Why do so many prisoners turn muslim while they're incarcerated?

Why do so many prisoners turn muslim while they're incarcerated?

Islam is a way to justify their antisocial behavior. They can say they raped a kid, beat their wife, killed an infidel, or whatever, because their religion glorifies it.

The jail has to provide you Religious rights, typically including group prayer without guards watching you.
Just a loop hole that prisoners abuse. But once you sign on with a jail gang you're with that gang for life.

Because muslims harass you until you convert.

Been to state prison
>sold drugs did three 3 years
it's a gang weak nigger join get fucked by stronger niggers that run muslim crew and then hit the weight pit become strong muslim that fucks and protects new weak niggers
the sad thing is I saw white muslims and they all tended to be gingers I don't know why
It did make me sick though

For the food. Watch the second episode of "The Night Of".

Because Islam promotes homosexuality. The majority of men in Saudi experience their first sexual experience with a man, since women are hidden away and you can only fuck them when you marry.

How much drugs did you sell?
How did you avoid getting raped?
Did you join the AB?

muslims go to jail convert people , christians dont go to jail

simple logic

Because they need something to cling on to make them believe they can make up for their crimes. Most come out Christian but some who are already Christian may look for another religion, though most just fall for the "Born Again" meme.

Niggers convert to protect themselves from being killed by others after they commit homosexual acts in prison.

Source:I have a lot of friends that went to prison. All say the same regardless of race, one buddy came out Muslim and first thing he did was bang a tranny

It's a set of commands to control people.

Verbal and Non-Verbal signals to indicate threats and rewards.

because it's the only thing muslims talk about, their faith and convincing people that's it's the only reasonable thing to believe. expose the (usually bored and looking for a talk) prisoner to this over and over again and you get your convert

with little hope and self esteem people can be made to believe anything. Imagine you would be isolated from the outside world and only reseive information from one source, you could even start liking Hitler lol :D

Probably not to get raped in prison.

>why do niggers convert to islam in prison?
It's their first exposure to any form of civilization.

In the BURGER SYSTEM you dont get raped ok
In GB jails you go Muslim you get attacked every day as a white guy Fact !

When these dogs get armored up, do they feel more badass than usual? Do they feel special when they cross civilian dogs while on duty in uniform?

Its the same with Christianity and other religions
Criminals want to believe some divine being will absolve them of their guilt

Take a closer look, I think its a guy doing cosplay as a cop 'searching' a biker pug

Damn I thought it was a badass police dog about to patrol for drugs

I did too until I looked at it again
Guy's too scrawny to be a cop