Feels great living in the comfy zone of proof
Can someone shop it so the fallout is bigger?
>this thread is blessing by Kek!
wasn't tomorrow yesterday?
It's 1:55 AM in Mudda Russia
And nuthin happened.
Like with the Mayans, where a calendar ends on le date and nothing happened
Nothings going to happen tomorrow, but if it did blow, it's Denver and Dallas that would get fucked right now
It's been a hell of a ride lads.
Tomorrow you all croak.
KEK is dead.
And so will the heartland of the ARYAN people hiding in AMERICA like scurrisome RATS.
Not Yellowstone will happen, something else. It was dictated in a prior thread.
The memes are written
>Sup Forums capitalism
You can have another, no more
> No significant geological activities
Around Yellowstone.
> no one has ever been able to predict an eruption in the history of the world to a day.
Yeah guys it's happening
>tfw Orange
it's been nice shitposting with you
I fucking hope this happens.
pretty much. Almost midday in half the world...
Digits have predicted it will be a happening, but not a Yellowstone happening
Thats what the Volcano wants us to think.
What time GMT is this lads?
Are you really this fucking dense? All happenings and prophesies go by the date and time of US of A.
this is also being delivered tomorrow to the white house
working tesla reactor
save the plans, if they have a car accident or get shot, or get volcanoed you know it works
Why is there going to be a yellowstone happening? Or is this just another stupid Sup Forums "happening"?
Is that a horse leg with the hoof ripped off?
Confirmed. Especially when they are started by a monument in Georgia USA.
Thx user, have doggo
what the hell are they gunna do with it?
What are the Georgia Guidestones' endgame?
>working tesla reactor
>mfw I'm eastern
Wrong Georgia pham, est time
well, I'm Detroit. A bit of ash isn't really going to change things much.
if the magic spic says so
222222 will prove that meme magic is real
It's real.
not really senpai
Some miscellaneous happening will occur in some shit country that nobody cares about
Some mass attack will happen tomorrow
Yellowstone happening, we're all fucking fucked, eternal winter after the crater is made that takes up 1/6 of the globe.
The entire planet will split in half at 8:03 pm EST tonight.
Oh shit
I better pack my stuff just in case.
I live in the death zone, is it worth driving nonstop or getting a plane ride out of here
Plz stop Im starting to freak out.
O fuk I got triple dubs. Yup I'm getting the fuckin out of here
Not yet, but soon
the last two digits of my post determine the chances of it happening tomorrow
that is power from a difference source.
with little engineering idk how it works.
upshot is if it works this plus electric car = car that runs forever.
middle east becomes useless and abandoned.
/shrug it is as likely as the volcano
From this seal shall arise the doom of the followers of KEK, who, in their arrogance, sought to wield our magick as their own. Blindly they build their memes upon stolen knowledge and conceit. Now they shall be consumed by the very flame they sought to control. Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair.
You never paid any heed to the ancient prophecies. Like fools you clung to the old hatreds, and fought as you had for generations. Until the day the land belched fire, and a new enemy came upon you. You stand now, upon the brink of destruction, for the reign of SOROS has come at last.
I guess I'm going to hell then. I couldn't even get saved before I died. Such an asshole Satan is.
You guys are such idiots thinking Yellowstone would actually blow, I mean really do your resear--
>Geologists are closely monitoring the rise and fall of the Yellowstone Plateau, which measures on average 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) yearly, as an indication of changes in magma chamber pressure.
>The upward movement of the Yellowstone caldera floor between 2004 and 2008 — almost 3 inches (7.6 cm) each year — was more than three times greater than ever observed since such measurements began in 1923. From mid-summer 2004 through mid-summer 2008, the land surface within the caldera moved upward as much as 8 inches (20 cm) at the White Lake GPS station.
Maybe Shillary will be assassinated.
Stop shitposting bro. nice dubs tho btw
nah your fucked
the origional doesn't like the way you change things
killing children pisses him off
you are about to feel some, "... so below"
fuck you.
>who lived
Doubles confirm, the one true god is coming to smite the child murdering criminals and their false god once and for all the good of the universe.
Flying out from slc tomorrow, fuck.
I'm pretty sure I saw in the other Yellowstone thread they moved the warning indicator from normal to green
K.... Keep me posted
>Live in LA
>Implying ash will make any difference
We have the highest percentage of homeless and smog. Also it never fucking rains here
Nah it was the aviation warning was green, my bad
It'll rain volcanic ash, user.
I can't wait to see Donald Trump blame this on the muslims
I can't wait to see the left blame this on Donald Trump and conservatives
WW3 starts tomorrow
I can't wait to see the left blame it on Donald Trump, who blames it on the Muslims. And then we all find out years later that it was actually the Jews the whole time.
We're going too deep
Visiting Idaho for summer...plane ride home is Monday...home is in the safe zone. I missed salvation by one day.
If there's no happening tomorrow I'm going to get a gf
Prove me wrong, KEK
Guess it's happening, then
What a time to be Alive Keks dubs will mudslime all out war against us while Ash rains from above.
>ID says AyY
Ayy lmao
>Guys it's gonna happen this time for real I promise
>I know it didn't happen the last 50+ times but this time it's for real
>Honestly guys
Yellowstone will erupt tomorrow.
Please happen...for once.
>TFW Family in America live in comfy zone
>1 to 3 feet of ash where I live
please happen
I hope it happens so americunts stop shitposting
Are you expecting an influx of African immigrants?
uh guys...?
how did you even find that video?
Searching in russian news
I found this first, but the music distracts
Die, Diego etc. etc.
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This is going to be hell for my asthma.