Why do Christweenies put their religion before their race and country?

Why do Christweenies put their religion before their race and country?

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Because we were here before the country existed

because politics came from religion.
slide thread saged reported hidden kill yourself FA GGOT

Collectivist resentment against Americans like all of the other losers in history


Depends which country you're talking about.

Because you wanna kill your own soul and that's nobody's problem but your own


Because we put our trust in the God of the universe instead of a bunch of corrupt homos sitting in a big circlejerk making laws to fuck us all?

Because God is above all petty things

Its a last stand kind of thing.
If they don't do something bold then they're going to get walked over by democrats.

Because Christianity is a Jewish invention that keeps whites submissive. It's literally a memetic parasite to extract empathy and as a result of that resources out of whites.



So do Progressives.

Ever hear the term God and country? Notice how God comes first, only cucks like you would put a country run by liberal faggots who hate you before God. We need another Crusade

Name one thing the current Pope did, that wasn't anti-white.

>one nation UNDER GOD

The Church is in a Nadir, everyone who cares knows it. People are mistaken to think the Church controls people, it offers a path and warns of the dangers of leaving the path but the realit is the Church NEEDS it's flcok to have strength and integrity.

The reason the Church is failing is because it's children have abandoned it for shiny things and empty promises.

God *needs* us and from this we are saved by his approval and justification.

Probably because their country put savage heretics before their race and religion.

>The flag of San Sebastian

But why?

>36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Note the order. You can't love your neighbor (or country, or whatever) until you love God. Also race is a Darwinian construct that has nothing to do with Christianity.

Because Fundies are Zionist stooges that secretly hate America and only care about the preservation of Israel. Washington would look down on them.


I never said it controls people. But which path exactly does the church promote through the Pope?

Speeding up divorces

Promoting influx of people who actively kill Christians in the middle East

Deminishing whatever it stands for by saying other semitic sects, namely Islam, are equal.

The current Pope is just an extreme. Ratzinger was a little less degenerate, but your beloved Johannes Paul II. was as bad as the communist you currently have.

No you weren't. How old are you exactly? I doubt you're over 15. So how exactly were you here before the country?

Freud warned me about you

And you cucks are importing thousands of refugees and adopting nigger babies to virtue signal now.
Nu-Christians are worse than SJW cucks

Next crusade when?

>God *needs* us
An omnipotent being needs mortals? Stupid kike deity.

>Some guy

Taking the opinion of a Rich Jewish Suicide over a text that's endured for thousands of years.


you takes your choice you pays your money. Take your time bud, Through ups and downs(the present) the Church will Always be there despite the best efforts of career politicians, the University system and Zionist Jews.

BLM has done far worse.
Muslims have done far worse.


There are no Virtues in this profane reality. It is *US* who bring them into God's Creation and it is WHY we exist, it is our PURPOSE and gives meaning to our lives.


It's the final few moments of this clip that illustrate it well.

Dang, the printer for US flags is out of ink.

As if "it existed for X years" was an argument.

Are you saying that 5 minutes after Jesus' resurrection your faith was BS, because it hasen't clocked in 2k years yet?

Or how is being old an argument for your faith but not for, say Hinduism or Zarathustraism?

Anyway, enjoy your Jewish mind control, but don't cry later about it. You have been warned.

Because it is more important than race and country. Why the fuck do you think.


fuck off then, or don't. idgaf. I'm not Jesus and I can just as happily tell you to go swivel. If you want an argument about this go find another dumbass looking for an argument on the internet.

They're considered heretical by all of the major churches, and are jew loving faggots.
Unlike some denominations of christianity, there would be nothing wrong with exterminating them.


Jesus said My Kingdom is not of this world.

and " be in the world not of the world.

Because God is beyond the state. It goes in this order faith family folk. If you don't put morality first the rest of it falls apart. Anyway their protestants they have all way been anti authority cucks. But like all things in the modern world its weakening. The Church will change when the men do. The Church has been replaced with the school and God has been put on the back burner. So then the Church is left to degenerate.