It's becoming increasingly likely that The Donald is a Democratic plant to be an easy opponent for Hillary, isn't it...

It's becoming increasingly likely that The Donald is a Democratic plant to be an easy opponent for Hillary, isn't it? This could go down as the biggest ruse in US history.

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Steve Deace or Glenn Beck please leave here and take the rat with you, You are not wanted.

drink bleach nigger

I think he is just genuinely this retarded, not a democratic plant.

He donated more to the Clintons than to the vets

wtf i h8 drump no

This was my initial suspicion last year. It's hard to tell right now. The media has ramped up the anti-trump sentiment big time now. They've gone full D-Day on him.

Did you ever notice how when Trump was the friends of the Clintons, they supported building a wall and Bill deported #12million?

It's becoming increasingly likely that The Donald is a Mike Tyson plant to increase the funding of public boxing gyms, isn't it? This could go down as the biggest ruse in US history.

It's more likely that the media was playing 3d chess by making it so he would be the nominee in order to guarantee a Hillary victory. The media wouls have had a harder time making a canadian Cuban look like an evil racist nazi than someone who is white

The Dems were more conservative back then, duh. It's not because of Fat Donald

If he is a Shillary plant the republicucks still deserve to lose because they couldn't produce anyone competent enough to beat him in the primary.

It's hard to blame the media when his continuous stream of retarded statements was bound to get to the media due to how retarded it is.

op's a tinfoil retard

>muh conspiracy that I'll believe to conveniently reinforce my political positions


It's becoming increasingly likely that Shillary is a Republican plant to be an easy opponent for The Donald, isn't it? This could go down as the biggest ruse in US history.

The media has manipulated this entire election cycle. They gave trump 500 times more air time than any of the other nominees.

I would've liked Trump to win, but since that appears unlikely I'd consider his campaign a success if it spurs people to realize you can successfully run as an American nationalist. Hopefully we see smarter more articulate "Trumpian" type policiticans rise up, independent of past baggage weighing down Trump, like Reagan cocksucking.

prepare yourselves for prison camp, as all your web secrets are used to send you to prison camps deep in the heart of Alaska for Anti government dissidents

What are you an idiot, he would have run third party to split the vote. Idiot.

But you're still voting for him of course you were always going to

But after this election we're pretty much a one party state as ramzpaul states today.

Amnesty to millions of illegals plus importing millions of muslims.

Yeah don't know why Trumpcucks and Trumpshills likened him to a more presidential, professional and witty person like Nigel Farage or Marine Le Pen. Trump is some fat guy who doesn't even know how to debate.

K... Keep it shilling

>its hard to blame the media

Something like that would likely get her impeached.

Keep replying to shill threads. I love it and yes I work for CTR and we get paid $15 an hour. I love my job cause it's so easy to trigger and bait trumpfags

Lmao Steve Forbes estimates his IQ is 156 due to his scores ar Wharton. I laugh at people who say hes dumb because theyre too retarded to see him playing everyone

That's bernie sanders not trump :^)

Trump had a good life, good friends, good family, and now he will go down as the most hated man in the history of American politics.

Never go full retard Sup Forums (whispers) never full...

by purging the weak?

drumpf is a hillary plant

Fred Trump had a little with the dean of Penn

*little talk


>Amnesty to millions of illegals plus importing millions of muslims.

there is a way better chance that Clinton deport more illegals that trump himself, Clinton will surf the Senate like a shark, trump was going to be blocked every single step of the way.

don't fall on your Dick thinkin Clinton is this open borders fairy, Clinton is a corporate war hawk she'll do what's best for her donors period

Even if he was smart he's still an old man. Old people always blurt out crazy shit. That's why Hillary has layers of buffers between her and the media. Trump should do the same thing but his ego is too big.

He's always identified as a democrat. why is this surprising?


that's not the American style kiddo...
that's why people don't really want to emigrate to your shit hole except those niggers who can't go no where else

>This could go down as the biggest ruse in US history.

-George Washington and King George III being the same person.
-The Moon landing hoax
-The JFK assassination hoax
-The Lincoln assassination hoax
-All the First Ladies being Men

Not even top 10.

It doesn't, we need to abort all people born with birth defects to cleanse the gene pool.

This is too much of a red pill for an emotional society to swallow.

as much as i wish trump was making fun of that freak--he wasn't. he's done those hand gestures and movements dozens of times before that moment. kill yourself you piece of shit.

wtf i hate trump now

Its called business.

it is true, we need a third choice

That program was even unpopular in Nazi Germany, a racial state. I don't see how it could ever gain traction again.

Its called hypocrisy when only Trump is allowed to flip flop.

>that pic




or vote a third party that doesn't lie to us?

prove this video wrong. I dare you.

1 bitcoin to anyone who proves this video is false.

that was always the plan. you think people here would actually vote kanye west into office?

it's not to reinforce political positions.
I'm an undecided voter (definitely not voting Hillary) that is pretty suspicious of the Donald being a plant.
The timing of his controversial statements can't just be coincidental. Literally every time he's taken the lead in polls, he says saying stupid.
He's literally mocked every voter base besides rednecks and white men.
He's either a massive retard or a plant. Pick one.

*something stupid

I love this meme so much.

Really crystallizes how fucking retarded yanks are.

The whole point is to call their bluff
A transparent retarded huckster narcissist is better than a sociopath, i mean allegedly


I used to think this was a likely theory, but then as the primaries went on and I looked more into Trump's history I felt it was completely ridiculous. Flashforward to now and I can't help but feel there might be something to this conspiracy. Every fucking time Trump pulls ahead in the polls, he goes out of his way to say or do something incredibly stupid and his lead evaporates away.

Yea guys hes a Dem plant even though he called out Obongo on creating ISIS and the corruption of the Democratic party and HRC. Totally a shill

>no source

Fuck you cunt leave my pets out of it.


I knew a few dems who feared Cruz more than Trump because the former at least seems to be a very serious Christian.

Ya he's only been talking about becoming president for 10 years now.

This makes zero sense. Why would a plant be bashing Hillary so much? Why would a plant start such a mssive movement.

Fuck off already you stupid shill. Stop trying to play to conspiracy theorists.
Conspiracies have to have real evidence otherwise you are just retarded.

Only for my doggo

Imagine the constant scandals and blackmail of the Hillary administration when they can no longer blame Trump for the worlds problems!

But thats just electing Hillary.


Kys gook.

I like how thinking powerful people might get together and have a plan for the future is considered crazy, "Conspiracy nuts" etc.


I'd be happy as he'll if you are right. God bless Donald

Nothing to see here m8, just some tinfoil shit passing by