Listen up shitheads because I only want to say this once:

Listen up shitheads because I only want to say this once:
The USMC are the absolute best fighting force in the world, on any continent, North America, Europe, you name it. They are fighting as one; each soldier can count on the man beside him to be exactly where they anticipate and they are moving fluidly as a unit.
Simply put beating the USMC comes down to pure luck and capitalizing on vulnerabilities (though the Marines easily are the best in defensive maneuvers) because a full strength Marine brigade is just stronger and faster and better equipped than the opposition.

This isn't some Technology advantage gimmick, though they do have very competent leadership and unparalleled discipline, and it isn't because they are on a lucky streak.
This is when the military planners have assembled the pieces required to fit the scheme designed and it working as intended. This is when the cogs are all turning and the wheel is spinning. The watch face is ticking because each little intricate piece is doing exactly what it needs to do.

My question to you is a simple one at first but a difficult one when thought about:

Who can beat the United States Marine Corps?

Other urls found in this thread:



Any other Marine Corps. they're pampered by technology and logistics, and look down on others who go through actual hardship without having 10 AC130s for backup at the drop of a pin.

I like how your shitty branch has no equivalent to Delta or Seal Team 6.

holy shit that really happened I just doxed it


What do when your away and jodie is preg with an asian guy?

a stick

> navy
> seals
> marines have no equivalent spec ops