Google play teaching your kids about sex

posting the child sex google info

you guys see this thread last night?
basically on the google play store if you type in "se"
"sex games for kids" is the top choice. this will even pop up with the parental filter on
people who called into google were subtly called pedophiles.

anons from different countries veriefied its the same for them

try it for yourself

dont let google get away with this

>pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

ill be posting caps from different anons
country is in the file name

people notified a few news organizations, lets let a few more know





get in her Sup Forums

why is google trying to peddle sex to children?


this shits ridiculous

That's because "sex games for kids" is frequently searched for. Nothing more than a shifty algorithm

You do know that Android/Google track your search history and will tailor your results, right. Regardless of where you switch.

Was it another Sup Forums thread bombing the search term until it stuck under the autocorrect, perhaps?


nothing here you degenerate cucks!

I'm actually disappointed there isn't a game to teach them about sex. American sex education sucks.

read the thread in op

im the original OP who found this out.

>pic related
its when i first called google, well before making the thread

Are there any actual sex games for kids on the play store? What's the point of it?

someone posted the apps that come up in the first thread.
its disturbing, but not "sex games for kids"

>kids like sex and are curious about it

Wow! I'm shocked!

>Sexi Indian video apps

>googles parental filter allows this


Because they're typing it in ways to intentionally avoid filters genius.
>sexgames instead of sex games

>mfw i first saw "sex games for kids" on the phone my daughter was using
>mfw thought she searched for it meaning someone had to show her

explain the caps that were posted from out side the usa, and in foreign languages?

American sex education: You're kids you don't need to know this = why are all these teens preggers or sluts with STDs who can't live without tons of dicks/pussy and have a good relationship?

>meaning someone had to show it to her

Or maybe she's curious like every other little girl?

Every one is avoiding filters.

>sexapp not sex app

Etc. like I said, it's all intentional filter dodging.

so they should have sex ed in third grade, when most third graders dont even know what the fuck sex is?

It may be from kids searching for it, which would explain why it's one word no space, trying to get around filters and what not.

>most third graders don't know what sex is

like every 8 year old girl

i was told by a tech that googles family filter would block it

Why not, it's better to learn then be ignorant of anything, nothing wrong with knowledge and having it sooner lets you be able to handle things later better, also why jump to 3rd grade?

>cherry picking

yeah and theres some 5 year olds that know what sex is

You called a tech over that? He was obviously wrong, like I said those search terms are clearly being used to dodge filters.
>like every 8 year old girl

I'm not cherrypicking kids in 3rd grade know what it is, especially these days. I'm not sure what kind of upbringing you had or how old you are but that's silly as fuck.

are you a parent?

kids at that age like to try new things when they find out about them, theyre adventurous.

yes because for one, google shouldnt be pandering sex to kids, and 2 it wsnt by the filter, and they should add new rules to it.

some do, most dont. im 30 and grew up in fucking commiefornia, we had our sex ed in 5th/6th grade

Adding new rules to a filter sounds lot easier than it is. They could fuck up all kinds of legit search terms making filters as strict as you puritans want them.

Get her an iPhone or something, App Store is more tame and controlled if you really can't handle the slight bit more freedom Google affords on their App Store.

This also in no way means Google is "pandering" to those search terms. They are just popular search terms that dodge filters.

>some do most don't

You're fucking deluded man. Sorry but seriously, no two ways about it.

I was homeschooled and I'm in my 20s I knew about it when I was 7 or 8 easily.

With all the Internet we have these days especially if you think they don't know at that age you're just being willfully ignorant.

you forget this is google were talking about, they can do something about it.

she has an ipad, and i already secured the android i let her use, and put a rat on it just in case, but im not letting her use it right now

i agree to an extent, i was masturbating at 8, but my daughter and her friends and cousin dont know what sex is,
she knows about "humping making babies" because our dogs.

they do go to a wealthy school, but i dunno, maybe its the father in me closing my eyes

regardless, its not just 8 year olds that can see it so its technically a moot point.

i see it as just making kids more curious starting the whole "process" early, and i believe its a parents job to teach sex ed when the child starts getting curious or before jr high

pic kinda related

forgot link

i disagree, they can filter exact matches only when the need pops up

sex ed to me, is all of sex ed why teach a 8 year old who doesnt know what intercourse is about it piqueing their curiosity?

teach them what they need to know due to their curiosity

forgot to add that age appropriate is teaching a kid where people shouldnt touch them when they are self aware enough, and so on

