Why do people still get angry with Germany about its past crimes? They're all in the past and Germany apologized...

Why do people still get angry with Germany about its past crimes? They're all in the past and Germany apologized. Why don't people leave them alone? They've been nice for a while now.


fuck g*rms

>german crimes happened in the past and are not relevant
>btw remember slavery from hundreds of years ago? yeah that still relevant


fuck g*rms

*angry british typing*

>They've been nice for a while now.

It'd be okay if they weren't trying to turn the EU into a nation under the control of them, France, and Belgium.

>someone raped my daughters, wife and a dog and burned my house afterwards yesterday
>hey let's forgive him because he has no desire to do it today

They ruined Europe. Thrice.
Fuck the g*erms

His grandfather was evil so he must be evil too

Just thrice?

g*Rmans never change. different ideology, same way of executing it.


>literally hundreds of millions

why are they allowed to get away with it?

merkel makes it worse

It's funny, as about hitler. Do you read about eastern front? Or exUSSR-nations now is Anglo-Saxons?

Who's unironically mad at Germany for tehir past crimes?

kys world

You know, it is people like you who make me wish that we actually were like you think we are.

No it is never enough. Because we apologized once, people will never stop, because they know that there will be no backlash, we will just continue to apologize. Just like the fat kid that gets bullied in school. Until the day when he lashes out and just kills some motherfuckers. And then they will say "See, told you so, Germans never change!" Great self-fulfilling prophecy everybody seems eager to build up.

>You know, it is people like you who make me wish that we actually were like you think we are.
You are. You're not fooling anyone.


You mean me, personally? Yes, I hate you fucking poles. You take our money, you complain, you let the land of our fathers rot. You are a backwards shithole. You hated the jews as much as we did - otherwise the holocaust would never have worked. You were willing accomplices, yet you were never put on the spot for your crimes. You are lazy, arrogant and entitled slav-garbage - you are on the same tier as maghreb niggers or isis pisslamists. And I am not memeing, either. Sadly, most germans don't think this - otherwise your country would have been partitioned again for the - what? fourth time? fifths? My only hope is that when the EU finally dies, it takes you with it. Now you can have a good laugh that you managed to get under my skin.

You clueless piece of incel shit.

I would fucking kill you with my own hands for lying.

Oh, don't like it? Well guess what, I don't fucking care. Your country wasn't even a country for twohundred years. Keep being toilet cleaners you fucking mongrels. You will never achieve anything ever again. That's why you are so jealous.

I would kill you with my own hands just for existing, how is that? Keep believing your lies, your country is just there for the gibs, and we are so stupid that we pay it - but hey, we have enough money, we don't even care. We could buy your whole country if there was anything worth paying for.

why you allow to be bullied?

insert picture of funny black man eating popcorn

Please be nice to us.

We lost 2 world wars, and 70 years of indoctrination

I'm hurt to see how your culture are trampled by refugees and your silence.