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Jesus Christ
Just like when Rubio was leading polls in Florida :^)
wtf, I hate Trump now. This really made me think. Keep me posted.
report script spam
When was this? As far as I can remember, Trump was always leading.
Lmao not even Comrade Sanders was losing that bad
How can that be? How can be Trump rising? He's a racist!
>Deliberately shortening the X axis to make the drop look bigger and more sudden
oh you mean like never?
Drumpf blown the fuck out!
the difference is like 6%. Trump can easily smash that during the debates when he makes her cry and US avoids risking a womyn to run the show.
Calling it
If he actually shows up.
Trump is a terrible debater.
He only seemed to 'win' the GOP ones because he was able to outshout the other 5 people on stage.
With the upcoming ones, he'll be asked specific policy questions, which isn't what he's good at. His strength is going off the cuff and slogans: and that won't fly in the structured debate environment.
when has trump ever said anything that would convice you he's a good debater? he'll probably get flustered during the debate and call hillary a cunt or something.
get fucked lol
What's hilarious is that even with all the shady stuff they're pulling with the polls, Trump is still rising. These are glorious times we're living in.
what shady stuff do you mean exactly?
trumps own internal polling have him up 10 pts
>thinking cnn doesn't rig the polls
He already confirmed that he was showing up.
That's a counterfeit. There's no serial
holy fuck my sides
That rise though
Oversampling democrats and independents, undersampling republicans. All polls are biased "interpretations" of the data, they used the same tricks to try and discredit Sanders. I'd also believe that they're straight up lying about the data, but there's no proof to back that claim up.
wow you should start a website that shows unbiased polls... maybe call it something catchy like UnSkewedPolls.com
That's a good idea. Do you think HuffPo and Nate Silver will include my independent polling in their prediction models?
I'm a democrat and Bush's line just tanking mid way through just makes me laugh so hard
Someone gave you the wrong number, senpai.
Look at the pattern of this graph.
Every time Hillary Nosedives and Trump gets ahead, it automatically jumps back in the opposite direction and Trump drops hard, he's never in the lead for very long at all.
You think this is just a coincidence? Of course not.
This is done intentionally, but by whom? The media? or Trump? Maybe they're both working in tandem to keep it this way because they both think it will benefit them, even though they are on opposite sides.
Media gets to keep pretending that no one likes Trump, and Clinton is beloved and will run away with the election easily. There is nothing to fear, everything is going as planned, nervoussweatyman.png. They think that if they convince people that the majority is on Clinton's side, then herd mentality will push Clinton over the top.
Trump gets to remain the underdog, lighting a desperate fire under his supporters bellies to hopefully vote in record numbers and not only BTFO of Clinton and the political establishment, but completely destroy any legitimacy that the media has left. People will be thinking "how did this happen? the media said Clinton was winning this whole time!". They're lies and bias and attempts at propaganda will exposed so hard that there will be no coming back from it.
It just comes down to who this tactic will work for.
Or... and this might be a little more far fetched than a massive conspiracy involving pollsters, the media and the Clinton campaign but bear with me for a minute... he just manages to blow it every time he has a lead by saying something stupid because he's a moron.
I just want to point out I have never yet in my life been polled for anything .. I am an enrolled voter, republican currently and live in New England.. I have never met anyone who is not a Trump supporter.. but I admit I don't ask the kids at starbucks with gauged ear lobes , lisps and colored hair..
Or perhaps polls tend to, um, go up and down?
Hey it's that Canadian shill who got fixed earlier
Why are you still even here? lol!
Reminder that trump has been using a technique known as "rise and fall" to keep his base energized so they get out the vote in November.
Trump periodically allows his numbers to tie or go slightly above Hillary, just to "check in" and make sure he can surpass him whenever needed. Then he floods the media with a massive stream of stupid nontroversies, all at the same time.
> Muh Melania nudes
> Muh crying baby at the rally
> Muh Obama created Isis
> Muh I always wanted a Purple Heart, but it's easier to get one this way
> Muh "Manafort reports campaign is in shambles"
Completely saturating the media in negative trump stories, and dropping his numbers below Clinton. Keep in mind however that none of these stories have any hard substance whatsoever, meaning anyone on the fence is still open to moving back to trump at a later date, but they are just momentarily swayed by the media.
If you look at the photo on OP pic, you can plainly see three or four iterations of rise and fall taking place. Through all of history, PEOPLE LIKE THE UNDERDOG. By artificially making himself the underdog, Trump has created a perfect recipe for a "comeback kid" type scenario.
Nate silver, the pundits, and idiots like Bill Krystol are utterly clueless.
Expect a final rise around the time of the first debate. After which he will remain firmly in the lead until Election Day.
Screen cap this post.
you missed the joke...
Here In America we have what's called the electoral college system
This shit won't fly ever and he will lose massively even with the popular vote
>He just "happens" to say something that just "happens" to occur when he's leading the polls, that the media just "happens" to meme the shit out of and just "happens" to make his poll numbers tank.
yeah, no.
Consistently, immediately after one specific candidate gets in the lead? Every time? It's not random at all, there is an obvious pattern.
Keep those polls going goyim
Honestly your thought process makes me more inclined to believe the theory that he's a Clinton plant deliberately throwing the election than he's some kind of genius political strategist.
>I'm a democrat
>t. Desperation
user please. Donald says something "stupid" and inflammatory on a daily basis. When he begins leading media just shills extra hard on his latest vaguely "bigoted" statement to tank his numbers.
How many times in how many different threads are you going to keep saying this? Im not even on this place that often but every time I am, I see you saying the same thing.
Probably because you're a cuckold
>t. CTR
>summer of 1988
>Democratic nominee ahead by 15 points
>polls consistently show that Republican nominee is extremely unpopular
>October of 1988
>Lee Atwater releases his infamous "revolving door" ad
>general election results: Democratic nominee is destroyed
Fast forward...
>summer of 2016
>Democratic nominee ahead by 15 points
>polls consistently show that Republican nominee is extremely unpopular
>October of 2016
>Julian Assange plans to release his "October surprise" for Hillary
>general election results: We shall see...
History repeats itself.
Complacency can kill campaigns.
Screencap this.
What was the revolving door ad?
This. And whatever Assange has will undoubtedly be 50 times for devastating. Keep in mind, his "leaks" last month resulted in DNC officials resigning.
That was during the DNC and not after the RNC.
I feel like you're referencing a website I've never heard of, but feel free to explain it to me.
>Screen cap this post.
Why? This is obvious to anyone that isn't a complete normie.
Irrelevant. Dukakis himself has stated that general elections polls don't mean shit.
>General election polls, according to Dukakis, at this stage in the race “are absolutely worthless.”
>And he would know.
>“Unfortunately,” said the 1988 Democratic presidential nominee in an interview, “mine was a classic case of where in fact they proved to be way off.”
>Flying high out of the 1988 Democratic National Convention, the forecast looked sunny for the then-Massachusetts governor. A Gallup general election poll released July 26, 1988 gave Dukakis a 17-point lead over George H.W. Bush, the Republican nominee.
What really matters is...
A) How the public feels after the debates.
B) Dirty tricks that may occur right before election day.
Roger Stone and Julian Assange are already working together to release info that could potentially (and probably will) devastate Hillary when she has very little time to go into damage control mode. That alone should worry her and the shills.
>Falling for Clinton's plant who has no consistent policy positions other than "Build Da Wall!" because some of the dumb shit he says pisses off liberals and being edgy is all you know how to do.
>Unironically calling someone a cuckold when they say something you don't like.
that point of intersection is well after the election
Wtf i hate to you now
Keep telling yourselves that.
Eh. If you notice she still doesn't have the support she had in April. This is after a a media barrage the even the media admits to itself is unfair and biased. And he has no budget.
Keeping telling yourself that polls are written in stone...
>Trumpfags shitting on Berniefags all year
>He loses
>Trump goes up against Hillary
>He loses
Has there been a bigger BTFO than the one Trumpfags are getting right now?
There is a difference between trading wins back and forth in a close race, one occasionally pulling, before evening out, and one candidate consistently beating the for over a year, with the opposition only pulling VERY CLOSE victories in the stray poll here and there during what should be the strongest polling seasons for the party (immediately after the convention etc...)
It was your subculture that propped him up, and he's driving your ideology off a cliff. Are you happy with yourselves, because I am.
He's paid to be here. How else is he going to buy a new bike after some poor refugees appropriated his?
What you (and many others) keep forgetting are the many complex factors in this election.
1) Hillary is widely disliked, even by much of her own party.
2) A large segment of disillusioned Bernie supporters will either stay home or vote third party.
3) The same people insisting that Trump has no chance at winning were frantically assuring us that he would NEVER get a nomination slightly over 1 year ago.
4) Stone, and Assange are preparing to release an "October surprise" for the purpose of damaging Hillary's campaign. the public may have a short memory, but whatever is released (combined with what was already released) will be brought up repeatedly at the debates.
So to answer your question: Am i happy with myself? Yes. Because I realize that complacency has resulted in the downfall of smug pricks like you MANY times in the past.
Proceed with more snark and shitty gifs in 3...2....1....
>Has there been a bigger BTFO than the one Trumpfags are getting right now?
Yeah, it's called Bernie Sanders.
>Never rise above Hillary in the polls
>Shamed into being her whipping boy at the debates
>DNC colludes against him to prop up Hillary
>He STILL ENDORSES her after being cheated
>Bernouts lose their DNC seats to seat fillers
>Bernie quits being a Democrat
>Bernie buys a $600,000 lake house and lives out the rest of his life as the man that was cucked to death
not gunna lie famalam, but that's be a MASSIVE campaign to make Sup Forums jump they way it has.
>So Much Rationalizations
Enjoy your three months of hope.
Got my gifs confused,was meant to be pic related
>Enjoy your three months of hope.
You never fail to disappoint with the predictability...
Meanwhile, you enjoy the self-satisfaction of the Hillary campaign. Because right now it's drawing some major parallels to what we have already seen in the past.
>Implying I give a shit about the Hillary campaign
I hate Hillary, but I just enjoy watching people like Drumpf and yourself fail and be publicly shamed.
>I hate Hillary,
Oh sure, where have I heard that before?
Hope you love the October surprise. What happened during the last round of leaks? Oh yeah, DNC resignations... The beauty is that the Dems and the media won't have time to pick up the pieces so late in the game. What will you and your ilk do then? I mean, aside from cower behind your couch crying about how "bigotry has won."
>redditor posting redditor bullshit
We use webms around here, cuck.
Look out, a le snarky man gif is coming your way.
>hostage crisis
>economy in decline
>third party candidate taking 20% of the vote then collapsing in favor of the R
which of these type events are you hoping for?
>Nate Plastic
>overseas jobs
>Bernie, Jill, and Gary
It's already all happened, friend.
>I hate Hillary,
>Oh sure, where have I heard that before?
Most voters hate their candidate this election, they just hate the other candidate more. It's Goldwater vs Goldwater. How have you not gotten this?
Nope, just an old "normie" from FB who loves watching conservatives suffer and scramble to rationalize. Can't even figure out how reddit works: too old I guess.
>it happened once so it will always happen
Please post another
Trump just has to shut up and stop tweeting.
Hillary always goes down in polls the more public exposure she gets. She can't avoid the debates.
How many Americans have the attention span to remember the truck in France?
>overseas jobs
Not a recession
>Bernie, Jill and Gary
Not running, and Jill and Gary don't even top 15% together
>Most voters hate their candidate this election, they just hate the other candidate more. It's Goldwater vs Goldwater. How have you not gotten this?
Trump actually has a substantial number of people who like him. Hillary's base is mostly "meh, at least she's not Trump." That attitude, combined with millennials who would rather vote Stein or Johnson, could definitely ruin Hillary's chance at winning. The only reason you refuse to acknowledge these facts is because you're simply masquerading as some I-hate-both-sides cretin. In reality, you definitely want the cunt to win.
Not running
Once it became public knowledge she's an anti-vaxer, most she's dropped to negligible numbers,
Keep telling yourself he's stealing more votes from the left than the right.
Your tears are delicious.