Secret Societies Thread

Picture of SS nazi . Who has more like this (but not limited to Germany) ?

Other urls found in this thread:


Not exactly secret society but have some badass Russian Orthodox monks


>Come to the Dark Side

>I'a! I'a!



Why do they look like they'd be playing drone metal



>The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.



Good show but not quite an SS even within that universe.


You understand this guy literally drank his own sperm and they made semen offerings to some "Group Egregore" what was a scary-ass looking statue?

The guy thought if they would give the statue energy he would live in some astral realm in the statue when he dies. Funny shit

Can someone tell me what the Fifth Column is? I've seen it mentioned in a few threads but Google search comes up with nothing.

mathematics has some nice cults going on

there are many secret societies.

>>a brotherhood/Combinent is when more then one secret society lines it's self up with another society.

bump for interest

Never seen this one before


And This

I will read it later. Thank u finbro

My great grandfather was in a secret society, IOF. I have a polaroid of a room they have in the back of one of their lodges somewhere if I can find it and scan it.

Their back room, which he showed me, was hidden behind the wall and opened up into a small round room about the size of a standard apartment with a very high ceiling. They had jackets draped around the room like flags being hung, and he told me in each of those jackets is a badge for a spook.

He and some senators and other IOF members would lure no-such-organization agents out into the woods with false leads and jump them then beat the ever loving shit out of them with bats, strip them naked in the middle of the woods, and destroy any car they came in with. They collected the coats as a trophy and never got into trouble because for them to get called on it they'd have to call in several of the senators who participated as well as reveal the fact they had illegally spied on them and worked with said secret organizations.


Isn't Jefferson just Northern California?

What's more sinister, Russian Orthodox monks or Spanish Catholic penitents?

Miguel Serrano and Savitri Devi are interesting to look up if interested in Hinduism/Vedism. Remember, the Indo-Aryan faith and people were different from modern day Indians