Why do northern european women like kebab men so much?

Why do northern european women like kebab men so much?

Don't get me wrong. They don't like recent refugees or crazy islamists. Obviously.

But if you show them a sociable kebab guy with a nice career/home/car and a white guy with all the same things, they will take the kebab.

because women didn't evolve to have brains -- they're sheep that need to be led, and Northern European men grew sort because of liberalism, now the women are wandering looking for a new shepherd

*grew soft

Darker men have slightly more testosterone and women are subconsciously drawn to that.

Women crave social status. Social status is influenced by the media. (((Media))) shows kebab men as exotic and "in" right now (in euro I imagine, in US it's blacks). If you own a kebab bf, you get bonus virtue signalling points on social media.

To piss off daddy and satisfy their liberal leanings. Its usually the young socialist sluts who do that sort of thing.

>sharper facial features/more testosterone
>more manly/uncompromisable
>not an autist
>has a social life
>works out
>likes to travel/is generally not as "bland" or "boring" cause muh exotic culture
>they have big dicks
>they know how to fuck/muh rape fantasy
>they will never divorce you if you marry them

It's the female version of a Thai whore (pic related). People like things that are exotic and unusual and (if they can) they will fuck that.

that guy doesn't even look kebab

I've never seen a sandnigger with that nose shape

he's probably Italian or spanish you memelord

>they have big dicks
arabs are approx. .5" smaller on avg than europeans so stop making up arguments

He's an Iranian model, sorry pablo

Doesn't matter if they are big/small. The rumor is enough to attract bitches.

Asian bitches aren't "tighter" either, but they're small so people think they are and boom.. You fuck em.

kebabs don't have big dicks or sharp facial features

Oh look, ANOTHER one of these threads.

>Make false assertion i.e. Why do northern european women like kebab men so much?
>Start "discussion"

You aren't fooling anyone you cunt. Another screen cap for the collection.

The same reason kebab women like white guys. It's new, it's different and exotic to them. How hard is that to understand?

>inb4 kebab women don't like european guys

You can't compete with Alladin. Even if he has a small dick.

Your such a fucking cuck Sven.

Mediterraneans are aesthetic as fuck.

because european women are garbage..

eurasian race is the future OP

they like attractive kebabs

However they don't like the refugees as they are universalyl scrawny manlets with no money, future or status. They only cheer to them as virtue signalling

Not true at all.
What you mean are italians or maybe spaniards.
German women are disgusted by mudslimes

Lel you wish sandnigger

it is a meme-

>citation needed
Prove it, faggot. All I see is you making up some bullshit to justify your cuck fantasies.

Iranians and Turks (as much as I hate to admit it) are not the same as Arabs.

I feel sorry for Arabs becuase generations of inbreeding have wrecked their genetics.

Some Iranians,Turks,Kurds, Levantines, Allawites and Berbers can still be considered white.