Why hasn't Japan ever been attacked by Muslims? They seem to hate all western countries and their allies

Why hasn't Japan ever been attacked by Muslims? They seem to hate all western countries and their allies

Japan is a major US ally, right up there with Western Europe and Canada, most of which have had some kind of attack

So why hasn't Japan been akhbar'ed?

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japan hasn't invaded a towelhead country yet

They don't let muslims into their country because they literally have nothing to offer Japan.

There will come a day when Europeans realize this as well. The only benefit of letting uneducated immigrants into a developed country is to the conscience. Japan does not place this highly, so they do not kowtow to the political pressure and allow them in. There could be various reasons, such as nationalism being shunned, a general prosperity, etc. but I do not wish to oversimplify the cause.

Their immigration policy is set up to not allow them in and they don't let them build mosques so there's nowhere to indoctrinate and train attackers.

no room for immigration, no room for mosques, actually, no room for themselves. ragheads arent be able to start a pork free community. japs be blessed in this case.

also, Yakuza :)
Any mob run country can be free of Muzzies, much like Italy.

Same reason they don't attack Switzerland.

Same for Switzerland and yet !

Japan has a funny way of dealing with "difficult" people

In order to not offend them, what the Japanese do is exclude them.

Basically, we can't offend you if we don't let you in our country

1. They're an island country so muslims can't get in unless they let them
2. The don't let them in for the most part.

They took in 27 refugees and two of them were already arrested for rape.

Literally borders, language and culture.

They almost screwed that up in the 80's when a few Japs went off to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets with the taliban

I don't think they have been attacked on Japanese soil, but some Japs were taken hostage and beheaded by ISIS.

Japan has had little contact with the arabs throughout history, lets very few immigrants in their country (they let in 400 refugees in 10 years compared to 400,000 in the US in 10 years), they are very xenophobic to the point where they deny foreigners jobs, housing etc and keeps foreigners out and have no issue in being racist in public unlike america.


Japs have nothing to fear from sandniggers as they're excluded from Japanese society. Japan would rather create service robots than deal with filthy gaijin foreigners smelling the place up and causing a racket in their peaceful and neat country.

They have much more to fear from evil chinks who are unoriginal rat bastards who create poisoned fragile trash and hawk in on the world like a plague. I say give them a few nukes as a gift and hedge against chink aggression in the South China Sea. japs are based and honorary Aryans

Its impossible for moslems to migrate to japan

God dammit Japan


Who do you think they got their suicidal tactics from?

>Being this delusional


Because their government doesnt fabricate terror attacks against their own people

tippy top m80

Japan has an isolationist policy ever since Hiroshima they don't want a conflict unless it is provoked.