Why didn't he land in the water so a boat would pick him up?


wouldn't be dramatic

did anyone else find this film a bit... complicated...why does Nolan always do this? Is this one of his tricks to get people to see it multiple times. Just tell a simple story, the audience can't be bothered to get out a pen and notebook.

sarcasm thread?

It wasn't complicated at all. However, it was very boring. Once you see the first dogfight, you pretty much have seen ALL of them, because they were all shot the same exact way.

>Shoot plane
>White smoke puffs out
>plan going down

Pieces of the plan never flew off, not one wing was taken off, not one flak cannon took out a plan... just the same puff of white smoke street for EVER SINGLE FIGHT.

It was a very lackluster WWII film.

water landing is far more dangerous than landing on a relatively smooth and even beach. plus, at that point he was already in enemy territory so they would have likely let him drown.

the only negative thing about it is that it's a pg-13 movie/cut. you get people strafed by machine gun fire and bombed the entire movie, yet you only see blood on two people. one of them wasn't even shot or bombed, just fell and hit his head.

They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

sure the sound and cinematic were nice, but valerian which wasnt even that good was more interesting than this bore fest.



I really didn't expect it to be that lacking.
It's a really interesting WWII story; fascinating in fact, but this movie just didn't deliver. You are right, it was boring, and it didn't have to be.

Getting caught was a part of his plan.

His choices were
1) Ditch / Land on friendly territory and probably get blown up like everyone else on the beach
2) Get taken as a POW by Germans, where he would be treated (relatively) respectfully as a pilot and officer

He crash landed away from the troops to they wouldn't lose moral, gave them hope if they thought he never crashed

>crashes other peoples' planes
>likely with no survivors
>wears a mask
tom hardy being typecasted

A plane from the 40's doesn't land in the water it crashes

Did any of you guys get a piece of film reel from the theater for watching the 70mm version?

did you even watch the movie?

i cant believe nolan managed to put him in the mask again

Nolan cared who he was when he put on the mask

Just gonna copy this other guy:
After Hardy shot down the german plane he glides along the beach where his fellow men are standing. I don't even think they realize hes out of fuel. When he slides back the cockpit roof he hears the roars and chants of his fellows soldiers who have just wintessed the first signs of victory maybe since the war began. He then shakes his head, slides back the cockpit doors and keeps on. In that moment he realize that their new vigor is what is important, and by bailing out he stains the picture of a victiorius tomorrow that these men just witnessed.
He chose his faith and decided to instead be captured (which those men will never know about) Just to inspire them to keep on fighting, for themselves and for their country.
Nolan wanted to show that all small deeds contributed to huge important, victorious events. This was just one of many.