Can you help me find a 2008-2011 3d animated kids movie?

Can you help me find a 2008-2011 3d animated kids movie?

I remember it was on the news for being "worst box office failure in history" and the news also said it was "worst animated movie ever"

All I can remember it was made by some unknown studio and characters were pretty much flying geometrical blobs like squares and balls and one of the characters looked something like pic related, a crappy 3d model of flying manta ray.

The film also seemed to be aimed at very young kids

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thanks, but this wasn't it. The animation looked like 1000 times cheaper than delgo. If I remember correctly it was just simple blobs that take 5 minutes to model, floating over coloured backgrounds


not that either. The characters had no face nor limbs and were just abstract floating shapes. I remember how the news article doubted that the whole film was just money-laundering scheme, similar accusations which were aimed against foodfight

Hmmm, Im interested now. Have you looked through here to see if any title jumps out?
Or maybe the animated bits from After Last Season?

I don't know if any of those fit all your criteria but I hope it helped.

Problem Child 2

The oogie loves were not animated...

but I figured I would mention it. Idk.

This oogie movie did feature some cgi. Cgi done at a spiderman homecoming sort of level.

What country was it from?

Its very likely the film was not american at all. It makes searching it far more difficult.

Lots of pastel colours and weird flying shapes.. pic related is the style i'd describe the film, it was clearly aimed at younger kids who are not in school yet

Titan AI?

nope, promotion video in the news article didn't have any distinguishable humanoid characters, only flying "things" which were clearly chosen for characters because they were easy and fast to animate

Oogieloves. It wasn't animated but it was labeled the worst box office disaster of all time by many.

Start looking.

I'm curious.

damn, no luck yet. Though i'm pretty sure it would be on that list because I read about it on finnish news site back then, so at least the film company tried to get their animation to international distribution. I think its very likely it was european or asian film

Are you sure this movie actually exists and you didn't just see it in a dream or alternate timeline?


Yeah, i'm sure it exists. I remember my dad cracking up how bad the animation was when he saw it on that webpage. I went to see what was so funny and saw that shitty manta-thing on the trailer.

Another thing is if it ever got published but I figure it was out because the news article was bashing it real hard

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