>American doesn't have a monarchy
Get back in your time machine
Are you from the Alternate 2016 Timeline where Trump didn't get the nomination?
What is this? Earlier this year? Y'know Jeb's out, eh?
You know Trump is the Republican nominee, right?
why does this graph go downside up?
> UK doesnt have proper dental care or hygiene, in spite of being around 100s of years longer
>Republican Nominee
>implying they wont put Ted Cruz as a nominee at the last moment just before winner is decided.
This man is taking delegates when noone is expecting!
Slow and steady
Yes, Jeb assumed his rightful place as Guacking and made contact with the Space Turtles. We now have developed a full empire in space.
You guys could have had this but you just had to nominate Trump instead of Jeb.
I miss him so much.
>Jeb fighting HRC for the crown
>He can't tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi
I hope Hillary beats Jeb this year.
what difference is there, they are both shit.
>2 parties
Jeb has not been in the race for a long time, my friend.
>Dubya got Jeb pregnant and then gave birth to his own father
>Two Bush's and one Clinton
Did you forget America also had two Roosevelt's? And two Kennedy's too if I'm not mistaken. Guess what? Families with political connections tend to be well-connected families. Whoda-fucking-thunkit?