ISIS just lost 2 of their major cities and dozens of names of infiltrated operatives in Europe trough Libya has fallen in intelligence agencies hands.
They can't announce two strategic losses in a single day. They need a revenge strike quickly to reaffirm their power.
My prediction: they will activate an Emni cell to stage a Paris-style attack this evening or tomorrow, probably using the burned "Libyan" operatives.
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Most of their "operatives" so far have been lone retards allahu akbaring while waving a dildo around.
They don't have dozens of Paris style operations just waiting to be triggered, you're really overestimating these dune coons.
both Paris and Bruseles attacks weren't lone wolf attacks
They have hundreds of operatives in France and Belgium alone.
The lone wolves are retards triggered by online propaganda, you can't say that about the single Paris-Bruxelles cell
Exactly my thoughts.
First you have to sift through hundreds and hundreds of retards to actually find a mega mongo ready to crazy shit.
When push coems to shove, you'd better hope your mega mongo is ready to go.
I see it like they are activating 100 super tards and hope that maybe one or two actually does something.
Their recruiting hasn't exactly been trending recently either. ISIS is fading.
The attack will be in Israel. (/sarcasm)
>Harry Sarfo, a former IS group militant who travelled from Germany to Syria in 2015, told the NYT that hundreds of Emni recruits had “definitely” returned to Europe to carry out attacks.
>Describing an encounter with a masked member of the special unit, Sarfo said: “He was speaking openly about the situation, saying that they have loads of people living in European countries and waiting for commands to attack the European people. (…) And that was before the Brussels attacks, before the Paris attacks.”
>The 27-year-old said several recruits in the UK and Germany had “chickened out” before carrying out attacks. However, they had plenty of volunteers to attack France.
>“My friend asked them about France,” Sarfo said. “And they started laughing. But really serious laughing, with tears in their eyes. They said, ‘Don’t worry about France.’ ‘Mafi mushkilah’ — in Arabic, it means ‘no problem.’”
>That conversation, the NYT added, took place in April 2015, seven months before jihadist militants killed 130 people in coordinated attacks on several Paris night spots on November 13.
This was ages ago ffs
Muslems I know are all good guys I swear on me mums crumpets
Yeah, they and the Nice attacks are the only serious ones they've managed.
If they had attacks planned they'd have already triggered them. They can't afford to plan attacks and then just sit on them for months.
You are viewing ISIS in the exact way they want you to. They are not as organised as you imagine them to be.
you should know by now that 'isis' is islam. All sunni muslims are potential isis foot-soldiers.