If you were a Trump advisor, what would you tell the Donald how to win this election?

If you were a Trump advisor, what would you tell the Donald how to win this election?

If you let him talk, he will say retarded things and lose the elections.

If he shuts up, he is already losing the elections.

don't talk about killing niggers until after he gets elected

Nothing. As a Trump advisor your primary role is to agree with everything he says, boosting his ego and keeping your job in the process.

>stay off Twitter
>cut the crooked Hillary crap
>stop inciting violence and saying bizarre things
>act presidential
>stay on message (change, border security, trade, terrorism, law and order)
>stop picking fights with other Republicans
>stop attacking the media and stop saying the election will be rigged
>genuinely apologize to the Kahn family
>apologize for Obama, Clinton ISIS comments
>use Ivanka


I think he should punch Hillary in the face at a debate. Hear me out. If he did it, there would be massive, historically unprecedented butthurt. But the image of Hillary getting socked right in the mouth would be played more times than the 9/11 videos. She'd show up with a black eye, maybe even worse, like a wired jaw. She'd look like a pitiful victim. Trump wouldn't lose his base support, because fuck Hillary, and eventually, once the outrage died down, people would begin asking, "If Trump could just do that to Hillary, what will Putin, or the Ayatollahs do to her? Do we really want a weak granny that gets punched in the mouth to be our Commander-in-Chief?"

I really think this would win him the election.

Cut back the meme personality a little bit and just keep hammering people with facts about all the corrupt things hillary has done.

sew your mouth shut and throw away the keys

Trump was never a facts guy user

I would advise he make his campaign message great again. To clarify, I would also make it even greater than (probably) ever before.

This except for
>apologize for Obama, Clinton ISIS comments

I'm just stoned enough


You act like liberals listen to them

Fuck me is the best strat T

>Hillary can't be trusted
>We don't want 4 more years of Obama
>We are tired of degeneracy

Drop out
Let Romney run

>The way Sup Forums thinks

>Cut the crooked Hillary crap
Found the shill, guys

i would vote for Hillary
and try to get make trump fail at everything he does. then lock him in a room and castrate him. Then i would take his balls and mash them into a meat patty and make a burger and then feed it to him

Say "nigger"

You don't need a shill to tell you it's old. It's a losing strategy and you know it.

Double down on the Wall and Anti-Muslim speech take it as extreme as you can go without flat out calling for a genocide (implying it is fine). It's like a Brute-Force for the American Psyche, once people see that it's a reality they will get excited for it.

he should keep trolling with foreign policy

"obama founded ISIS" was a great move. technically incorrect, but close enough to the truth that it forces people to look it up.

but that might be the wrong tactic this second because the redneck trump supporters think trump is a warhawk who will bomb ISIS even harder.

if Trump further reveals his anti-interventionist stances, he might alienate his base.

but I think Trump has cemented his status with the flag-wavers, and soon he'll be able to go full-bore on Obama and Hillary's continuation of the mass killings in the middle east.

he'll win over some anti-war leftists, or at least discourage them from showing up at the polls for Hillary. meanwhile the flag wavers will still be convinced that Trump is patriotic and stands for strength

Trump went hard on the neocons' wars during the south carolina debates and still won the primary. I think Trump can begin emphasizing hillary's hawkishness especially if he pairs it with her incompetence

If it's all he talks about they're going to have to.

He needs to get on the Latino vote. It's not an insignificant vote and the Democrats have been shilling it in Spanish and English for months.

Lots of Latinos actually do want the wall built. They came here honestly and are sick of seeing central American gangs and drugs flooding in here. Trump needs to jump on that.

Trump needs to engage black voters too. It's the perfect time. Black hopes were sky high with Obama's election in 2008. Then in 2012 it was like "yeah well good things take more than 4 years" so they turned out and voted for him again. Now it's 2016 and black lives are literally worse than ever. Obama let them down. Hillary offers them nothing but more of the same shit tier handouts. There's a message here for Trump to get on if he can get the right angle.

Realize that the only reason Democrats win in this country is because of the minority vote, and they only get that because they play the bleeding heart "oh you poor [poverty stricken uneducated so far beneath my ivory tower] people" song.

There's a huge flaw in how Democrats treat minorities. Trump -- and really any Republican -- can jump on that and if they play it right, you'd see the Democrat party fade into obscurity, being only white ivory tower people trying to hold it up.

release his tax returns :^)

At some point, use this line:
>The first woman president will be a landmark moment for our nation; don't waste it on Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt woman in American history.

Immigration. Economy. Understand that you can be diplomatic without being perceived as a politician. Put pressure on Clinton to tell us what exactly qualifies her to be president in terms of meaningful accomplishment.

Let me handle everything else.

Hillary keeps bringing up that Trurmp has had products made outside the US, which makes it seem like he's a big contradiction. I really wish he'd address this properly. Of course he has stuff made overseas,just like other companies: because it makes financial sense! To change that, you lower the corporate tax rate and apply tariffs to imports. That will make it more financially attractive for business to produce products in the US. Democrats never seem to get that/ Their solution to everything is to force people to do things, whether it makes financial sense or not, by force of law. The Republican way is to create an environment that makes it happen because it's financially sensible.

There's nothing you can do when your candidate is trying to lose.

>Not a big contradiction

Do you live under a rock?

>cut the crooked Hillary crap

She is crooked you shill.

>Stay of Twitter
>Stop trying to be a "bully" and use ad hominem tactics
>Act like a decent human being
>Support BLM, Feminists, and other Social Justice Groups
>Do a 360 and says he's sorry about his comments on Islam
>Apologize to Clinton and Obama for slandering them
>Stop trying to incite violence
>Call out his racist supporters
>Kill himself.

Would make the world a better place famalam

Speak more about Mexican and Muslim whilst distance yourself from White Natioanalists.

I'd tell him to start organizing right wing death squads.

bad goy, bad goy
what you gonna do,
what you gonna do when they come for you?

>look here! he said more mean things!

wtf i hate trump now

>Sup Forums will defend this as shit as possible

Buy some fucking tv spots already.

Put Juanita Broderick and the rest of the victims on camera talking about their experience with Hillary's "Every victim deserves to be believed" line wrapping it.
Remind everyone Hillary voted for Iraq and wrap it with "Women are the primary victims of war"
Remind the gays that Hillary wants to import more muslims with "I strongly believe marriage is between a man and woman" wrapping it.

drive the polls lower for at least one more week to let everything think you're a fucking dummy then do what you do best

>act presidential
That's a funny way of spelling "fake, disingenuous, scripted and boring"

I know you're that fat gay underage socialist Jew who was shitposting here last year. Someone has the entire image macro, just wait.

Run against Hillary Clinton.

I would just say what his current advisors seem to be saying, which is:

Keep doing what you're doing.

The only place it's not working is in dozens of polls, so those must all be wrong.

Also, you might not get enough votes to win on election day, so if that happens, those must be wrong too.

You've obviously already won, by virtue of deciding that you should win. Whenever reality disagrees with you, reality is wrong.

What he does best is driving polls lower.

>Cut back the meme personality

Do you know where you are?

>tell the mexicans that they're going to check IDs properly at the poll station.

>advertise normal welfare at the expense of corporate welfare

>also he should secretly ban made in china

You have to admit that lobbing a meme (non substantive) insult at every person who wrongs him is not helping him. Also his speeches could be a little more refined and still be charismatic without looking buffoonish.

>cut crooked hillary crap
>apologize too Obama

not at all.

It means dignified.


its too beautiful to b tru

just go on teleprompter dude