Scientists dismiss god

>According to the poll, just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically, 33% of scientists say they believe in God, while 18% believe in a universal spirit or higher power. By contrast, 95% of Americans believe in some form of deity or higher power, according to a survey of the general public conducted by the Pew Research Center in July 2006. Specifically, more than eight-in-ten Americans (83%) say they believe in God and 12% believe in a universal spirit or higher power.

Over 90% of children are brought up theists in USA today, yet only 33% remain believing in God as they become older and eventually become scientists. This makes sense since science is about reason and logic, where as religion is about fairytales and magic.

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>over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power

so they dont dismiss it

reported the scientists for Islamophobia :^)

you again, you're the faggot that posted this identical bullshit at 5 am and got btfo fuck off Ahmed probably still watched the matrix though.

>The belief that there was something then suddenly an explosion appeared from out of nowhere and made everything after that.
>And are autistic.
>Makes perfect sense.

Agnostic master race reporting in.

>sweden rejects christ and is surprised to find that his country his full of godless cucks

>a cry for help

FFS read the Bible with an open mind and *feel* it expand as you assimilate Reality into your world view.

I'd like to see what the figures are for real scientists i.e. physicists

maybe you just haven't found God yet

Agnostics belief that as well
In fact there is no difference between agnostics and atheists

What's up? I hope there's a God though.

Atheist = No
Agnostic = I don't know
Theist = Yes

>Agnostics don't know their own beliefs

These guys sound like retards to me.

Make this poll somewhere else than the US and you'll probably get below 10%

>don't know their own beliefs
I believe god might or might not exist.

>I believe god might or might not exist.
So does richard dawkins

What's your point?

>find that his country his full of godless cucks
no not reall, must niggers believe in god (christianity or islam)'

also, christianity is a jewish construct

Agnostics dont't believe God exists, just like atheists
Agnosticism is invented to put a different label on atheism because atheism has negative connotations in america

>tries to tell it like it is
>doesn't actually know how it is

You stupid fucking frog.

>That pic

But, that's completely wrong. Nice strawman, dumbfuck.

Why do you think you know the mind of every Agnostic? Many believe that there is or might be some sort of God.

>Atheist = No
>Agnostic = I don't know
Its the same thing. Atheism isn't the belief of no god, the the lack of belief of a god. There could be one, could not, either way, an atheist doesn't believe it so.

Your country is dirt poor.... I've seen your country and I'd pick sweden over poland any day of the week

>So does richard dawkins
Source please.
>let me tell you about your believes
You're one stupid toothpaste.

I truly can't handle the everything has to have a beginning paradox.

Both atheism and theism don't give me the answer i seek.

If god is real, how did god start?
If something like the big bang is real, how did it come into being?

"science" and "reason"

Also wrong

We believe that there's no way to neither prove nor disprove god, therefore we don't want to take part of an autistic everlasting discussion.

I do hope there's a heaven with a good god though.

Yes it's true. Poland is poor in portable property but there is a faith here tempered, hardened by terrible adversity. The West has had it too soft for too long.

Deny me if you can

>Both atheism and theism don't give me the answer i seek.
Because we don't have an answer. Would you really rather a made up answer than just saying you don't know?

Lol, yet all of the scientist that actually did shit, Newton, Einstein, etc, believed in a God. Just because some random scientist that studies the natural breeding habits of a fucking beaver or something doesn't believe in God, doesn't mean he has not authority on the matter than a programmer or someone else.

>Dismiss God
>Become a degenerate
It's almost like that's a mere (((coincidence))) :^)

Your a dumbass.

We have our phase right now, we will get rid of the niggers and keep advancing. Don't mistake me for ur white brother, slavshit

>Because we don't have an answer. Would you really rather a made up answer than just saying you don't know?

If somebody could make up an answer that made sense, I would believe it.

I think it's the kind of question where there cannot be a sensible answer..... so if there were one, I would be ready to believe it.

>Belief that there was nothing and then suddenly Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins appeared from out of nowhere and made up a story to explain how they got there.

>And hates Trump.

>Makes perfect sense.

niggers aren't the ones that let the niggers and muslims in

that would be the (((atheists))) and (((neo-pagans)))

>We believe that there's no way to neither prove nor disprove god, therefore we don't want to take part of an autistic everlasting discussion.

Dawkins also is in that camp. He believes that he can never be 100% certain that god doesn't exist.

That's not true. Agnostics don't "believe" anything. They realize that they are ignorant, like everyone else, so the don't even bother with believing. Atheist "believe", religious people " believe", agnostics just say they don't know.

>Brings up very few scientist who lived a couple hundred years ago
>Doesn't even know Einstein wasn't a real believer

Explain Gallileo and Coppernicus to me then? Challenged the church because they were COMPLETLY wrong and then get prosecuted? We can bring up examples all day long, problem for you is that you will run out of them quite a bit faster than me


>The White Race


>13.772 aeons after big bang
>there are still ""people"" who think this universe was created by some omnipotent bearded faggot in the sky 6000 years ago

So? The problem is still the niggers, not the people letting them in retard

Given how America has a poor grasp of Christianity generally and the west generally struggles to even get out the classical arguments for theistic thought I'd have to say this is pointless and is trying to make too sweeping a claim than its capable of.

That is generally how I see the word being used.
In any case, how do you consider "you can't know" a serious statement?
There is no way to know the existence of anything

Scientism, a religion practiced by people who love science! but aren't scientists

>tfw too intelligent to believe in God

Galileo still believed in God, and Copernicus never denied God. They just challenged the church. And the church didn't even go after Galileo because he was making scientific discoveries, they just went after him because he started shit with other scientist that made everyone look bad. Granted, the church shouldn't have authority over science, but times were different. And acting like denying the church = denying a God is a massive logical leap.

Believing and not knowing can coexist

Nah, the problem is Europe not having balance and now we're seriously looking at another purge where "white people' will once again go on another murderous rampage killing one another with industrial efficiency and paradoxical savagery.

I'm sure if you actually read up a little bit on those guys you'll see the answer is a bit more nuanced than that, dummy.


>all of the scientist that actually did shit, Newton, Einstein, etc, believed in a God
That is simply not true. Dirac for example was a hard core fedora tipper

you're just apologists. Just admit the church was wrong there and move on, seriously nobody except christians today believe the shit you are saying right now

OK I'll rephrase what I said. The agnostics don't even try to believe. They make no effort to be an atheist or to be a theist. They are in a state of indifference. So they are different than atheist or theist.

>people arguing about irrelevant shit like who supported what to make a view seem more reasonable
>hardly a person discussing the actual details of the views

It can also be rephrased as "they dont give a fuck", rather than being "ignorant"

Nope. You have internet, read a little. Don't worry, learning won't rot your mind. Have fun!

Yes I feel the same. I wish I was born in a village or a small town with strong religious beliefs. Being this sceptic is pure shit. I don't have faith or way to go anywhere.

Well I'm not defending the church. I'm just saying that the church at the time did not do what most people think it did. Whether it is right or wrong is up to you. And you didn't even address the point that denying the church isn't the same as denying God, which is what my core argument is about.


>They are in a state of indifference
So are atheists I think. If you don't really have an opinion on god and if you really think about it then most likely you don't really believe he exists
Atheism is a state of neutrality while theism is an actual believe; atheism is the null hypothesis

You are free to believe in a higher deity. The problem is that religious people, specifically christians and muslims, are trying to enforce their own laws and rules so that the rest of us who dont believe also have to follow them. That is the core issue. If you in the privacy of your own home want to believe in the flying spaghetti monster, be my guest.


So bread made it self it did not need a creator?

Christian heavy nations tend to be better about keeping the cancer out than atheist majority. I'd rather Christians than a whole bunch of Muslims or liberal atheists.

Then you'd rather not have your iPhone, internet, car, electricity and waterpiping aswell?

Nigger please

Well I thought we were arguing on whether scientists believing in God matters or not, but since I backed you into a corner your trying to use the whole " you believe what you want to" thing. So I guess whatever, I agree with you, even though you never gave a counter point to my original argument.

I'm surprised the number is even that high considering such a belief is inherently unscientific.

Are you stupid or something or baiting

Except science has literally nothing to do with believing in God or not. Many scientists still do believe in a higher power (it's in the fucking OP).
It's about morality and values that are stronger in Christians than atheists.
You don't have to be Christian to be moral, but their moral views tend to be stronger and less swaying.

t. Ex-atheist

We never argued that, but if you want an answer to the question you just posed, sure.

Who are the people who advance society? Who innovate? Who makes life better for all of us? You guessed it, scientists. If we see a certain trend amongst scientists, do you not think they are onto something, seeing as they are smarter than the rest of us? If most scientists dismiss god, is that not something to care about, or an indicator of sorts? I'd argue it is

>Ugh cant come up with a counterpoint, what do it do
>"Are you stupid or something or baiting"

well a universe created it self is also unscientific.

Except no sofisticated scientist is saying that.. We simply don't know, but we know the answer is related to the big bang, (which happened billions of years ago, as opposed to 6000 years ago)

>Doesn't even notice the pic.

You must be retarded.

I linked you a picture with christian scientific progress you have no counter point sven

>christian scientific progress
Conflict of interest detected.

>implying seeds and yeast created themselves
Aaaand we're back where we started. Nice try though (not really).

Lol, thats like saying anarcho socialism. Nigga they are different things. The bible is stale and cant be changed. science is constantly evolving

That the earth is 6000 years old is just ameme

>Implying science isn't further proof of God's existence

What is penroses number for 2000



Atheism should have a pre-school education requirement before one is allowed to open their mouth

Pew is the very biased against religion so called "research" center.

"With over US $5 billion in assets, its stated mission is to serve the public interest by "improving public policy, informing the public, and stimulating civic life"

Congratulations your a fucking liberal.

>statistics dont fit my agenda waaaaaah
grow up faggot, religion is like santa. its meant for kids.

>God doesn't hate
good luck defending that


Literally coinflip odds. 51% is very far from accepting a hypothesis

Not just that, since 95% of kids are brought up theists, that just bolsters the numbers even more, since we all know its harder to dismiss a concept you've been brought up with than a concept you've just recently been exposed to


>>grow up faggot, religion is like santa. its meant for kids.
Get mad swede.
HA its sucks your country is becoming an islamic country.
i'll pray for your kids hoping they don't convert and marry a muzzie.

But i guess thats the consequences for leaving Christianity for liberalism.

Sad really but you will be in the history books about being once a great white country.

>You follow a jewish religion and are shocked SHOCKED that jews take over the West
Such a surprise! Who could ever have predicted this?!

If there is a god it is clearly not the god described in Abrahamic religions. The Abrahamic faiths are probably the worst thing human imagination can ever come up with. If there are intelligent lifeforms out there and they are aware of us they are probably laughing their ass off thinking how most humans follow abrahamic religions.

>If there is a god it is clearly not the god described in Abrahamic religions.

>aliens are God