump Speaks at Pastors and Pews Meeting in Orlando FL 8/11/16
>Trump Addresses NAHB Board of Directors in Miami FL 8/11/16

>Trump on Hannity w/Huck 8/12/16
>Trump on CBN news 8/11/16
>Trump on Phils Gang Radio Show 8/11/16
>Trump on Miami Herald 8/11/16
>Trump on Newsmax Prime 8/11/16
>Trump on Joe Pags show 8/11/16
>Trump on Orly 8/11/16
>Trump on Hugh Hewitt 8/11/16
>Trump On Squawk Box (CNBC) 8/11/16

>American Hero
>This is how we MAGA!
>Trump cares about YOU
>What Trump Must Do to Win
>Go home to mommy!
>hillary statement on health
>Media hiding the truth about clinton

>Wikileaks Leaked DNC Hillary Voicemails


Other urls found in this thread:

Italy is with Trump!



Trump killed Obama's grandmother


Wait, that is why Longroom has been down?


If Hillary was winning, dems would not bother attacking Longroom.

>ISIS gives out MVP awards
Are dumpfkins really this dumb?


Trump rally at 7:30 PM ET

Stream links:



> LB

Is that real?

Politifact cannot possibly be this stupid.
Oh, nevermind. I guess they can.

thank you for correcting the record

Thank you for posting that the other day. Never saw it before.

We should have awoos with flags for all the states.

You know Obama is hated when even a fellow traveler like Castro hates him. It's probably because although their ideologies are similar, Castro can sense the punk bitch within Obama. Cubans don't like yellowbellied pussies like Obama, whether they be Communist dictators or not.

s-sorry pls no bully

I'm just a naturally anxious/nervous person. Always have been, you know? I've tried the meditation meme (waste of time) and excercising. Neither help too much, sadly.

Wow. New England is Turning red this year. Connecticut,NH,Maine. At this rate, Mass will be the only blue state left up there.

I wish, then Obama would never have existed.

So is it happening, or is it not happening? I'm confused now.

I never understood the "Huur duur, Trump is a rude bully". Since when is voting for rude people a bad thing? Do we really want leaders who can't take a hit and can't give a strike?

Idk but thats essentially what CNN and others have been saying.

Never have I seen the left be to purposefully obtuse/autistic.

Get it behind CloudFlare and get whatever cocksucker is running the network of the hosting company to talk to Arbor Networks.

You know drumpf doesn't even live in the Trump Tower? Hasn't for years, too expensive for him. Instead he lives in a New York basement apartment in Harlem... his "underground bungalow" as he calls it. Of course his family is too embarrassed to let out this fact... they're really ashamed of his lunacy. And his diet? Not the healthiest either. The man has taken a liking to Wal Mart microwave burgers and Hungry Man meals... and he doesn't buy 'em fresh either, he just dumpster dives for them. As for his supposed "leadership" at the Trump Organization... nah, he lets his wife and kids do all the hard decisions. And his personal hygiene? It's actually pretty appalling... no wonder his hair looks like a rat's nest. He really is starting to seem like some unemployed crazy guy the more I learn about him... how the hell is this guy a billionaire? He's lucky his PR team has managed to keep this stuff on the downlow... AmeriKKKa, everyone!

I am now #cuck4kasich

It might as well be with the actual "fact checking" that Obama didn't personally go to the desert and plant an ISIS flag in the ground.

Journalism majors must be required to have an IQ below 90.

Friends im on mobile (Mimi Sup Forums Reader). What is the star thing? I see stars next to a ton of peoples posts
What is that?


Its been happening for a few days now, they want to shut it down.

We're reaching salt levels that shouldn't be possible.

You know drumpf doesn't even live in the Trump Tower? Hasn't for years, too expensive for him. Instead he lives in a New York basement apartment in Harlem... his "underground bungalow" as he calls it. Of course his family is too embarrassed to let out this fact... they're really ashamed of his lunacy. And his diet? Not the healthiest either. The man has taken a liking to Wal Mart microwave burgers and Hungry Man meals... and he doesn't buy 'em fresh either, he just dumpster dives for them. As for his supposed "leadership" at the Trump Organization... nah, he lets his wife and kids do all the hard decisions. And his personal hygiene? It's actually pretty appalling... no wonder his hair looks like a rat's nest. He really is starting to seem like some unemployed crazy guy the more I learn about him... how the hell is this guy a billionaire? He's lucky his PR team has managed to keep this stuff on the downlow... AmeriKKKa, everyone!

Can anyone post the Pepe trump in front of a fence and Mexican feel guy behind a fence please.

First for Drumpf (You)s

politishit can't even get the quote right. He said they SHOULD be considered MVPs.

God damn this is one salty sore loser motherfucker.

I assume Long Room has a twitter or something where they can post results?


>must not be watching stupid shit games
I want to watch that just about as much as anyone wants to watch anyone doing their days work.

I always forget Fidel is still alive.

>I'm just a naturally anxious/nervous person

1. Be thorough.

2. Get a momentum going, and keep your momentum going.

3. Stay focused.

4. Look at the solution, not the problem.

5. See opportunity for what it is: an opportunity.

6. Know everything you can about what you're doing.

7. Be lucky.

8. See yourself as victorious.

9. Be smart.

10. Above all: never give up. Never, never, never give up.

I will work on some. I suggest alphabetic order to prevent unnecessary duplication. I'll start with Alabama and Alaska.

(You) just got Poe'd

>Since when is voting for rude people a bad thing? Do we really want leaders who can't take a hit and can't give a strike?

Since the cultural marxists emasculated Western society.

Here you go senpai

Reposting Insideranon from last night lads.

>here's to hoping the better screencap guy swings by

Nm found it

>adidas jacket

That's the NORTHERN fence.

Real or not, does it even matter at this point?

Connecticut confirmed for red this year.


>implying we're not also bring Massachusetts into the fold


A satirical movie adaptation of the art of the deal just came out, but it doesn't work. It's not subtle enough. The real good trump satire is right here folks. These supposedly respectable people have all become funnier than Jon Stewart ever was.



Thank you, based Finn

Looks like Pirkanmaa forgot his proxy.

My pleasure, I assumed you were the creator, but nice to be able to provide some patriotic awoo for you that you can use to show your support for Trump)
We sure should have one for each state (an city if we are going to take it all the way).
Here is the Hawaiian one I got for the Hawaiian Trump supporters.

Naw I wanted the Mexicans one... CNN posted this
I had to counter it

Thanks for the hard work.

I know a bunch of other states here want to represent.

Its the Russian uniform though, Castro gets healthy doing his Slav Squats.

The most patriotic thing to do in 2016-2017:

Assassinate Hillary Clinton during her victory speech.

Nigger mode: Using a Saturday Night Special
Mall Ninja mode: Using a suppressed AR-15
McVeigh mode: Kaboom
Bald Eagle mode: Using an M1 Garand

Bonus points if you write "cold and dead" on your own hands before you shoot yourself

Unfortunately not.

you know that vocalizing and expressing your doubts strengthens them and makes other anxious/nervous people feel more neurotic as well, right?

If you make a point to smile at people etc., you will become a happier person. If you don't complain all the time, likewise. etc.

You know perfectly well that a nearly dead woman who cannot fucking even stand up for a 90 minute debate to face a man older than her, who cannot avoid pooping in her pants, who can barely pull crowds of 100-200 on a good day, who has zero charisma, and whose sole campaign tactic is "LOL AT LEAST IM NOT DRUMPF LOOK AT HOW NOT DJT I AM" has no chance of victory.

Kek says, "Make Tumblr the new Sup Forums." Are numbers make us strong and we have reached a holy 7 amount with our army. We must change to a new home. We must purify Tumblr."

Damn even pro-Trump posts are maximum cringe coming from Canada.

I speak for the frog god he wills it

How are you doing fellow children?

what's the new meme controversy? I was out all week

People keep saying her health is fine but then you see pictures like this. Look at the 2 other people on her left reaching for her too.

Think Trump has big enough BALLS to say something about her health during the debate?

Debate is going to be great and I really hope he doesn't hold back with the bantz. Hillary will try to use some moral high ground arguments, which will fail miserably. She will have to resort to calling him a big stupid meanie head since she can't run and hide like she did with Bernie.

Hello FBI.

Nice try, NSA honeypot.

I never mentioned Trump. This is anti-Hillary

You should post bomb making recipes again. Those were a blast.

And the Chicago one. Think that is everyone I got, except the Singaporean (still haven't sorted my big collection of images so cant be 100% sure)

Wtf is this?

>Are dumpfkins really this dumb?
You can't spell and you're calling others dumb? Back to the zoo.

If Hillary wins PA she cheated.
Obama and Hillary created ISIS.

Somehow this man is bankrupt but still has millions and his own private jet

(((Banks))) Hate Him

leaf falling for proxyfinn's bait pastas.

>watching UN: The Games
>any era


Alabama has a boring flag. No offense.

the Jet is loaned from Clinton Foundation trumptard


nobody likes king nigger, not even the (((((((commies)))))))


This is why this pussy lost and the rest of those neutered candidates.

If you are going to call someone out use their name, don't be such a faggot.

Fuck me she should be in a nursing home

The Neoconservative Movement is Trotskyism

Leaf troll shoop from a few days ago. He made sixteen Kek posts to get people talking about Kek, then posted that, then split a thread.


Castro is literally on his death bed thinking he's getting away with it

It's one of those moments where you hope there is a hell more than you hope there's a heaven.

I can hear you being greasy from here

>Italians aren't white

>implying that Italians aren't white

Thank you Hombre

To make sure you already have them

Also saved. Will be saving each one you make/post.

What do all the stars mean next to the IDs?

Christ people might actually have to obey immigration laws

Perish the thought

wow i am gonnahave to feel the johnston#

Shit Skin supporting Clinton. Not surprised.

oh you should probably custom make each state based on location

I don't know much about alabama but I don't think beaches are the main attraction / thing for the state (whereas for Florida, that's one of our main features)

also think of less tan chicks when I think of Alabama

Too much AMERICA??? Die killary