Is autism true Degeneracy?

I'm talkin the 'high functioning' autismos

>literally anyone can get prescribed with this shit

>muh attention span

>cant function properly without popping amphetamines daily

This has to be the most degenerate thing you can do to yourself.

you sound incredibly stupid

It's not like they can help it. My cousin has autism and she's told me she hates that she has it. She feels subnormal and I really feel bad for her. People like you are part of the reason why.

A stupid burger?

The most degenerate thing would be you. Because if you're not retarded, you're still fucking retarded.

lol that kid has a potato head.

i assume that op is referring to what use to be aspergers?

You were in a race against several million other sperm, but against all odds, you were the one that made 1st place. This is how you decide to spend your victory lap?

I'm talking about how autism has very vague restrictions and its often misdiagnosed. People can be mislead and often they do it to themselves.

I have autism and I can tell you that it'd no cakewalk to rely on your parents for the rest of your life.

I have an extremely high IQ but cant finish any educations because I cant focus on anything for too long.

Social interaction is fun for a short while but then I really want to be alone again.

I have a girlfriend but she sometimes feels like I dont care about her because its hard for me to show love and affection and my emotions.

Ive tried to kill myself before because i cant live with the knowledge that Im a drag on society and my family.

Well, at least high-functioning autists can, well, function.

Low-functioning autists are basically eternal babbies.

Have you ever wiped the ass of basically someone who is the same age as you?

So now you're going to blame them for their doctor mis-diagnosing? I mean ya if they self diagnose fuck that, but you cant blam the individual for the systems error, right?

They never asked to be born OP.
Why you have to be so salty.
What did they ever do to you OH right nothing your just a low life loser who blames every one who is weaker then you.
Gas your self desu.

Fuck off Jew

You really hit rock bottom if thats your best replay.

You guys talk about it as though people arent abusing this shit its not about the people its about the drugs they take that are supposed to help them.

>not blame people for personal failings
>blame the drugs for not being good enough

Fuck off Jew

They suck up resources and then just sit there and drool while watching paint dry.

Haha beta bitch. I can sense your faggotry emitting from my screen. Your life must be pathetic

I've got good math skills though

Thats the parents fault for giving them birth.
They never asked to be born.
Abortion is the right thing to do.
If they are born they should not be harassed.



>I've tried to kill myself
>can't even do that right