Face it, America. You have lost the culture war against these people

Face it, America. You have lost the culture war against these people.

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America is going to end up being a cautionary tale for the rest of the world.

Americans are long fucked. Theres no saving them. White americans should flee and let the jew rape them dry. Then all the world will see how blacks destroyed a once great nation. A necessary sacrifice to protect other nations.

Not yet.

One the world will ignore unfortunately.

>oh that won't happen here

Along with two islands called Xīn xīlán.

That'll be Sweden. Much smaller country

>have an actual nationalist party winning seats in parliment
>boohoo we are doomed
With cuckolds like you it wouldn't surprise me.

Against retards that everyone laughs at?


Thank god we already know college is a meme. You have the kikes to thank.

its not fair i dont want america and the west to collapse i'll rather have cucks in charge then soulless chinese

>allowing your nation to fall

Is it really too far gone lads? This feel burns me deep inside my soul.

In the Wild West, injustice would be solved in blood. Perhaps that can work.

Maybe i don't know i look at America as the epicenter of liberalism. If it goes down in flames then their global ideology falls along with it.

Tell me about the nigger, why does he wear the vest?

>not going to a private Christian university that has literally 0 SJW classes.

THAT is a good feel for me m8

>Rhodesia will be an example to the rest of the world guys
>South Africa will be an example to the rest of the world guys

Nothing's an example if you aren't told the information goyim

>thinking in terms of conservatism vs liberalism
>not thinking in terms of nationalism vs globalism

Your logic is already catastrophically fucked. Good thing you make up for it with your powerful military

>being subjected to anti-science indoctrination is better than being subjected to pro-sjw indoctrination
seems like both would be terrible man

I went to a stem-focused university that tends to be conservative politically, and it was about 3 years before this whole sjw thing really blew up. I feel like I lucked out.

>letting a domestic terrorist teach at Yale
you burgers have some splainin to do

I bet nobody in that room has any guns and would be completely vulnerable to a Dylann Roof.

Brazil is already a cautionary tale for the world and a glimpse into america's future. That isn't stopping anything.

That seems ideal, desu.

Everything is taught from a "Christian Worldview", but honestly it doesn't affect my STEM major though.

I weep for my future children and grand children. Where will they be able to obtain a good education, you know?

>"In Defense of Looting"

How much longer Sup Forums?

>liberalism isn't globalism
This is the problem with your American brains you don't understand the fundamentals of empire and it is why you are getting shit on.

Brazil was never a world power.

BRICS were close, Aotearoa

>men are women
>looting is good
>races don't exist, but whites have privilege and blacks have affirmative action
>borders don't exist
>you shouldn't have to work to survive

These things are all opposites of what was believed back when the Western World created the highest standard of living, technology, economy, ... mankind has ever seen.

its painful to admit but yup, we have.

America is done. true Americans however...we're live and well. as much as I love Sup Forums, don't let anything you read here influence your existence too terribly much. move somewhere nice thats full of decent people, encourage sustainability in your community. love your neighbors, help them as much as you can. I do NOT mean 'welfare', I mean in a humanitarian sense, help them as you would your father or brother. community is the only thing we have left. oh, and guns. arm yourselves to the teeth, brothers.

if recent events haven't left you entirely disulioned to 'big' government, you are a lost cause and nothing ever will.

sooner or later the hammer will come down, and "American" troops will march on America, with the intention of removing those who still remember the old America. don't give up without a fight.

if you aren't yet scared for the future, read pic related, and then google search "Soylent". we're totally not cattle, right?

Well i can offer all of you Americans some hope in that the majority of American whites being born right now are not Democrats.

>Let's loot stores owned by Asians, for reparation

The Roman Empire=looted by Visigoths. American Empire=looted by BLM. I am sorry to say but we are done.

that would provide hope, if it had any basis whatsoever. are children's lifelong voting and political preferences able to be determined at birth or something?

yeah but it's all words, government isn't forcing anything like that

>this is real

Your Gallup and Pew research companies found that children are more likely to inherit their parents political views as they grow older so yeah you could say that.

Hey at least you guys won the cold war :^)

*sips on a tall glass of soylent*

>literally only english country where guns are allowed
>lost the culture war instead

Your best scenario is being swept clean by the China/Russia overlords


utterly appalling. holy fuck.

>criminal activity is OK and even moral as long as its us who commit them
This is insanity. They have no sense of morality; it really is just 'consume'. It is totally justified to say that this is animal behaviour.

The BLM rhetoric is the same as a bratty child
>let me do what I want
>don't punish me
>protect me from the consequences of my own bad choices
>I hate you Mum and Dad and want you to die! Even though you provide everything for me despite the abuse
>if i don't get my way, I will throw a tantrum until you give in

The fact that this meeting is happening in Yale is telling. It's about getting the cucked 'intellectuals' to give a stamp of approval. I bet no one in that room argued against the essay, because that would be racist. The intellectual rigour of a BLM debate is just below that of inhaling a particularly awful fart. The likes of Deray should be ridiculed and laughed at for their sophistry, and then chased out for insulting academic integrity.

Too bad, we live in a world that breathlessly thinks blacks raping, robbing, and rioting is somehow the bright future of society.

>>being subjected to Christian indoctrination is better than being subjected to pro-sjw indoctrination
>seems like both would be terrible man
Looks like the anti-Christian indoctrination worked on you perfectly.

Oh and guess what! It wasn't written by a nigger but by...

...confirmed Jew (((Willie Osterweil)))!!

This probably the one class in Yale that the failure go into, it's like taking an image of a horticulture class (no hate, just an example) of students dancing and saying its the end of America.



Now I know America is dead. It was a good run lads

Is uni even worth it currently?

I'm going to school next fall for STEM, but maybe I should just learn a trade? I'd rather go to school desu, but whatever is better at the moment.

How does this work so well at the best schools? Have they just been brainwashed by their elite private high schools? Not being rhetorical, HOW?

If I read any more of this shit then I'm going to end up with a prison sentence.

You live once go enjoy the uni life (you wont get another chance like at your age). It's all gonna go to shit anyway.

No way a negro wrote that. It's a Jew isn't it? That or a negro plagiarized it.

If you do STEM you more than likely won't be exposed to any of this shit.

Several years. The Universities need to burn. Trump can start it by forgiving student loans

of course! Niggers love using big words but never quite make such a good job of it



>make up a new religion
>use concepts that people are familiar with but give them different names in order to create a rift between the believers and the unbelievers
>demand nothing of the believers except their support
>call it an 'ideology' instead of a religion so that fedoras will easily fall for it
>make it a class at universities to give it an air of further legitimacy


It probably wasn't easy to pull off unless the people involved had lots of funding, but its an extremely simple strategy.

Maybe if you guys actually got over the dangerous animal wildlife memes for Australia you could always come here, the more white Australia is the better

>You have lost the culture war against these people.

They just need to need to realize that protecting your culture is not possible with the nationalistic approach, which either means that they need to get back to the basics of federalism or secession. Why should they not be capable to achieve this after we've already seen Brexit happen?

Stop this notion of one nation. We Germans already lost on that one to the Prussians just like the southerners lost to the northerners. We need to discover our real nation and its culture to defend it.

>tfw blue-haired lesbian in my Symbolic Programming class corrected the prof for not allowing gay couples in the example family relation
>she dropped the class 2 weeks later

Somebody please tell me OP's image is comedy, satire, anything... please....

Same with Oxford and Cambridge in this country.

Academics man. They live in an unrealistic bubble yet are able via media to form opinion.

>One the world will ignore unfortunately.

Probably. Just look how the British have turned their back on the people of South Africa, their once proud ally in WWII and in the Cold War.

Nope, and our media will never call them out on it.

Trump is seriously the last hope for this country.

More "up is down" "war is peace" critical theory kike bullshittery.

Maybe its a sign from the universe that entropy is the only truth. We beleived ours was the only empire that would stand for eternity. We have become so advanced militarily that no other pose any real threat to the nations lf the west. We built our guns and our tech, but we never bothered to defend our culture. Thats the weakspot of the west and thats how we die.

>anti-Christian indoctrination

You mean a math textbook.

are you retarded?

serious question.

>Trump will save us
Do you really think so? Obviously he is better than Hillary. But can America be saved from all of this?

Not true. I studied Genetics, and we were warned a lot about scientific racism. Couldn't even think about or question whether there is a link about race or intelligence. And I got in some trouble for doing an essay about Tay-Sachs disease and its abundance in Ashkenazi Jewish populations, even though it is a well studied phenomenon that the Jewish communities themselves recognise as a problem.

Trump will at least give us time to uncuck ourselves.

I would be very surprised if things don't change radically in the next 20 years.

It could be in a good way, or in a horrible way. It just seems like everyone on both sides is pissed off and restless.

You have no faith in the essential decency of the white man's culture.

How/why is this piece of shit teaching at Yale?

>a math textbook.
Go on. Explain this one to me. I need a laugh.

it was bound to fail. liberalism and democracy are fucking retarded.

Literally the very idea of (((it)))

>You have lost the culture war against these people.
You lost against yourself.

In both cases, it's hyperbole. Things don't change permanently in just a few years, and a lot isn't in the news you read.

>R selected organisms
>caring about or learning from history



I'm guessing your grade school had the title "Zion" somewhere in it


I suppose I was thinking more about the E in STEM. I guess I have heard of cumputer science departments doing weird gender quota shit. I'm studying engineering and it's pretty much show up and do the work, no bullshit added.

We're doomed

I know what a math textbook is dumbass. Obviously I mean that I want you to explain how you think that a math textbook is in some way an 'anti-Christian indoctrination' device.

Expecting blacks to act like decent human beans is racist.

come on, dog, was just looking for some (you)s to end my night.

Do people still think the colleges aren't marxist indoctrination centers? Utterly sickening.

Nah, thats Sweden

I'm ready to fucking snap

>in defense of looting
Fuck these people


Face it, Australia. You have lost the culture war against these animals.

Stephen Coughlin has send his children to a Catholic school and even they got indoctrinated with leftist theories. Maybe Christian universities are a different batch but Walter E. Williams refers to universities as "socialist indoctrination camps".


Ivies, the students and professors, are pleb tier these days

the only saving grace in higher ed is pic related

>I bet nobody in that room has any guns and would be completely vulnerable to a Dylann Roof.

I think he means 'immoral'.

Sounds like it's time to transition from cultural into real war then.

yes, but how do I get in


>If you carry a gun it means you'll use it if you get angry
Only niggers would do that, they don't understand the seriousness of firearms.

Mate. I just saw a horse running away out from your stable. I bolted the door afterwards so it should be ok.

Pretty much. If humanity was capable of learning from other people's mistakes (assuming they are a bit more complex and not just "don't touch the heating plate") we wouldn't be repeating history over and over again just because we think that circumstances today are totally different and what happened in the past could never happen today.