2 Muslims killed in a shooting after they left prayer. Has it started?
2 Muslims killed in a shooting after they left prayer. Has it started?
Fucking muslims
maybe it was done by muslims
How the fuck can muslims be so willfully ignorant?
>Trump is the reason people hate us
No Trump just voiced what everybody is thinking. Do they really think that everyone loved muslims and then one day Trump said he didn't like them and then everyone started hating muslims like brainwashed robots?
Do they not realise that shooting up fifty faggots in a nightclub or blowing up European airports generally does not endear people to you?
It doesn't matter if it's a Muslim or not anymore. The media just changes the shooters motives to fit their agenda. Omar Mateen shot the gays because he was a self-loathing gay and not because he is a gay hating Muslim.
>his drama has created islamophobia
Donald did not do this
meanwhile 200 black people shot and killed in Chicago alone today, but that's ok because it isn't possibly political
>"His drama has created islamophobia"
your religion has created terrorists
That's stupid. People actually learning about Islam is what creates Islamophobia.
plot twist
it was a sanctioned government assassination on two sleeper cells
>chop off heads and rape hoes
>trump says they shouldn't do that
>it's trump's fault for calling them out on it
Muslims will always claim they're oppressed up until the point they've subverted the nation enough to persecute and exterminate the "kuffar"
But leftist scum will still go
>why oppress muslims all they want is to rape your daughters, bomb your countries and forcefully convert you ;_;
Sandniggers should start taking responsibility for their own actions.
obviously. how is that a twist?
it is the espionage film continuing as presented.
A twist would be these are real killings and there are about to be a lot more.
i laugh every time
This will win Hillary the election.
Only 2 ffs? They still owe us moar than that. Wish they got 100 magnitudes moar.
Big shock. People are getting sick of their bullshit. Hope the intensity picks up, its been slow lately.
Watch, fellow muslims did it.
They were Muslim too. The largest Chicago gangs are all black Muslim affiliated. Ain't shitting you
Jesus, are arabs incapable of looking like normal human beings?
>shoot 50 gays in orlando.
"Islam's drama has not created homophobia!"
If not for Trump, there would be no drive-by shootings in predominantly black urban areas!
Muslims have killed 200 people in the last two months
> not all Muslims, religion of peace
Donald trump encourages a ban on refugees until they can be vetted
> Donald is the root of all violence
Let's just ignore the hundreds of dead victims at the hands of Muslims, and blame trump for all the violence. Next it will come out that Benghazi was because of trump (years before he ran).
Not sure you could find journalism that was more yellow, OP
Remember that incident at the other mosque in New York?
Two Muslim youths got into an altercation with a drug dealer and a hooker and the mosque leader claimed there were anti-Islamic slurs said at them?
please be fags shooting muslims
please please please be faggots shooting muslims in revernge for orlando
my numerically significant repeating identifying intergers confirms
I sure do.
>tfw NY was better under mob rule
That would be perfect. Kek willing
Police are saying it's a failed robbery.
I've posted a few time three incidents just this year of blacks attacking Muslims outside a mosque, they all turnout to be robberies or knockout games.
It was done by Soros himself. Drumpf is done! He will never recover!
>meanwhile 200 black people shot and killed in Chicago alone today
Come on, that's a week's worth. On Tuesday 9 were killed, the deadliest day since 2003 with 10 killed. Weekdays are becoming just as violent.
Just from Friday to now
>2 killed and 12 wounded in shootings in Chicago: 'It’s buck wild around here'
>3 dead, 10 wounded in shootings citywide
>1 dead, 3 wounded on West, South sides
Is that some hate speech i hear?
After reading about Islam, I honestly don't see how Muslims can consider Muhammad a moral pattern of conduct. He was a warlord, a slave owner, a pedophile, and married his first cousin who was also his former stepson's spouse.
Not only did he raped Aisha, who is also his distant relative, he also physically abused her, and still said it was the will of Allah that he should marry her.
When people where ridiculing him for marry his stepson's wife, who was also his first cousin, he ended the practice of adoption, and told his stepson that all of it was a message from Allah.
He didn't just own slaves, he owned sex-slaves, one of whom was a Coptic Christian named Mariyah. He had an affair with her, his spouses found out about it, and when he was confronted, he had a vision from "Allah" that it was perfectly acceptable to continue having sex with his slave, because she was a slave, and he was her master.
How the hell does anyone believe this man was sent by God?
As a Brit that headline confused the fuck out of me until I read the New York bit in the url
>Witnesses say a man with a medium complexion and Polo-style shorts was seen fleeing the scene with a gun in his hand.
Cause Jesus was his bitch
But Trump and his supporters are people of peace. The person that killed the Muslims are not real trump supporters
So a nigger?
Only love speech
(((How do I get the star)))
Well giving him a fair hearing, as you seem to have done and which I would not care to do, you appear to be describing something like a cult leader.
More particularly, it looks like the portrayal of a cult leader from popular media who becomes increasingly brazen/reckless with his own transgressions/hypocrisies.
I am reminded of the example of Gul Dukat from Deep Space 9.
He doesn't know about the star of David
I'm always amazed at how the goodgoy lefty kikes play into that insanity.
>islam is not violent or commits terrorism
>don't criticize or hurt muslims feelings or they will turn to violence and terrorism
>it's fine to criticize white non-kikes and it is unreasonable for them to resort to violence or whatever
Oy vey.
He's even got them on his flag.
Nothing of value lost. Good riddance, ban Islam.
>drive by, points to black
>suspect not being caught and good marksmenship points to white
>lying newspaper points to kikes
>100 magnitides moar
Canadian education
>Cops and witnesses described the shooter as tall and Hispanic
Trump says words while Muslims are killing people all over the world.
... But if anyone hates Muslims it's Trump's fault.
Because Muslim men view women as objects.
oh god please
>"His drama has created islamophobia"
The investigation is probbably going to find that it was another raghead who shot those two over a dispute regarding what the Koran says about the angle you should hold your elbow at while wiping your ass.
Savages beget savagery. This wouldn't have happened if these ragheads had stayed in their own country.
Im a communist, the dofferent revolutionaries have different personalities.
Marx was the quiet insightfull one who thinks in a coffee shop all day and is shy
Lenin was the brave and kind one, he was a true gentleman and cared about you on a personal level even though he knew 1000 other people just like you
Stalin was the cool and tough one, he smoked cigrettes and wore leather and could be rude but he always made it look badass and did super cool stuff that proved his mettle.
Trotsky was the nerd that dodn't really know when to shut up, so he could get annoying. You tolerated him because he was friends with anyone else but you didn't go out of yoyr way to hang out with him. Eventually he had a falling out with the group and Stalin beat him up and he left forever.
Mao was the foreign exchange student who didn't understand humor too well and could be scary at times with how seriously he took everything, but he was a bro and always had your back.
Did she actually say this? By the way these people think your just good as a wife and that's it. There offended by an educated woman.
Or, you know, the Twin Towers?
if we are lucky
a gay jewish black woman
yfw they only got 2
>medium complexion
What the fuck does that even mean? We can't even say "tan" or "brown" anymore?
"Huh well I guess I'd describe him as having a moderate complexion, maybe moderate to well done."
oppressive death cults don't get to claim they're oppressed by criticism
because not being perceived as racist is more important than finding a murderer
Sup Forums turnabout and it turns out he's an extremeist
the nose knows
Post YFW the killer is revealed to be a brown dude
>targeting the Imam
This is almost certainly the work of some rival Islamic sect. I doubt any "crazy redneck" would even know or care who the Imam was.
Watch how quiet this goes when it turns out to be blacks or muslims.
Whites rarely do drive by shootings.
it was probably another mudslime like that one murder in ireland or scotland
All evidence points to Omar not being gay. His internet history, his texts and calls, none of it suggested he was gay.
It's probably just other Muslims. Really.
Is this guy going to be the Jo Cox of the american election?
Jesus what a shithole.
So much this. They probably broke sharia law and had to pay. Like that one guy who got stabbed for saying Happy Easter to Christians on TV.
>End of days
>not start of the New America
What are you, French?
>imam preaches tolerance
>radical members of congregation kill him for not being proactive enough
>proceed to blame his death on 'the enemy' in order to inspire others to radicalize
Imagine being a leftist and being in this situation. This situation where you're just constantly watching Muslim extremists murder dozens of people and you have to shout "Not all Muslims! Not all Muslims!" Then the time finally comes when it's a Muslim getting murdered and not the other way around. Imagine the pressure of knowing that you'll be an incredible hypocrite for making a scene about it, but knowing that you'll never have the opportunity again. A whole 2 Muslims were just murdered. You've only just recently finished ranting about how it doesn't matter that some Muslim dudes killed almost 100 people in Nice, but you KNOW that something like this won't happen again. A genuine hate crime, and this time it isn't against whites! Passing up this opportunity would be like passing up a holiday. Integrity can wait - You've been hedging your bets on a 1 in 1000 chance and now it's FINALLY rolled in your favor. When the next (obviously random) Muslim terror attack comes around (probably next week), then your opponents will have the opportunity to gloat like you. What right do those bastards have to complain? You've been sitting in their shadow all this time watching them be right. Now it's your turn. Right?
Ben Garrison
>mfw people seem to have forgotten the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the wars we just recently had with them
No, Muslims blowing people up, running people over, and going on shooting sprees is what did it.
Also 9/11 fucking Sunni cuck faggots
The attacker was brown, no "racism" angle this time.
>two people shot in NY
How is this a happening again?
But let's ignore that this happens daily and make it fucking headline news because this time mudshits died
Just your standard 1000 year old idological war imported fresh to you. enjoy the feel of culture.
I hope this get out of control and Sup Forums will be right again.
>Emums plots the biggest terror plot ever
>sets off a dirty bomb killing 50 million after Trump wins election
>you build a time machine to travel back to August
>stop Emums from carrying out attack
>world will never know
The shooter was a Hispanic. I doubt he was influenced by Trump.
>Weekdays are becoming just as violent.
You think that's going to stop them? Remember that Zimmerman is Hispanic.
It's almost certainly a just Muslim killing other Muslims for not being Muslim enough. That's why they targeted the Imam.
wtf i like spics now #NoWall
It's usually a factional dispute between internal Muslim groups for control of the mosque. Here in Australia one faction tried to frame another for vandalism:
>Australia’s most controversial sheik, Taj Din al-Hilali, has been caught on videotape kicking in a door at his own mosque before calling police to report an act of vandalism.
>The head imam at the Lakemba mosque, who caused outrage in 2006 by comparing scantily clad women to uncovered meat, was shown on a CCTV security tape kicking open the door just minutes before reporting the incident.
>The Nine Network’s A Current Affair last night broadcast the videotape from March 9, showing the incident, which Sheik Hilali initially denied.
>“There is a trick in this camera. There is a trick in this film,” he told ACA.
And then:
>Strong emotions led to a brawl outside the mosque when Sheik Hilaly publicly accused several young men arriving to pray as those he believed leaked the security footage to a TV network. Some said they believe the time has come to remove him from office.
Yup: "Investigators were trying to determine whether an earlier dispute at the mosque led to the shooting"
> The suspect was described by police as having a medium complexion
it was a mudslime/nigger
>Do they not realise that shooting up fifty faggots in a nightclub or blowing up European airports generally does not endear people to you?