What is about women that doesn't make them funny?
Why are women not funny?
Humor is a masculine trait just like strength or independence.
that kike brought the bantz
>that almost automated SJW response
They don't need to be funny to get laid.
> inb4 chat isn't funny
You can be bald or short and still get laid, too, but it's far more difficult.
She's calling for backup.
>make shitty, tumblr-tier joke
>gets called out
>respond with drama queen-styled damage control response, complete with trump bashing
Why are women so predictable?
Woman are pragmatic and man are creative. Humor is not a hard concept, you laugh when you encounter something that's different from your views about the world. Woman take a pragmatic approach and just say something contradictory in a very predictable fashion, males come up with new ideas which is essential to be funny.
Neither is a good or a bad trait, it's just how the roles are assigned since the beginning of human evolution.
Literally summoning the white knights
holy fucking shit