/pol's opinion on Ben Shapiro

/pol's opinion on Ben Shapiro

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A guy who tried to be based but succumbed to his inner Jew in the end.

A great ally on most issues, especially all things social, but ultimately is a racist and traitor due to his fanatical support of Israel above the best interests of the American people.

Basically this -


Jewish manlet

I love him he also made me love Jews and Israel
A bit of sperg though

Well he is jewish


The Ben we once knew is still in there, buried under the huge stacks of money given to him by the #nevertrump campaign.
Maybe one day he'll come back.

High functioning autism.

Jews Rock

The Ben we once knew died inside when Michele Fields was brutally attacked by the savage Lewandowski

Hey isn't it that little Jewish boy who married Michelle fields and lived happily ever after

He let it slip that he's a Jewish supremacist in his last podcast. He's the type of Jew that thinks you can't convert to Judaism and you have to be born of a female Jew, which would be fine if we wasn't so hypocritical when other groups are racist. I can't respect him after the Michelle Fields thing either. He's knew it was bullshit but he kept pushing it because he hated Trump. That's the type of shit that leftists do, they always take a stupid little event and blow it up into something it's not in order to take down their opponents. It's why I despise them.

Devote orthodox Jews are supposed to be loyal to Israel first, and I even heard a Jewish radio show where a rabbi questioned him about this and he was very evasive. I'm only half remembering it but I got the feeling that he didn't want to publicly say he was Israel first.

i agree on everything except abortion.

Like all neocons, belongs in the oven.




He has gotten repeatedly and brutally blown the fuck out by Vox Day:


best thing that happened to US politics
>redpills normies on leftist bullshit
>redpills rightwingers on kike bullshit

He looks like that one little girl who cusses in her youtube videos.

And why would he disavow Trump then who is by far the most Jewish pro Israel candidate?


Why do you have stars?

>Britain is utterly dominated by the left

Shouting loud doesn't mean you're dominating.

how have i not noticed that he wears that stupid hat in every picture? what a faggot

more like Binned Shitqueero am i right

because I BTFO'd CTR shills and admins gave me internet points

Oh shut up. Trump doesn't know anything about Israel nor does he care to. The man said he would neutral on the Israel Palestine debate which means he's stupid or doesn't know anything. There's nothing wrong with that but don't pretend he's something he's not.

"Racists deserve to be hunted down and their lives destroyed" - Shapiro


>He let it slip that he's a Jewish supremacist in his last podcast
Source and time?

Shit dude, that's gay, but cool at the same time.

He's a big guy


It was at the end when he was doing the mailbag

There are more of us? I'm only at 2 stars. I just began a month ago. You're an inspiration to us all, brother.

He literally said Israel shouldn't stop building in the West Bank settlements, he called Iran which is Israels primary enemy now after Saddam is gone - thanks to you "securing the realm" - the number one terror state. (It isn't.) And if he becomes president that will be it with the deescalation in the region.

He also has the strongest Jewish connections both in business and in private life. Then AIPAC. And he always keeps attacking Obama for being so bad for Israel. And his staff is filled with Jews. Sure, he half assed to disavow David Duke, but that was for PR reasons, because he knows his fan base.

He IS the strongest Jewish candidate. But maybe that's better than being funded by the Saudis and China like Clinton, I don't know.

Your real government is the deep state anyway.

not this again FUCK OFF KIKE

This one?

The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 163 - Trump Speaks Conservatism As A Second Language

He's one of God's chosen people, the master race and the rod of Jesse. Anyone who fails to fall down on his face and worship him is obviously a fedora-tipping wanker who unwisely spurs the gift of jewish slavery in a theoretical afterlife.

He also says he's a devote Christian that doesn't feel the need to repent, which any real Christian will tell that everyone needs to repent. It's almost like politicians will say things they don't believe or they may pretend to care about things they really don't. Sometimes they have accidental moments of honesty slip which reveal who they really are, like when he says "two Corinthians" I know he doesn't care about religion or when he says he'll try to be neutral with Hamas I know he doesn't know what he's talking about.

This. I'm glad Shapiro was there to bravely defend Fields against these horrible assaults

Donald Trump doesn't need to repent because Donald Trump has done nothing wrong.

>I'm trying to learn Spanish
t. Ben Shapiro


What a cuck.

His opinions are mostly good, but his inner bitch came out when he became part of #nevertrump and freaked out on twitter when milo had to change their debate date

>never trump

Kike may as well endorse Hillary.

You mean other than letting his daughter convert to orthodox Judaism and circumcise all of their children. And I believe his other children are in relationships with Jews aswell, but I am not sure about that. What we do know is, that he has an image of a Menorah in his private office.

And yes, I am sure that he isn't a Christian. And so he certainly doesn't care, if they marry to or convert to a religion which only exists, because they rejected the Messiah.

But then again, I don't understand the love of your evangelicals for Judaism and Zionism either. Beyond memes that is.

Very intelligent and promising man. Good.

Actually tries to fuck up the only chance we have to fight off degeneracy. Bad.

Why can't we all agree that for the next four years we should get rowdy with Gowdy?

the only criticism of him i've heard from Sup Forums is ad-hominem


He's obviously too smart to be a Republican much longer. Once he gets over being an edgy little contrarian about poor people and Arabs, he'll be a fine CNN commentator.

They do pay better than CTR.

I don't remember him saying anything about converts in that podcast. He always says he doesn't care about race and only cares about culture and values

>He always says he doesn't care about race and only cares about culture and values

Yup, he'll find a place in the Jewish establishment soon enough.