True nuggetkino
this show was shit and you all wont admit that because you feel some odd connection to sam hyde even though he doesnt give two shits about any of you
I thought everyone on Sup Forums decided we were too cool for mde now.
I was actually surprised by how good it was. It was a lot better then I thought it would be. Had plenty of viewers too.
>Sam get in a car crash while speaking in a weir voice
>Fart noises
MDE fans are infants
I haven't been a preteen for many years, nor a retarded shitskin or closeted homosexual borderline braindead alt-right neckbeard at any point in my life, so I never saw the appeal of MDE. Though I must admit the sketch in OP's picture was atleast mildly thought provoking, even if it was derivative and played out by people better than them before they did it. I feel like Sam Hyde is probably the reason the entire group is brought down, as the only moments of any value had him being pushed to the side or in a very minor role. The most talented member of the group is obviously the person in OP's pic, I don't remember his name, but he seemed to carry everything he did. Perhaps the other members of the group can create something worthwhile after distancing themselves from Sam Hyde.
TLDR: lol ur a fag
Man... I hope I can be above fart humor someday too.
Yeez Louise
Thats quite a soliloquy's for someone seemingly doesn't know anything about mde. Its just some dudes fucking around on YouTube, get over yourself you faggot.
I really miss it bros, the threads were comfy as fuck.
Not what that means, try to graduate past eighth grade english class before you post again.
>seemingly doesn't know anything about mde
I watched the show because you losers were making 500 threads a day about it. Unlike most of the braindead morons, such as yourself, on here I actually watch something before judging it.
>Its just some dudes fucking around on YouTube
Pretty sure it was on Adult Swim, Anonymous Sup Forums faggot. I don't watch youtube because I'm not a preteen girl.
>get over yourself you faggot
Nah. Kill yourself.
Who here /pure/?
noun: soliloquy; plural noun: soliloquies
an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers
That's you. Talking to yourself about some show your too cool to care about that internet neckbeards FORCED you to watch against your will so you could fit in on the internet.
Dumb fucking hoe.
You're so fucking salty lmao. This is the power of MDE.
he was talking he was typing and people DID recieve his thoughts
you are wrong on both accounts
>by oneself
>regardless of any hearers
You've proved yourself wrong three times in one definition you braindead moron. Don't ever post again.
No but seriously, end your pathetic life tonight. The power of MDE is to get impressionable children and morons to buy into their bullshit and bankroll them, then do even that so badly that their show gets canceled. What a sadness.
>i don't watch youtube because I'm not a preteen girl.
Holy shit dude you fucking suck. Just listen to yourself.
yea whatever gub gub snailman
Careful with that edge, dr cool.
>man trips another man's wife
>when accused he convinces the husband it was her fault and she was asking for it
Jokes that make you think
This fucking guy
Has Cody "Nugget" Cigar killed anyone recently?
Fantastic arguments. Totally changed my opinion.
You do realize you posted a little bit whiter version of the average MDE fan in your picture, correct?
requesting that pic of the fat smug neckbeard at his computer with the "internet arguments won" behind him with tally marks under it
Why not just use a mirror and take a picture of yourself? Or do you not own a cell phone?
I dont remember there being any fart jokes in world peace
are you really trying to convince people you've never been on youtube because you arent a preteen girl? You sound severely autistic and angry.
Please enlighten us all with some worth while comedy. Probably won't because that would open you and your stupid opinions to scrutiny. All you want to do is talk down to others like a fedoralord.
Then go rewatch the car crash skit on YT.