How do people like Tommy Wiseau continue to live in California after making/starring in 1 film that was a flop?

How do people like Tommy Wiseau continue to live in California after making/starring in 1 film that was a flop?

Do they just go back to working a normal 9-5 job?

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>Do they just go back to working a normal 9-5 job?

Most of them do. I think Wiseau has a huge inheritance that he's living on though.

Tommy was rich before making the movie

Not all places in Cali is crazy expensive.

Tommy is loaded from some mafia shit

He screens his film constantly and the Room has been a craze nearly a decade. Im sure even without an inheritance he's doing well.

He works as a wax figure at madame Tussaud.

I wonder what haugh tastes like.

>Most of them do

Damn, that's got to be pretty embarrassing. You think you've made it big, then you're just back to where you were a year or two ago.

What about people who were in like 5-10 mediocre, not very well known movies? There's no way they'd have made more than a million dollars from them so they have no chance of retiring. I would rather kill myself than go back to working a shitty 9-5 job.

Tommy Wiseau is filthy rich. He also paid his co stars a lot of money.

They probably have degrees and their 9-5 is a horrible French fry nightmare like I'm sure you're imagining

what's so bad about coming back to your old job a couple hundred thousand dollars richer

wiseau has loads of cash from his time in the mafia

How does one "leave" the mafia? My gang says they'll kill me if I leave ):

I'd have told all of my co-workers and friends to go fuck themselves because I'm going to become richer and more famous than they will ever be, and I'd have a whole new set of rich famous friends.

Imagine have to go back to normal life after cutting off ties with the people you've known for years in that fashion.

doesn't he realise they're mocking him?

dont be a pretentious cunt then and it wouldnt be awkward

Then you really deserve the humiliation

These. He claims he made it in real estate, but that is bullshit.

That's the idea!

Tommy owns a bunch of properties that became worth a lot of money in the 90s or some shit, it's all in the book

I was actually in San Francisco about a month ago and I remember seeing a billboard somewhere downtown for The Room.


>coming back to your old job
Need I say more?

He did naaaht, it's boolshit.

That's more to do with you being an asshole than anything else.

It's a meme I guess. I was there last January and there was a billboard at Pier 42 or whatever.

>Burning bridges for no reason
Youd deserve all the misfortune you got in that situation.

Wiseau owned a clothing business, and owned/owns several buildings in San Franschisco. Supposedly he inherited it. The Room was self-financed, and thus was an Independent Film.

oh no not being famous is so terrible

16 years old btw

What a dream. Undeserved wealth with which to pursue your dreams.

Tommy has the life, man.

Yeah I believe I saw the same one you did then. I'm really interested in how well and often tickets sell.

He didn't inherit it

You see, Tommy escaped the Soviet Union, and apparently made a lot of cash over in Europe before coming to America. He invested it, while hiding his identity. That's why he has a fake name and an odd mixture of accents.

>I'd have told all of my co-workers and friends to go fuck themselves because I'm going to become richer and more famous than they will ever be,

well then you're just a cunt aren't you

He seems to have fallen ass backwards into millions. He's a fucking wizard. You have people working hard all their lives, rising the corporate ladder, or there's those that are born rich. Tommy just sweet talks some old lady, and suddenly he owns a bunch of high rises and has her money.

I heard he had a sugar mommah and she gave him all his money.

>odd mixture of accents
I thought he suffered some kind of stroke, like Stallone?

incidentally, how the hell did he spend SIX MILLION DOLLARS on a movie that looked like it cost about 50k max to make?

>inherited estate from his family that lives in poland
yea nah its from black market dealings he had in the 80s

He bought equipment rather than rented it. He also filmed it in SD and HD at the same time, which is why there is a Blu-Ray version of this movie that actually looks pretty good

Isn't he also some sort-of clothing importer?

He didn't cheap out on equipment atleast.

I just don't know what to believe.

>What about people who were in like 5-10 mediocre, not very well known movies? There's no way they'd have made more than a million dollars from them so they have no chance of retiring.

Do you not know what a "working actor" is? You think there aren't any actor other than Robert Downey Jr.? Do you even know what SAG members do most of the time?

holy shit this board fucking amazes me sometimes, how do you function in life

Stallone wasn't a stroke, though, but doctor accidentally fucking up one of his nerves/muscles during childbirth.

But yeah, it seems Tommy has been in at least two big car accidents. He doesn't talk about them but implied to Greg Sestero that the second one kinda changed things for him.

Does Uwe Boll still have money to play golf?

His accent isn't really all that far off from your typical Polish idiot trying to speak English. However he lived in France after escaping Eastern Europe (probably Poland) and says he picked up French very quickly so his weird inflections in English are probably a result of that.

most actors have day jobs, or a string of consistent odd jobs through agencies like models do. Filming takes a few weeks so most of the year they need to be doing something if they dont get enough film work

>Stallone wasn't a stroke, though, but doctor accidentally fucking up one of his nerves/muscles during childbirth.

Oh. Yeah. It already sort of felt wrong when I wrote it.

nazi gold goes a long way

assume any 'clues' he gives about his past and where he made his money are all effectively wild goose chases too so we'll likely never know what his deal is

He's Polish. I bet that's the reason for the accent.

it costs that much?? wew

IIRC he says his first car accident involved 'a friend' driving into water and the car flipping over, Tommy says he was able to save everyone by opening the door before the car was submerged. This one he doesn't like to talk much about, and seems to be the one that fucked his face/possibly speech up. Greg says in photos of a young Tommy he looked completely different, that the boy in the photos was changed completely.
He had a second accident in 1996 which is the one he says changed his life and made him chase his dream of creating The Room.

>yea nah its from black market dealings he had in the 80s

The old lady was American. She was a producer on The Room. Chloe Lietzke is her name. Put that into google and go down the Wiseau history rabbit hole.

Pretty sure he pays for that to be there permanently.

From this thread it looks like Tommy lived a hard life.

That's pretty sad, makes me feel bad for him.

>is it a real dog?

geez, how many car accidents can one person have?

I always liked him. But he is hard to read. I just don't know.. is he really in on the joke? Are we laughing with him or at him? Judging from his behaviour I can never truly tell.

But I'm really looking forward to his cameo in The Disaster Artist.

>That's pretty sad, makes me feel bad for him.

He probably ranges on the sociopathic side, and views people only in how they can help him. That would put him in narcissistic personality disorder. The guy is absolutely loaded, and has been at least since the early 90's.

He is constantly getting sued for not paying people for their work.

He's probably not narcissistic, because he genuinely did help Greg out on a few occasions with no benefit for himself.
He's just a lonely guy with some deep set issues.

I lol'd.

He was constantly scamming and stiffing people on The Room. The guy is a weirdo and a jerk. He just has a goofy low IQ persona and funny accent.

>The earliest record of his ownership is not a sales document but a transfer of ownership from Thomas P. Wiseau the individual to The Thomas P. Wiseau Revocable Trust...
>....while there were transfers of deed in the 1980s, none of those transfers go to Wiseau or even someone who might be Wiseau under another name
This guy might has one of the more shady pasts of film directors in existence. Reminds me of some 70's director that made a cheap exploitation flick and disappeared from existence when he had to pay the bills

>He was constantly scamming and stiffing people on The Room

I demand the whole story.

Read the book! Or at least the audiobook for Gregg's perfect Tommy impression.

He's certainly incredibly weird, but he didn't seem quite on the sociopathtic scale of it.
For one thing, sociopaths are a lot better at faking emotions and manipulating than Tommy is.

In the disaster Artist, Greg goes over how he refused to get basic things for the crew, turned up late constantly, dicked around the cast and crew etc. He lost a camera crew halfway through filming it because of it.
It's also the reason for the infamous spoons; Tommy cheaped out on buying any props

Did you read The Disaster Artist? He was bullshitting the Crew constantly, so much that TWO taems of crew left him. One time he said he'd get an air conditioner, lied over and over again, until the crew just left.

Fuckers should've been grateful to just bask in Tommys greatness.


>Tommy cheaped out on buying any props

But he made sure to get his own private bathroom built. The guy is deeply narcissistic. The Room is even this fantasy where he's the best, most charitable person, and everyone betrays his kindness. It's a retelling of some old breakup of his, but from his incredibly immature, one sided perspective.


Is it going to be good?

I always wondered this too, though in Tommy's case he's a good businessman supposedly.
I would just move back to the midwest after a while.

No. It's just something riffing on The Room, with shitty actors. Why watch the knock offs when you can see the real thing?

What I'm really interested in, is the behind the scenes footage. Wiseau had someone film the set, and this footage has never been seen.

Nice to see the a longer (but not full version) of the infamous To Be or Not be Commericial has been found:

Sestero has the full thing.

>Complications his mother suffered during labor forced her obstetricians to use two pairs of forceps during his birth; misuse of these accidentally severed a nerve and caused paralysis in parts of Stallone's face.[18][19] As a result, the lower left side of his face is paralyzed – including parts of his lip, tongue, and chin – an accident which has given Stallone his snarling look and slightly slurred speech.
Jesus christ poor Stallone, it's scary how many little things can go wrong in child birth.

Don't burn your bridges. Also if you're coming in money don't announce it. That's how you play yourself.

He made his disability his asset, though. Gotta admire that.

you realize the film is about the making of the room and not the room itself, right? if it's anything like the book it will be more of a (comedic) character study of sestero and wiseau

D-Doug, is that you?

I don't get it, he looks like any other normal guy?


It was the generator he lied about not the AC. They had to nag him about the AC, but when he finally bought one it immediately broke

He is genuinely one of the most fascinating people i have ever seen

I too think he looks perfectly normal, but if you want to see how he really looked, the last time you get a good look at his original face is in Rocky 1, maybe a movie or two after that, because after the huge success he got his first plastic surgery. They even reference that in Rocky 2. By Rambo 3 the guy was already changed.

Fuck me, I should've bought the audiobook, Sestero's impression is amazing

There was also Drew Caffrey, another rich mentor who Tommy was close to.

Between the successful clothing businesses, rich benefactors, real estate, and settlement from the big accident, it's really not hard to see how he was able to get so rich.

Thanks, now I'm hooked.
DLing the audiobook rn.

Really though, what's the deal with the hot water?

The way he treats money is how a lot of people who grow up dirt poor and end up treat money. He's incredibly cheap when it comes to business expenses because he probably had to get used to cutting expenses as much as possible to see profits. With personal things, like cars and bathrooms, he's willing to spend ridiculous amounts because he knows he has a lot of personal wealth.

Jordan of The Creatures did just this before shutting down the popular YouTube group

Well that would make you like 95% of celebrities then.


It's an easy way to assert dominance and seem like a big shot at a restaurant. I wouldn't be surprised if Tommy picked it up from an old self-help book or something like that; it's one of those old tricks like shaking someone's hand for a long time to assert dominance. By making an order that's weird, but not difficult, you're projecting that the staff are working for you and that they need to pay attention to what you say.

It's possible that growing up in the USSR he didn't have access to clean water, his family may have had to boil it to make it potable, so it could just be a habit

Or it could be this

The two main theories is that he ran a knockoff designer clothes operation for a crime syndicate somewhere in eastern Europe, and that he received an vast inheritance from a woman he was involved with when she passed.

I don't care about Tommy Wiseau or celebrity gossip stuff but this shit always bothers me. Maybe because I've always focused on faces and kept track of extras and secondary characters and their actors in TV and movies. I can never quite figure out what most of them end up doing especially after reading their IMDB profiles. They get a role in every couple of years in a made for TV movie and what else? Wait on tables or work at Home Depot? When do you call it quits?

More specifically, he didn't understand the difference between film and digital, so he filmed on both formats at the same time with a custom rig that housed two cameras.

He ultimately only used the 35mm film and not the digital for production.

>Listen to audiobook of The Disaster Artist
>Mfw it's a chapter where Greg talks about his shitty nothing career that doesnt even mention Tommy

No one cares about Puppet Master or any of it's sequels you loser.

Greg's story is useful for background. They're both losers who found each other. You need to know why he's friends with Tommy and why he's in The Room instead of being a star.

Imagine one of the current numale "action stars" having a disability like that. they'd cry about it and how they are discriminated against it because of "ableism" and try to boost their career by playing the pity card.