"they behave like muslims but are christian"

>"they behave like muslims but are christian"

Other urls found in this thread:


Basically Orthodoxy

why tho

how races behave is a genetic thing

>"they behave like crackers but are asian"

how is that a bad thing

There was this Romanian girl on Sup Forums who was always posting nudes with timestamps and asking for money.
Now, I'm not a fan of the Muslims in any way but let's be realistic here that's not quite how they roll.

They don't behave like M*slims, though

>posting nudes with timestamps and asking for money.

t. Bogdan cordu aldxandrescu

I have been found

t. Vlad Ceaucescu

Stay away from Sicily filthy rumeno di merda

sneaky greek proxy

Why are you in UK Gennaro?
We can be immigrant bros together

To get away from rumeno di merda like you

When will based Kim finally nuke Seoul?

Well congratulations you did it I guess

Yeah no Romanians here
Really nice

very bad post please do not bully client states thank you xoxo

Are you not in London? There's plenty there. Manchester too

Have not encountered one yet
I'll update you if it changes rumeno di merda
(I won't)

Ok famalam stay safe

When will based Kim finally nuke America?


kys rumeno di merda

>inb4 junimea

nu urmaresc, ce e pe junimea?

le 100 iq european everybody

I'm just here to declare that Transylvania is rightful Hungarian clay, and everyone on the planet knows that, my dear Romanian friends. They know your crime and sin, and wordlessly they support us.

E un grup de facebook destul de ne-amuzant dar câteodată le iese ceva bun

Keep dreaming Hunn nigger.

well, we got away with it, there's nothing that can be done anymore

Seriously fuck romania

The day will come, neighbor.

no, we've done nuffin, if you complain about "y you here n shee" then you have to know that it's your goverment fault for letting us inside your cunt. thanks for understanding

Yeah this is why I left Shitaly
Third world shithole with traitor politicians
Still hate Romanians though

>>"they behave like muslims but are christian"

This can be said about most Latinos, blacks and Eastern Europeans

Italy stands with romania

N-a trecut sezonul de cules capsuni?

Rumenos always express their love for the country they left

Russians will nuke you, and I will watch from the nearby border towns, wearing a hazmat suit and a gas mask, under which I'll put on my shiny, black sunglasses, that reflect the mushroom shaped red clouds

Mai schimbăm și noi legumele, acum se culeg portocale
Sorry but I am italian


Moлдoвaн, бэ цыгaн мyнтян ши eшть.

Wish the communists killed every single one of you

I was the communist

That's a rare one.Where did you get it?


Is it? I just saved a bunch of them when the meme first started

b-but what about the 1m hungarians, would you live with the thought you gave up on them?


Ilie de ce nu mai faci vloguri în pizda mă-tii

Szekelis are subhuman, even by Hungarian stadards.


yep.I was instantly replaced by the one with a yellow shirt


kys dodon, even though it is the poorest region in the country I doubt being a russian satelite wolud be any better and in fact much fucking worse

>e real
>e ne-ironic
Mor aici doamne

Moldova is Romania, you are Slavic third-worlders we wuzzing as them.

It's the poorest thanks to your annexation of the Moldovan rump state under Cuza. Before the ''''Union'''', Eșii were richer than your gypsy mahala of Bucharest.
Keep believing that, Wallachian gypsy.

Fuck off nigga the rumanians are great

I am Moldovan, Dmitry. Give my land back.

You're a Wallachian cuckold inhabiting Western Moldova, Radu.


Even if I was, I'd still be 10 times more Moldovan than your slavshit ass.

>never unite with other the other states
>become actual russian speaking cunt due to no one to intervene in the process
>year of 2018, the Great Moldova, still poorest country on the continent, part of Eurasian Customs Union

kys gypsy

>Predoslovie a létopisețului moldovenescu ce într-însa spune că este făcută țara den doao limbi, de rumâni și de ruși, de care lucru să cunoaște că și păn' astăzi este țara giumătate de ruși și giumătate de rumâni
>Înțelegând vânătorii acest cuvânt, au sârguit la Maramorăș, de ș-au tras oamenii săi într-această parte și pre alții au îndemnat, de au descălecat întăi supt munte și s-au lățit pre Moldova în gios. Iar Iațco prisecariul, deaca au înțeles de descălecarea maramorășénilor, îndată s-au dus și el în Țara Leșască, de au dus ruși mulți și i-au descălecat pre apa Sucévei în sus și pre Sirétiu despre Botoșiani. Și așa de sârgu s-au lățit rumănii în gios și rușii în sus.
>mulți de aceia au așezatu Ștefan vodă în țara sa, deși pănă astăzi trăiește limba rusască în Moldova, ales pre unde i-au discălicatu, că mai a treia parte grăiescu ruséște.

>2000+ postări de genu
Mină de aur, mersi frate

>literally trying to justify being Russia's bitch
The absolute state of Bessarabians

Why can't Romanians take the poo to the loo?

Bessarabia is in Ukraine, gypsy.

good meme, just like your stolen national identity

Stupid gypsy, Budjak is the original Bessarabia and its name indicates the overlordship by the House of Bessarab before the integration of the territory into Moldova.

Sorry but I am a proud reddit moldovan citizen not some romanian unionist

Take a long hard look at it, Dmitry. One's Moldova, one is not.

No such thing, gypsy. There's a Republic of Moldova and then there's a number of Romanian continues which once belonged to Moldova. Historical regions were abolished by the union.)


>când un romîn subuman îți zice că și tu ești romîn

Neam multietnic, țigane.

Dăte-n pișat romîn trădător unionist nazist
Chișinău e țara mea


Romanian qt

actually we do but they're chill, not the recent army of syrians, but the turks and arabs from dobrogea that just kinda hanged around after we btfo the ottomans ( thx based russia ). tho i'm kinda mad that nowadays bitches are hot for arabs bc they think all arabs have money. it goes so far that they go for gypsies thinking they're arabs even if they're wearing fake clothes and watches, so the gypos play along with the bitches having mud fever and everyone benefits, i think

*There's Moldova and then there's a third world shithole of brainwashed ruskies pretending to be Moldova.


jet inapoi ilie

(You)s guaranteed

Va rugam sa traversati Prutul si sa nu va mai intoarceti. Va multumim

Eu is din Iasi, nimeni nu vrea o "Moldova mare" ,nu vrem sa ne unim cu voi. Kys

I like Romania. Never met a bad Romanian (except gypsy, who aren't Romanian)

Alt user.Moldovensitul cu falgulet romanesc are dreptate, Basarabia la inceput era sudul Rep.Mold. apoi rusii au extins acest nume asupra teritoriului rep.mold.

Si da, rep.Moldova pamant romanesc.

Nu, multumim. Ramaneti voi un stat independent

tu doresti refacerea unui principat romanesc? independent de alte principate romanesti ?

Nu, mie imi place Romania asa cum e ea

De ce esti impotiva unirii ?

Wtf man ? aici sunt doi anoni sub flag roman.Tu esti pro independentii tarii moldovenestii sau pentru integritate?

Majoritatea rominilor sint nationalisti la nivel sentimental, dar daca s-ar pune problema vreunei uniri majoritatea ar refuza din pricina la
>nu vrem rusnaci in tara
>nu vrem mai multi votanti PSD
>nu vrem mai multa saracie

S-astea pe linga problema Nistreniei ori chiar si a autonomiei Gagauziei (care ar trebui revocata prin unire ca sa nu le dea apa la moara la secui).

Pentru ca mae parte din m*Ldovenii pe care I-am cunoscut sunt niste borfasi ordinari(raketi) care nu fac altceva decat sa manance cacat despre Romania(dar totusi traiesc aici) sau vin sa invete gratis(pe banii Romanilor) si se asteapta sa ia numai burse. In plus, nu vreau sa mi se umple tara de rusi dezaxati

Taci in pula mea din gura Basarabean prost, nimeni din Moldova nu vrea a avea de-a face cu voi.

Ce ziceam mai sus.))

Da ruminase, tine minte ca sinteti mari evropeni, iara Moldova va e 'partener strategic' si 'popor infratit', asa ca nu miriiti cind moldovanu de rind vine la Ruminia doar din interes financiar ori ca poarta spre Apus.