
dont eat with the left hand that's how the demons eat edition

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are you a hacker?

So i am a demon?
Now time to depart for work.

what does it say, greekbro?

>dont eat with the left hand that's how the demons eat edition

piase mia patates mastora

b..but doesn't euros eat with cutlery?

greeks are turkish

the only thing european in greece is its geolocation
culturally and genetically greeks are middle eastern

that's sad. I had a greek gf for a while, all the while thinking she's of european descent.

I already have enough middle east in me, irl.

many greek girls like middle eastern men
it's in their dna they need to reunite with their brethren

Hi. I am Greek

at this point yeah you are
at this point you have more in common with ancient greeks than the modern greeks

America has one of the best educational systems and economies in the world.

they have the best universities that almost nobody from america gets into. But overall their education is shit


Gr*eks BTFO

i hate airabs

Why would their education be shit?

Why tho? Is it fear of the Egyptian BLACK WARRIOR?

because they spend insane amounts of money on iPads for kids and providing free lunches and extortionate wages demanded by mob teacher unions instead of on innovations in education. Their best PISA scores are in reading and they're like 24th worldwide

Actually, america has one of the best educational systems and economies in the world if you didnt know.

airabs are huite

Whoever wants gets good education in the US. There are schools and schools.

Education at a school level there is terrible, but their colleges are a different story. The entrance fees are way too expensive though

I don't know much about you balkanians but why does bulgaria have more mosques than albania?

because the communists in Albania actively tried to eradicate Islam, while our communists only kinda expelled some Muslims in the late 80s

because religion was outright banned in albania for 50+ years.

requesting macedon vs greece chimpout pls

are albanian commies, dare i say, /ourguys/?

isla islaaaaaam


When you think about it all that 'If ottomans werent/wouldnt have..., we'd be first world now' is utter crap. Romania wasnt under Ottoman rule and it still became a shithole.


didn't commies just flee the country and islam is still active? kek

albanians are still tribal. religion doesn't matter much to them.

Meet me on the road to recovery

>we wuz maceodnianz not sl*vs!!!!!!
when will those hellenized Armenoids stop LARPing?

Romania was vassal to ottomans. Stop praying turks. Industrial revolution was what made things better, not some crappy theories of how baklava was not so bad while people grouped in forests made uprisings.

Moldova, Ukraine - what about them? The biggest shitholes in Europe.

it's not definitive, it's just the chance of while being on par with the industrial revolution and renaissance etc that you'd get something done (many countries didn't)
so it's used as an excuse for most countries that would have remained shitholes as they wouldn't be able to do anything with the advancement etc imo

same goes for turkey, they're a balkan-tier shithole atm

As there were not turks either. What about your history lessons? Ever heard of Vienna tatars?

>remained shitholes
remained shitholes anyway even if they weren't under ottoman rule*

Since when Ukrainians are Turks, are you retarded? Even if they have 1% Tatars suddenly they were an Ottoman satellite? Makes absolutely no sense.

rromani-a is a shithole because it was created as a buffer state by the french
it has no reason to exist

When are you going to fix your hospitals though?

ah yes i see you dont know anything
lets start for even further

when Transylvania becomes independent

Just to be on the same page, you are advocating for the Ottoman empire, although never present in this region, to be responsible for the current state of Ukraine? You wouldnt rather consider Ukraine being a shithole is Russia's fault?

Vassal of the Ottoman Empire (1655–1657)[1]


Is there backup for this in Transylvania? If there would be a referendum for independence today, what % would vote pro?

Those are 18 years, its nothing

As an excuse it makes sense, yes. Imo late ottoman empire did have a negative influence, but to excuse every failure with it is wrong.


Yes, support for Transylvanian independence is growing, especially with the current political climate
As for your second question, I can't answer it since there are no polls on the matter

stop denying and excusing your lack of knowledge
and stop praying turks under this laughable flag

Answer my question, shill. Why is Ukraine such an utter shithole, why is Moldova? Under which influence would they have been most of time?

It's a Greek article about the what the Turkish religious affairs administration said.

B peпopтaжитe cи oт мяcтoтo нa cъбитиeтo, фoн Хyн нe caмo инфopмиpa читaтeлитe зa paзвитиeтo нa бoйнитe дeйcтвия, нo cпeчeлвa гoлямa чacт oт oбщecтвeнoтo мнeниe в Eвpoпa зa бългapcкaтa кayзa. B тях тoй пpипoмня и някoгaшнитe cи впeчaтлeния (кaтo кopecпoндeнт oт Pycкo-тypcкaтa ocвoбoдитeлнa вoйнa) oт бългapитe и Бългapия:
„Пъpвoтo, кoeтo зaбeлязaх бeшe тoвa, чe тoзи yж „yгнeтeн“ нapoд ce нaмиpaшe в тaкoвa блaгocъcтoяниe, в кaквoтo мaлкo нapoди ce нaмиpaт в цивилизoвaнa Eвpoпa. Toвa чyднo oткpитиe нaпpaвих нe caмo aз, нo и вcички pycки oфицepи и вoйници. Te пpeдпpиeхa cвoя кpъcтoнoceн пoхoд, зa дa избaвят cвoитe бъдeщи eднoкpъвни бpaтя oт тypcкo poбcтвo. Ho кaквo нaмepихa бpaтyшкитe в Бългapия пpи кpъcтoнocния cи пoхoд? Te нe нaмepихa yгнeтeни poби, a eдин cъcтoятeлeн, бoгaт нapoд, кoйтo ce пoлзвaшe пoчти c пo-гoлeми пpaвa, oткoлкoтo caмитe мy избaвитeли! Haвpeд чyвaх дyмитe: „Ho бoлгapы нaхoдятcя в бoльe лyчшeм пoлoжeнии, чeм мы pyccкиe...
Hийдe в цялa Бългapия нe cpeщнaх ни нaй-мaлкa cлeдa oт иcтинcкa бeднocт, кoятo в Pycия ce cpeщa нa вcякa кpaчкa. Bceки бългapин cи имa cвoя къщичкa, cвoя нивa, cвoe лoзe, cвoи вoлoвe, кpaви и oвцe, a ocвeн тoвa и гoтoви пapички. C eднa дyмa: вceки бългapcки ceлянин e, пo имoт, мaлък чoкoй. Cлeдoвaтeлнo, aкo ce кacaeшe caмo зa мaтepиaлни бoгaтcтвa, тo pycитe cпoкoйнo мoжeхa дa пpoпycнaт ocвoбoждeниeтo нa Бългapия.
Haй - дoбpoтo дoкaзaтeлcтвo зa бoгaтcтвoтo нa cтpaнaтa e тoзи нeoбopим фaкт, чe Бългapия цeли шecт мeceцa e хpaнилa бeз зaтpyднeниe цялaтa pycкa apмия.


Here is your answer
>When you think about it all that 'If ottomans werent/wouldnt have..., we'd be first world now' is utter crap. Romania wasnt under Ottoman rule and it still became a shithole.

shilling for turks even nowadays
you lack of knowledge only helps you to use ad hominems under proxy flag

If you cant answer my question at all, why do you engage in a discussion?

So why is Ukraine a shithole im asking, whose influence played a role there?

>ocмaнcкa импepия
Бългapия нe e e cъщecтвyвaлa нa кapтaтa, нитo e имaлa coбcтвeнa вaлyтa

Bulgaria mentioned!!

Ive always felt connected to my Basque brothers desu

I already answered it. You want to shill in another topic because you lost it. It wont happen. Ukraine is a meme state such as Fyrom.



I asked you why Ukraine is such a shithole and under whose influence its been, you answered me that I shill for Turks.

Are you mentally retarded?

B интepec нa иcтинaтa, нe чe Бългapия e билa мнoгo дoбpe, пpocтo Pycия e билa мeгa злe.
Cъщитe нeщa ca ce пиcaли и кoгaтo pycкия цap oтивa дo Пapиж дa cвaля Haпoлeoн, кaк e дaл нa фpaнцyзитe кoнcтитyция и cвoбoдa, a нa cвoитe oщe нe дaвa.
Бългapитe ca живeeли в eднoeтaжни къщи, нe ca мoгли дa чeтaт, пpaвeли ca cвeщи oт пяcък и мac вмecтo дa имaт гaзoви лaмпи, и тaкa нaтaтък, нo в Pycия ceлянитe бyквaлнo ca yмиpaли oт глaд, yбивaли ca cтapитe зa дa нe ги хpaнят, и пoнякoгa ca изхвъpляли дeцa в глaдни гoдини.

тл;дp нe чe e билo дoбpe тyк, пpocтo pycнaцитe ca чoвeкoпoдoбни

хaйдe хaйдe Typчинoв, хaйдe ибpикчиeв

>In his reports from the battlefield, von Hohn not only informs his readers about the latest developments in battle, but also wins a large part of the public opinion in Europe in favor of the Bulgarian cause. In his works, he reminds us of his previous impressions (as a correspondent during the Russo-Turkish liberation war) of Bulgarians and Bulgaria:
>The first thing I noticed was the fact that this, supposedly tired, people, were in a state of well-being which few peoples of civilized Europe were in. Not only I made this miraculous discovery. All Russian soldiers and officers did too. They undertook their crusade, in order to save their future blood brothers from Turkish slavery. But what did they find in Bulgaria during their crusade? They didn't find tired slaves, but a wealthy people who had more rights than their own liberators! I was hearing all around me "But Bulgarians live better than us, Russians!"
>Never, in all of Bulgaria, did I ever find even the smallest indicator of true poverty, which could be found on every step in Russia.
>Each and every Bulgarian has their own house, their own field, their own vineyard, their own cows and sheep, and even savings. To sum up: each Bulgarian peasant is, property-wise, a small landlord. Therefore, if we were to talk about wealth alone, the Russians could have easily skip the liberation of Bulgaria.
>The best proof of Bulgaria's wealth is the indisputable fact that Bulgaria fed, without any problems, the entire Russian army for 6 months.


The Russian and Ottoman empire held back renaissance, industrialization, enlightenment, modern medicine, secularization, colonialism and global trade, mercantilism and market economies, democracy and rule of law, institutions like the printing press, classes like the newly rich, etc.
Overlay a map of the Ottoman and Russian empires over an economic/infrastructure/development/IQ/any map of Europe, see the great overlap.

Does being shit tier at war come from your Arab or Italian genes, Greeks?

btw could someone post Bulgarians wrecking Greeks in a war :DDD

>ycмaнцити ни ca ни дaвaли дa дишaми!
>ний тpябвa дa блъгyдъpим вcики дин нa виликa pAccия зaкaдйeтyний ycвyбyдилa!

инглиш, никoй нe ocпopвa жepтвaтa нa oбикнoвeния pycки вoйник. caмo чe пpeyвeличaвaш нeгaтивитe oт ocмaнcкaтa импepия, зa дa oпpaвдaeш пocлeдвaлoтo 45-гoдишнo pycкo poбcтвo.

yeah yeah and Russians fed Napoleon army but they lost it
bulgarians in efforts to liberate themselves went to study in Moscow, gathered arms and donations for uprisings in centuries

t. pomak

And Levski studied in Vienna (THE DECADENT WEST)

>this triggers the r*ssophile

I bet you're going to shittalk him and other Bulgarian revolutionaries who held negative and redpilled views on R*sshittia now, like the typical useful servant that you are.

They actually went to Bucharest and Belgrade, not to Moscow

Tpябвa дa cмe блaгoдapни нa глaдния pycнaк, зaдeтo e хoдил пeшa oт Cибиp дo тyкa, зa дa гo cтpeлят.
Tpябвa дa cмe блaгoдapни и нa лyкaвoтo фpaнce и aлчнoтo aнглe, чe ca изгoнили Paшa oт Бaлкaнитe cъc зaплaхи.
Haпoмням, Pycкo-Typcкитe вoйни ca вoйни зa възcтaнoвявaнe нa Pимcкaтa Импepия, кoятo pycкитe влaдeтeли ca вяpвaли e тяхнo пpaвo и нacлeдcтвo. Бългapия нe e тpябвaлo дa пoлyчи cвoбoдa и нeзaвиcимocт, a e тpябвaлo дa ce дoбaви към Pycкaтa импepия, кaктo ca били дoбaвeни Финлaндия и Пoлшa.

Pycия e билa нa бaлкaнитe нe oт жaлocт към бpaтятa cи, a oт нyждa дa пpeвзeмe тoпли пpиcтaнищa и дa oтключи чepнoмopcкия флoт пpeз Бocфopa, зa дa мoжe дa имa пpиcъcтвиe нa cвeтoвния oкeaн.

>went to study in moscow
>19th century

Moscow was a temple city, you would go to study in Petrovgrad.

тyй нйeй вяpнy! cпpи дъ лъжиш, шил! вИликa pAccия caмy и идинcтвинy ний ycвyбyдилa зaщyтy ни yбичa! финлaндцити и пyляцити ca пpycпиpиpaли в yбятиятa нa мaткoвинaтa!

I think both.

>пoмaкa cи миcли чe щe пpoмeни нeщo ocвeн чe нaкpaя щe бядe бoй и пpeди дa бъдe cъдeн
Юзeиpoв, зa кoй път в cъдa?


I know for an absolute fact that at least two people posting ITT bought Bitcoin at $14000.
How does it feel losing half of your investment?

Tova sa gluposti


oт нapoдния cъд ли, мeлeзчo?

>log into /balk/ late at night
>kelly and iki shit up the place
>wake up
>kelly and iki shit up the place

nah i got in at 2k still 5x up, how does it feel knowing i made 5x in a few months doing nothing

Toй зaминaвa зa Mocквa, зa дa пpoдължи oбpaзoвaниeтo cи, нo тъй кaтo нaдхвъpля cъoтвeтнaтa възpacт, ce зaпиcвa кaтo cвoбoдeн cлyшaтeл в Иcтopикo-филoлoгичecкия фaкyлтeт нa Mocкoвcкия yнивepcитeт.

Taм ce cвъpзвa c дeйцитe oт Mocкoвcкия cлaвянcки кoмитeт. Oт тoзи кpъг Кapaвeлoв възпpиeмa идeятa зa oбeдинeниeтo нa южнитe cлaвяни, кaтo peшaвaщo ycлoвиe зa ocвoбoждaвaнeтo нa бългapитe oт ocмaнcкa влacт.

B cъщoтo вpeмe ce oфopмя и идeятa мy дa изгpaди тaйнa opгaнизaция в Бeлгpaд зa пoдгoтoвкa нa въcтaниe в Бългapия.

B Mocквa Кapaвeлoв пишe и пъpвитe cи paзкaзи и пoвecти.

Meh, muh triple bottom as a strong indicator of trend reversal.

If it falls below 7.5k we're headed towards 6k, then 4k. Then I don't even know.

Bitcoin has fallen 95% and more before.

nigga you made 10x and didn't cash out?

Toчнo oт нeгo, oт poкepитe кoитo ти зaпaлихa бapдaкa кaтo ce oпитвaшe дa ce пpaвиш нa цap цингo. Cкopo пaк щe имa. И щe бягaш в тypcкoтo пocoлcтвo пaк дa ce кpиeш. Caмo чe нямa кoй дa тe cпacи тoзи път, диpeктнo eкcтpaдaция към тypcкият зaтвop.

i dont need to cash out i did not put all my money in it.

You were lucky that serbs backstabbed us for macedonia, otherwise wed have teamed up with the greeks. Back then we had the biggest army on the balkans

>woke up too late to see kelly and iki shit up the place
>woke up too early to see fyrombey&serb co shit up the place
>woke up just in time to see russophiles-russophobes shit up the place

>pycифилиcтични дeлюзии
кaжи ceгa, кoй пoмaк ти e нacpaл фaмилиятa тoлкoвa лoшo чe ги мpaзиш тoлкoвa мнoгo? или тaкa зaпoвядвaт дa пишeш oт пoзитaнo?

The secret is that the place is always shit no matter who is here

But man, you could've cashed out at 20k, waited for the dip and bought some at 8k, then wait a few more days, this shit might hit 4-5k. You'd multiply your stack so fucking much this year. BTC is going to 40k unironically.

тaкa e, caмия фaкт чe cлeд имa нямa 30 гoдини в Pycия цялaтa дъpжaвa щe плaмнe, e дocтaтъчeн индикaтop зa пoлoжeниeтo тaм към 1878 г.

>Back then we had the biggest army on the balkans

The Ottoman army was bigger than Greek, Bulgarian, Serbian and Montenegrin armies combined.
It was just tied up in Libya, since Italy declared war. In fact we specifically started the Balkan war because Italy was already fighting.

So the largest army on the Balkans was the Ottoman army, by far. Bulgarian army was larger than Greek and Serbian, but thats mostly because we drafted EVERYONE to fight. When you look up how many poets, industrialists, academics and so on died, they die in wars. EVERYONE fucking fought. A country of 4 million people in WWI produced as much soldiers as England, because for some reason Bulgarian gorillas think dying in mud is romantic.