Guys, seriously, what's wrong with these polls? How come whenever Trump goes down Hillary spikes up like a motherfucker? I'd get it if Trump went down and then Hillary's line kept going some-what normal but this just makes no fucking sense.It's like she literally shoots up from X to +7.3 points or some random shit like that, I'm calling total fucking BS.
>I'm calling total fucking BS No one believes their (((narrative))), user. We don't need you to call anything.
Benjamin Richardson
shut the fuck up you jew what are you even talking about?
Blake Davis
>kiddie's first day on Sup Forums
Jayden Sanchez
get woke nigga
Blake Hughes
lol brah, the total is 100 and if one line takes more of those hundred it will affect the other line
Nicholas Wright
>A higher share of people voting for candidate A results in a lower share of people voting for candidate B
hmm, really makes you think
Charles Brooks
ive been here for 2 and a half months im not new
Isaiah Smith
>2 and a half months >2 and a half months ago was early June
Hello summerfriend.
Caleb Perez
Damn, this really made me think
Dominic Wright
>ive been here for 2 and a half months im not new It's this shit right here.
Landon Evans
Traditionally, the American electorate is divided up into three groups. These are Democrats, Republicans and independents. Democrats will vote Democrat 95% of the time, Republicans will vote Republican 95% of the time, independents can vote differently every time. Everyone who votes third party is classified as independents as well. There are slightly more Democrats than Republicans, and independents are a fairly large voting block as well. Between these three groups, Hillary is winning. This is what the polls show, and I believe this to be true.
There is, however, a fourth block of voters. These are the people who simply never vote. This has been dubbed the 'monster vote', and it is a group of approximately 100 million people who just don't care about politics enough to go out and vote. What Trump is doing is appealing to this monster vote.
Pollsters don't just call up random people and ask who they're going to vote for. There is hard science to getting a sample that mirrors the electorate. Since the Monster Voters don't usually vote, they aren't included in the samples that pollsters use. There is a good chance, however, that a lot of them will make their way to the polls for the first time on November 8th 2016.
The evidence of this is in the fact that republican primaries had a larger turnout than ever before. What's more, the open primaries, that don't require you to be registered Republican, did even better. There was a 64% increase in open GOP primary turnout versus only a 19% increase in closed primaries.
Trump only needs a very small portion of the Monster Vote to win, and this voting block, almost by definition, is not included in the polls.
It's a bait thread. It has to be. Nobody is that stupid. Right?
Please say you're not that stupid OP
Ian Green
Media polling is rigged.
Angel Phillips
How could you idiots fall for something so obvious. Fucking retards.
Austin Gutierrez
makes no sense lmao, never thought about it but it's the ultimate proof they're rigged
Alexander Morgan
Keeping a shill contained in his own thread is a duty that some of us willingly accept as a responsibility.
Go back to lurking.
Charles Anderson
Guys seriously why can't faggots check the catalog before making new threads?
Brandon Collins
but im not a shill you cuck
>actually falling for my shitty ass bait hi there newfriend welcome XD
Lucas Flores
>I was being retarded on purpose
Ian Bennett
Its rigged reeeee
Dominic Bennett
Because these polls are bullshit and Trump will win in November regardless of what the polls say.
Liam Williams
your point would be a little more compelling if the polls were consistently wrong during the republican primary this year, and they weren't
Brayden Powell
Talking about the polls while Trump is down is now considered a heresy by the Faith of Sup Forums, you MUST be a CTR shill. You are only mentioning polls to divide and conquer. You might have THOUGHT you were going to develop some theories that rationally explain some of the obvious inconsistencies in the polls, or even some signs that point to deliberate "fixing" by pollsters, but the tards of Nupol don't want to hear it. You're rustling their faggot jim jams JUST by reminding them that polls exist.
Nupol is trash. Sup Forums is completely dead now.