Guys, are you all really serious about this end of the world shit tomorrow...

Guys, are you all really serious about this end of the world shit tomorrow? I might sound like I'm from /x/ here but I am actually fucking scared right now. My dad just got back from vacation and now only has a dad to live back here.

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just chill, man.

Just chill out, forget about it.

ask Jesus Christ to save you

kek will save us.

Shitposting on my last days on Earth. I regret nothing.

Every predicted happening has failed.

Nothing will happen. Nothing.

If the world ended tomorrow I wouldn't care at all. Not one thing would really ever matter in the eternal void anyway.

Definitely happening tomorrow.

you know famisalami it really is up to kek if we are fucked tomorrow.
If doubles we are fucked, If singles we are safe.

Ether way you must praise kek for his wonderful work.

Oh heck that was pretty close user