Other urls found in this thread:


religion of peace?

no word yet.

Niggers and mexicans. Probably just a gang shooting at people wearing the wrong colors, or a drug deal gone bad.

The (((media))) is on a mission and will report even a single bullet fired in a public place like it's a mass shooting.

I bet its a nigger-on-nigger shooting.




In either case, they will come out with lots of "gun control" talk.

>north carolina
it's niggers

>north carolina
>it's niggers

Implying there aren't niggers everywhere in the US

>they start shooting a mall
>better lock everyone inside
I fucking hate this. No store should have the right to lock you inside or detain you.

why do americans even leave the house anymore?

McDonalds doesn't do delivery.

>he doesn't carry a pistol regardless of what the law says


Probably niggers.

>supect confirmed

Some do.

Cause most of us whiteys live in relatively safe areas. For example; my town has a shitty ghetto on the west side where all the gang shit goes on. I live on the north side where all the middle class folk live.

Is Sam Hyde at it again?

Yeah but what happens when the walmart is on the west or in the centre?

fat bastards running away on electric scooters

nobody fucking cares

>The (((media))) is on a mission and will report even a single bullet fired in a public place like it's a mass shooting.

Until they find out it's gang violence or the pig fuckers, then we won't hear another word.

You underestimate how many walmarts we have

dindu shooting his gat in the mall

pick one faggots

I dont like to. its even worse going to a university and trying to do something with my life but if I bring a means of self defense I would probably get kicked out, any way to get proper education would be ruined, and my name would probably be in the headlines "the guy that was 'wielding' a gun in a school".
So now in 6 years when Im about to graduate and have wasted the rest of my youth doing nothing but slaving away at school, I am probably going to get shot at school with no way to defend myself.
But thats life in america.

Lol source for that pic?

>tfw you realize the south wont be raising again

NC fag here.
I wen't to crabtree yesterday, noticed more blacks than usual, someone got kicked out, probably for chimping.

It's pretty nice area around here but when blacks come around, us whites usually tend to keep our distance.

Most likely today was just a chimp on chimp fight, or a spic with a vendetta.

99% of the US is extremely safe. Where I live, violent crime is almost unheard of because it's 97% white and everyone has a gun. The worst that will happen to you is someone might steal something out of your yard and pawn it to buy pills, but they'll wait until the middle of the night and make sure no dogs are around. If anyone walks around at night, you can follow them by the sound of peoples' dogs barking.

Meanwhile, you Brits can't go outside without getting stabbed by a 12-year-old ginger muslim with a sharpened butter knife.


Thanks senpai.

Calling it now.

It's not Islam, it's niggers guys, go home

Only niggers frequent malls these days. Everyone else shops on the internet.

We could come and take it back, little country.

>Where I live, violent crime is almost unheard of because it's 97% white and everyone has a gun.
oy vey, why is everyone there so hostile? It not safe to walk in to any store. Sounds like you need guncontrol to make your community safe again! Here take these brown people too!

(I actually know people that think like this and have said it too me)

why does rooster news care about shootings in the US? shouldn't they be talking shit about Ukraine or something?

Whites are still a majority in those states and the number of whites is actually rising in a few.
The south will be great again.

Random dude in the mall said there was an explosion.

pretty much this.


then what are all those white women doing there...oh wait..


samir al-haeed confirmed shooter

it's only because niggers bring their "squads" to the mall to harass people until they all leave

luckily I live in a white town so my mall is fine

Witness claims the perp is a mestizo, fired multiple shots.

Already asking to use videos

5 star post

>"suspect has been shot dead"
>they drag the black body away and replace it with one of the white victims
>"suspect confirmed roger smith, a fucking white male"
>shillary goes on stage
>"this is why we NEED more control, and yes obongos immigration policy still wasn't good enough"
>shillary elected
>shit skins allowed in through north american union
>second amendment destroyed
>funding for mk ultra goes up


I'd be willing to bet it's just nigs nogging. Probably with illegal gun. Then libtards come out of the woodwork to tell us ebil whiteys we need to disarm ourselves.

How can they be a majority when the majority ancestry is african?


Shouldn't you be out in the streets getting shot or something?

Comfy tyme. Ordering pizza extra sauce. We confirm on nogs or sandnogs yet?

Lmao. I'm not even an American is this pic is hilarious.

Because the population in the white areas is higher. That only shows the percentage of people from certain areas by county, it doesn't show you the population size. Many of the counties in the black belt are just drive through cities.

Hey guys, have you seen that series on youtube called Dead Malls? It's kind of sad, nostalgic and aesthetic.

the sight of all those work boots scared him to death.

>extra sauce

hahaha holy shit

>where were you when it happened

Why are there always north carolina and arizona happenings?


Holy shit the media are such vultures.

have another one from earlier

When I gets comfy I like to gnaw on the pizza crust after the pizza proper is gone. Helps if there is extra sauce. Also, I.was indirectly saying I wanted to see more sources linked

where's the pic from?

I used to know people like that, but they've either changed their minds or gone to be cucks somewhere else. There seem to be fewer anti-gun people everyday, even among "liberals".

Most white Americans don't leave their house.

Isn't school back in?

Sorry guys, the carolinas are nigger havens. Bets are as follows:
1/100 on Religion Of Peace,
1/10 on Systemic White-On-Black Racism
1/1 on Event Al Sharpton Doesn't Comment On

glad I get to live without fear of getting shot in a public facility or having to see autistic edgelords open carry their handguns like it's the wild west

shut it down

Because whites are fragmented into english, german, french, etc. while blacks are one group


if im ever near a happenings area i'll withhold information for ransom and only release pics if CNN agrees to have alex jones on air giving his thoughts on the happenings

Damn nigga I been there

I hope youre right

Okay this is getting fucking boring

They'll just find somebody else who filmed it and is willing to give away their intellectual property for free. There will likely be dozens.

Didn't we have this thread like two months ago? I think it turned out to be some rapper named Donkey something that got shot.

How did he get us AGAIN??!?!

Brothel massacre, dunno the location tho.

jewish feminist professor in a liberal arts school disagrees with you.
Don't think she appreciated me saying redpilled stuff.

There was some dindu who got shot in Raleigh a few days ago. Might have something to do with that.


Live stream:


statistics eternally wrecked

>pic related



We /ddos/ this site or something?

I can't get to it

At least two people came out on stretchers so far



She might have acted disgusted, but it probably turned her on. More and more I find that liberal feminist types secretly want to be dominated by strong men, and the whole SJW act is just a massive subconscious shit test.

probably just too many people watching it. it's working for me.