Joffrey, the true king

In this scene, Joffrey calls gay people degenerates. He was already my favorite character and this pretty much solidified it. Who else likes KING Joffrey?

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw the actor got so much hate mail he quit acting

this scene makes it extremely obvious Joffrey is a closeted homo

>it's a people-can't-separate-the-character-from-the-actor episode

I didn't know this episode existed. Idiots.

>people get so mad at a fake character they send him hate mail
When can we start gassing these people?

nah man he's as straight as an arrow.

>all the retarded feminazis who watch GoT can't distinguish an actor from the character they play

It's as if the people who like game of thrones aren't very smart.

>tfw the actor got so much hate mail he quit acting

i saw reports that people actually harassed and attacked him on the street. don't know if that's true though, can't remember where i saw it

Bend the knee or be deatroyed

I hated him but I would take him back if it means SJWs are pissed again

Also, why the fuck does joffrey get so much hate? If anything we should be sympathetic, he was an incest child

sucks but its true
not just him either, the poor olly kid got harassed to all hell and got death threats

Let's be brutal and honest here though: How are gay people NOT degenerate and unnatural? What is natural and healthy about taking a dick in your ass, or wanting to put your dick in an ass? It's sick and barbaric, and always has been. The entire homo lifestyle is solely based and rooted in the degenerate need to sodomize other men and be promiscuous. This is what happens when a civilization becomes too decadent.

DING DING DING. Joffrey was an honest man if people can't see that then they are as mentally ill as the rest of them!

>sends all of his ships into a tiny rivermouth at once
>gets imped
>marches into a blizzard
>burns his daughter
>gets RAMSEY'D
stannis is truly an awful commander. slaughtering women and children barbarians in a surprise attack is not even remotely impressive

>What is natural about taking a dick in your ass

The fact that it occurs in nature.

>What is healthy about taking a dick in your ass

With all the diseases out there, putting your dick anywhere other than inside your pants is pretty unhealthy.

>Let's be brutal and honest here though

Yeah HONESTLY STUPID ahhahaahhah rekt

Joffrey wasn't interested in sex with anyone. Prostitues bored him and Margaery only interested him once she pretended to enjoy violence.

gay detected.

out, heathen

Rape and post-coital-cannibalism also occur in nature. Something being "natural" doesn't mean it's right.

>With all the diseases out there, putting your dick anywhere other than inside your pants is pretty unhealthy.
Some holes moreso than others.

But it does mean it's natural, sweetie. ;)

>sweetie. ;)
oop. we have a non channer among us lads. stay on your toes

I don't even understand why. He was a fantastic actor and made Joffrey the best villain of the series, far surpassing GRRM's characterization. People are fucking daft as shit.

>He was a fantastic actor
amazing actor. ill admit i hated skylar (from breaking bad) because she was a cunt but it made me realize that these people are insanely good actors that they evoke these crazy emotions.

so much spacing...go back to rebbit we're full

Based Joffrey calling faggots for what they really are.

>Sup Forums is not filled with contrarians 12 years o....

Go back you fuckin' degenerate.

Reminder that if you actually know who this character is you have to go back

>Sup Forums is so autistic they can't even recognize an obvious joke post made by one of their own

He had a good point about a standing army.

We're allowed to hate defective people if they're the "right" kind of defective

that's the reddit meme man.

Sup Forums wonders why the alt-right has zero comedians of substance. The fact that they're uptight and lacking in any sense of humor has a lot to do with that.

Everyone wonders why everyone has zero comedians of substance. The fact that they're uptight and lacking in any sense of humor has a lot to do with that.

and she had the better point about the North never submitting

people who watch this show are seriously stupid

>Does a fantastic job at portraying a utter shit
>Somehow gets booed for doing his job well.

He just stole the ideas of that from Based Bobby B