What is Sup Forums's opinion on male virginity, and older male virgins in general?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on male virginity, and older male virgins in general?
There is no case where someone is over twenty and a virgin where there isn't something tragically wrong with them.
Also, Pay2Win non-virgins who lost their virginity to prostitutes are pathetic.
Pay 2 win babyyyy
It doesn't exist.
>There is no case where someone is over twenty and a virgin where there isn't something tragically wrong with them.
What did she mean by this?
If you watched enough porn in your life I think you cannot be proclaimed as a virgin, even if you haven't fucked anybody yet.
I've seen a lot of pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Doesn't mean I have been to France.
Go back to screwing up the Olympics, retard.
So why are men mocked for it?
Virginity is a virtue. It should be treasured not laughed at. If you lose a virginity to a woman then it should be your wife, the bearer of your children.
Does that apply to female virgins too, or just male virgins?