Actor John Rhys-Davies talks about the fight for Western Civilization.
John Rhys-Davies: Defending Western Civilization Will Be Biggest Challenge of 21st Century
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He is really based I hear him on American talk radio once in a while. He is entirely redpilled
Based Gimli son of Gloin.
The Dwarves were supposed to be the jews of LOTR. HE had to study them to play the part.
He knows...
The Welsh are literally the prophetic saviors of the British people.
Tipping the balance of Brexit was only the beginning.
>he got blacklisted from hollywood for not hating being a white male
poor gimli
at least he's rich as fuck.
There is no "western civilisation" this is subversion.
There is ethnic Europeans and the society they build. Falling for le ebin west is like falling for taxpaying citizens and descent British values™ all of which could exist as 100% nig nog