Have you noticed lately the influx of anti-Trump shills on Sup Forums?
Most certainly these are paid shills, part of Shillary's meme division, being paid off by Soros and the globalists.
Why do you fuckers keep bumping their posts?
>What do?
Have you noticed lately the influx of anti-Trump shills on Sup Forums?
Most certainly these are paid shills, part of Shillary's meme division, being paid off by Soros and the globalists.
Why do you fuckers keep bumping their posts?
>What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's fun to abuse the mentally-hill.
There's nothing to talk about faggot your retarded candidate is to blame for axing his own foot. All the intellectual families and people of morals and ethics have left trump, the only people remaining now are virgins & neckbeards of Sup Forums with zero life experiece. Fuck off
It's actually because a good portion of the posters here aren't just edgy teenagers. Many of us take this election seriously and have realized Hillary is the most qualified and level headed candidate to hold the highest office. This election is not a joke and we need to make some common sense changes to this nation.
>Most certainly these are paid shills
the fact that most of these squishy face retards actually believe this is true
Fuck off arab
this is an advanced shill thread, impressed
gtfo spic
Look guys, there is no CTR here. We are all good friends. Shills are not real. Hillary is objectively better. #ImWithHer