Make America Great Again

Make America Great Again

*proceeds to make a fool of itself on the international stage*

*does nothing*

I unironically attended Trump Rallies, own a bunch of Trump merch, and convinced over 25 people to vote for him. MAGA bitches, we're in this for another SEVEN YEARS

Americans want an authoriarian dictator, which I can understand. Too bad they picked the worst possible guy for the job.

this but ironically

good posts

if he got rid of the retarded smile he wouldn't even look that bad to be honest
at least compared to the other kekistanis

not trying to be mean
completely mental he was expelled for rightfully reporting the illegal spics

Schools take bullying of any kind really seriously, it's a measure we have to take to prevent kids from going on shooting sprees

that was fake news, his parents took him out of the school

ahh i see
still hope the spic got deported

By destroying it.

Thinking we care what some euros think.

I think that guy is cool.

I don't think much of trump. As an actual person he's a stupid piece of shit. I wanted him to win for the reforms the people who actually run his administration are pushing for. It's surprising to me that people unironically think the president runs anything.

Also when Trump's purpose had been fulfilled he'll be cast aside by the GOP. He's the vessel that needed to be used to push forth the reforms that your average gop didn't have the courage or political currency to make.


I agree with this

Idk if he's doing a good job of shilling that image or if he's ruining the whole idea of a strong man president
People here will take anything
Doesnt matter in the end, the economy will go on with or without him

>proceeds to give amnesty to 2+ million spics


El goblino
La luz extinguido

Le True German.

That's a self-critiquing thing, because was america even great?

already great

Le atrociodad

Japanese women belong to Big Yank Cock.
Just think about it, Japan literally imports Americans to breed local women.


>competitive gaming team called "King Trump"
>its mostly spanish speakers