>the latest episode is LITERALLY him hacking trump's tax returns
>the latest episode is LITERALLY him hacking trump's tax returns
And? What did they find?
this thread again?
no one cares user
Bullshit he'd sue them for a million sheks
That show sucks anyway, so, cool I guess
That whole "Oh no, they're hacking our daisey-chained-servers, is autistic hacker kid skilled enough to save us before they hack the last server!?!" moment in the first episode was so cringey I had to give up on the show entirely.
Fedora the Show.
Mr. Normie
How is he hacking trump, I missed the reference
you posted this yesterday, and it was stupid then. pleb.
This never happened.
Watch this show, so you can see through the lies being made up about this show.
Incidentally, the last episode was top shelf.
yeah I liked this shit for about 1 minute, I watched all the episodes til now, its kind of retarded for quite a few reasons but my biggest fuck you moment was when it basically became of nerd version of fight club, only elliot/mr robot was tyler durden.
>make boring and shit show
>spam it on sites which wouldnt like such a show even if it was good
ayyy, good job moron
this. Dropped it after the first season because it was so poorly done.
The idea that a gamma like Tyrell could ever choke someone to death is laughable.
watched the first episode, it referred to some company as evil corp, the MC was a nihilistic autistic degenerate "muh hoodie" douche, I figured it was probably marketed towards enraged leftists and edgy teens, never watched it again
I need to correct the record. Sup Forums doesn't know kino so they're not qualified to discuss this show. Also, it takes place in 2015 and they hadn't announced Trump's presidency yet.
the show is unrealistic The only realistic part in last episode was a white male getting sent to hospital by a nigger.
Its a good show
People are lying about the content
Elliot is taking on Globalist that meet at Bohemian Grove type place at the end of season one
Last episode was a throw back in the style of "Full House" Sitcom as plot device.
They use Kali Linux for the "Hacking" which tends to be more social engineering and the code is mostly spot on.
I watch minimal TV (2-4 hours a week) but I watch this show
>I watch minimal TV
>But I got sucked into the "Mr. Robot isn't for normies" maymay
>Its a good show
What's the matter user?
Are you still butthurt about Angela sleeping with a nigger?
You poor thing.
>tfw asked if I'm butthurt about some reference I don't even about
couldnt get into this show after the first 3 episodes.. stranger things was the tits though
Wow, how come anybody is watching this shit. I could barely finish the first episode.
Jimmy Hoffa
For a show getting less viewers than qvc... That was a mistake.
The writer/director hasn't had a original thought in his life. Basic cable tv writer who sucks at film.
Le Mr. Reddit
It's a cool show. The faggotry here is epic. Edgelords of the contrarian
kind of this, i did stick with it though, it isn't bad, its like shit hacker story meets fight club.. its kind of annoying, but for some reason I did watch all of the first seams.
I started to watch the second season but USA's site streams like shit for me and I don't care enough to find a better source.
The show is alright. I forgive it for the cringe moments cuz I like to see the hacker roleplay.
Also Sup Forums forgot that the big bad guy is a Chinese State Minister who moonlights as the crossdressing leader of the biggest hacker cartel.
>mfw Elliot calls him "she" automatically when they meet for the first time
No it wasn't. It was an homage to 'very special episodes' of sitcoms, and had him mostly in a hospital or locked in a basement while having wild delusions.
And Alf was there.
Hey if there's a leader of a hacker cartel willing to help me and a few chumps in a Coney Island arcade take down the equivalent of Enron, I'd call them whatever the fuck they wanted to be called.
>Low energy show
>Shows Jeb!'s rally
No wonder why.
A terrible show.
But he called White Rose "her" while thinking to himself.
Because a normal autistic kid would never hesitate on what pronouns to use the first time they meet a trap. Just pointing out the pc in the show.
Season 2 Episode 2 - major character gets shot in gay bar right after being labeled a "crisis actor". Next scene, shot of phone, date on display: June 12 2016. There are loads of little touches like this, it's a good show.
>had him mostly in a hospital or locked in a basement while having wild delusions
zzzzz. damn this show just gets shittier. i stopped watching 20 minutes into the first episode because I could see the acting was so poor they were going to need to jump the shark every week to keep people interested. The plot device of "is he hallucinating or not?? he's too wooden an actor to tell..." has been played out since 6th sense.
It's almost pathetic how obviously this show was marketed to the 4chinz crowd.
Fuck that desktop triggers me. I'm guessing this guy doesn't have OCD like most burnout hackers
kike show
You don't understand what OCD is.
Is this some sort of bizarre marketing scheme?
All shows are kike shows you fucking braindead retarded fuckstick.
wtf i hate mr Robot now
this shit show got awards and shit... still can't believe it
jesus christ who has ever used the actual front page of Sup Forums
>tfw no furry board
Lots of people. Stop being retarded. I know it's difficult for you.
What did you expect?
You think jews are going to fund a show that undermines their influence?
Are you joking? Kikes could literally make a show "based on true events" about the Holocaust being a lie and no one would fucking bat an eyelash.
Showrunner did his research... but still fell flat I think.
>(((Guy who is implying mental illness are categorical like viruses and bacteria)))
I notice you're using gnome
>all shows are kike shows
good try kike
Nigga, this QT is Egyptian
It was pitched to USA as fight club meets hackers.
It's a disorder. Do you know what a disorder is? It's a thing that makes living basic life very difficult because your disorder keeps you constantly distracted. People who are organized don't typically have OCD.
You don't have OCD if you look at a picture of pencils neatly arranged next to eachother with one out of place and get upset about the out of place one. That's not what that is. Learn things. Stop being dumb.
Name a show that isn't a kike show.
When did that happen? I don't remember Angela being a coalburner
She sits down at a bar, all glum, then some happy nigger sits down next to her, they share a look, then it cuts to her getting out of a bed at night with nigger under the sheets still.
Incredibly vomit inducing.
Win Ben Stein's Money
The Goldbergs
>not kike
Am I being trolled?
The show wants us to like an insane drug adict, and tries to be cool over the top.
Imho it jumped the shark when he realize his father was...
>rami malek
fucking croats shitposting again
Could only get through the first 2 episodes. Main character is cliched and the plot is a wet dream for berntards with v for vendetta delusions.
Seriously, wiping out everyone's digital debt will solve everything? Fucking idiocy.
Feel like a faggot for liking this show yeah it has its really retarded moments and cringe but I can't help but love the cinematography and the music choices which is a joy to watch regardless
>In4 watch GoT fagit
>watch GoT
Don't. It's just HBO's fanfic at this point. Wait for the lich to roll out with another book sometime in the next century.
Is this a bad show like GoT is a 'bad show' or is it actually bad?
It's probably shit, I imagine its just a 'serious' version of TBBT.