Daily Japanese Thread - DJT

DJT is a language learning thread designed by and for those studying the Japanese language.

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Archive of older threads: desuarchive.org/int/search/subject/Daily Japanese Thread/

Previous thread: Alright, fuck the thread numbers. If the thread dies, it dies, but I'm not staying on /jp/ DJT
that shithole deserves a nuke

Other urls found in this thread:



Maybe we can get the guy who spams the other Japanese thread to bump this one for us.

personally I don't "need" DJT, I could just google things I know, but I like helping out people and often you learn some things as well
it's fun to shitpost in or about japanese or about japan in general and most people are friendly here

whereas on /jp/ you have autistic screeching, samefagging, whole discussions getting deleted because it hurt people's feelings, simply answering "no" or shit like that, +100 post shit flinging contests about nothing, REEEEEing at people who try to produce sentences, and everything is "off-topic" besides "otaku" stuff which limits which completely cripples a language general with a way too narrow scope
so all things considered, before I go there I just stop using DJT all together if things won't work out here anymore in the foreseeable future

What's better, RTK, dorama or flouride?

Thoughts on Meiji?

I think reddit would suit you better

I think shut the fuck up


This thread is much more tolerable when it's active honestly. The thread on /jp/ is just arguing about learning methods non-stop and ignoring questions


Does this literally mean "as one annual event"? As in, 初詣 and 彼岸の墓参りare both held as (separate) annual events? I'm trying to figure out what 一つ contributes here. If I removed it (年中行事として), would it then be saying that the 初詣 and 彼岸の墓参り are held as one (single) annual event rather than separately?

I think the や and など make it sound like they count together as one kind of annual event, because they have a religious background

how would you say horse girl in japanese?

Sup Forums is strictly an otaku website and those who don't like this culture can go to any of the countless normalfag ghettos online instead.

this is not about liking or disliking otaku culture, in a language learning thread it has to be allowed to talk about other things as well

How do I say "Because my father was working in Tokyou during the holidays, my mother and me went there."?


Would this work?


during = 間(に)
X and Y (subject) = XとYは, not XはYと
over there (direction) = あちら instead of あそこ (location)

(Just my ideas, don't accept anything that isn't green-lit by a 日本人)

We can't rely too much on 日本くん. There should be enough of us to check each other's answers if they turn out to be wrong.




my best guess
I hate these stupid example sentences, they feel so unnatural

donald j trump?

yes, gets funnier every time

If I translate this,

is そちら always correct in this type of sentence or could you technically use あちら if both, the speaker and the listener, were not in tokyo?

もしもし、why is it not 「間に」です?

yea that confuses me as well

donald j trump?






I guess 東京へ行きました。isn't seen as a "momentary action or change". Travelling takes a longer period of time than, say, bumping into a friend or a light being switched off.

Yeah that's probably it.


it's not really about the sentence per se, but these なくもない constructions always hurt my brain, how would you translate that part わからなくもない
especially when you consider that なくはない basically means ないわけではない, but what does the も then

What does this say?

He's asking for clarification about mister gorilla.

Has everyone done their minutes today?

Yes and yes I want to die

The pain of never getting any better. It hurts me as well.

It feels a bit strange to do review rounds in the evening. I usually do it first thing in the morning if it is possible.

Yeah it sucks. I have super early classes on some days so my free time is at night

>literally just finished going through all the hiragana again
I've been to Japan three times now and I feel like I'm eventually gonna give up learning again

Learn some discipline or you definitely will.

when should i stop doing anki reps and just read?

Any tips?

how long did you spend each visit? I would think the constant stimulation and immersion would rub off..

I want to start learning kanji (like, actually learning not just recalling the ones I see most). I have KKLC which I think should be enough, but has anyone used any Anki resources to complement this?

Also looking for general tips on Kanji/radical learning. I'm getting basic grammar down but my vocab is truly awful.

I started reading while doing Anki, but I only did Anki for like 10 mins a day. If your reps are an hour+ long, and you already went through a grammar guide, you are spending too much time on Anki.

First one, I stayed for two months in a study abroad program.
Second time, two weeks.
This time, a month and a half.

It does rub off a little bit, in that I can read hiragana and katakana fairly competently and can somewhat tell what people are talking about sometimes, but it doesn't translate to actual speaking/writing ability unless I actually apply myself

I spend 40 minutes a day doing anki but ive already finished the core 10k so im mostly spending time on my mined deck.

>unless I actually apply myself
Its a pain to have to constantly push yourself and not being able to do it with ease but dude it sounds like youve come a hell of a long way. Giving up now is silly. You obviously know the language already, now its just a matter of getting used to it.

practically every time i write something (college included) it's on my notebook/computer or cellphone

given that, should i learn to write kanjis on paper or just recognizing them is enough?

Im no expert but honestly I doubt you need to write them out nowadays. Though I think physically writing helps me remember and on top of that I think the stroke order is really fun

Don't rely on motivation. Study every day whether you want to or not. Set a goal for each day and always meet it. Don't let yourself take "breaks". Remember that you are in control of your actions. If you fail, it's because you're choosing to do so.


Even Japanese themselves forget how to write some kanji and just rely on recognition to go along with their daily lives because of technology.

For a foreigner that has no intention of living in Japan, there is little to no use in learning writing. Even if they decide to live in Japan, they can go by only learning kanji of things they would fill up in official documents



That doesn't change the fact that when they were learning Japanese in school, they were learning how to write. And how can anyone unironically say that there is little value in learning writing? Doesn't matter if you'll ever live there or not.

How's dungeon meshi in terms of language complexity? I figure there's gonna be a shitton of terms I don't know at the very least.

I'd kill for a transcript of this. Some of the anunciations make it hard for me to understand what's being said, but it'd be good practice since its almost a word for word translation iirc.

Keyword is some. Ofc natives need to know write most of the kanji, as it will be inevitable that they will use it one way or another, being them being there for probably most of their lives.

>And how can anyone unironically say that there is little value in learning writing?
If you don't have a use for it, why waste the effort when you could be instead improving on things like your listening, speaking, grammar and your vocabulary? If it really helps you to remember the kanji, then fine. But for everyone else, it would be like cursive writing; it's cool that you know but then what? This isn't even like Math that most teenagers whine about in that it is a.) actually useful in real life and b.) it teaches you a way of thinking.

>Well, given that she wasn't told what was going on, she was probably just forced to run around by the circumstances of various(?) people (what happened to them?)

Cursive is important too, Marigeorge Garcia

writing out every new word helped me when i was new since i didn't feel like studying radicals. writing just enough to not have retarded 5-year-old handwriting also feels nice. now i only do it when i keep confusing similar ones.

my traslation was >父がそちらで働いていたので、休みの間、母と私は東京へ行きました。

First, since I am not a Japanese teacher, if you think my explanation is strange, please ignore it.


>if both, the speaker and the listener, were not in tokyo?
これは暗黙の前提(implicit assumption)だと思っていました。そうであれば、「そちら」を「あちら」に取り換えてもOKです。もし、話者が現在 東京にいるとすると、動詞の「行く」等も別の言葉にしないと不自然ですね。

このことに関連しますが、実をいうと、このような "there" (used instead of "Tokyo") は日本語に訳しにくい気がします。

Since when? All the people around me hardly physically write even normally anymore and I'm in a third world country.

一つとして(ひとつとして)=one of
,年中行事の一つとして=one of annual regular events
初詣 and 彼岸の墓参り are are totally different events, and they has nothing to do with each other.
初詣 is to go and worship at a Shinto shrine on New Year's Day. お彼岸の墓参 is to go to the ancestor's graves on the spring equinox or the autumn one.
> they count together
About examples which are 初詣, お彼岸 and others, they seem to be held as the kinds of mere annual customary events. I think that is because we don't generally consider them as religious ones

Because my father was working in Tokyou during the holidays, my mother and me went there
merely depend on context
「休みの間に」を強調したり、話題としてpick upする場合は格助詞「に」に換え係助詞「は」を使う場合もあります。


わからなくもないが=(わかる未然形+助動詞ない+格助詞も)×(形容詞ない終止形+逆接の接続助詞が)→ it is not that I can not understand at all 戦場ヶ原にとってそういう意味を持つこと though→

I was able to understand somewhat that in my own way (though)

you see?


>Well, given that she wasn't told what was going on, she was probably just forced to run around by the circumstances of various people.




why is it so hard to find jp subs for jp movies

書き換え案の2つ目。仮定の「ば」をそのまま残して、ライターの言わんとするところ(what the writer means)をおぎなうとすれば、


>If I removed it (年中行事として), would it then be saying that the 初詣 and 彼岸の墓参り are held as one (single) annual event rather than separately?

(...No one seems to have answered this?)
No. Removeing it("の一つ") does not really change the meaning.
If you want to say so ("are held as one (single) annual event") , rewrite it as follows:

Japanese despise deaf people.

ここでは、実は、during the holidaysはworkingに係っているので、日本語でも動詞を直接就職し、日本語では文頭若しくは動詞の直前のはずです。
このBecauseは、Why did you and your mother go to Tokyo?という問いに対する答えに見え、「どうして『休暇中に』わざわざ、東京へ」という読み方を読者がしてしまう。
ですから、読者が、次に話者となって文章を作る時、「休暇の間」を文頭に出したくなる。Why did you and your mother go to Tokyo?の問いに対する答えとして



英語の接続詞(等位接続詞and, but, soやbecauseなど従属節をつくるもの)は日本語では接続助詞かそれ相当の複合語です。
英語の接続副詞(therefor, however等)は日本語の接続詞(よって、しかし)であり言語学的には話者に向かう副詞で、必ず文頭が原則です。ところが、動詞を直接修飾する場合、文頭・動詞直前・文末(英語の場合)に来ますが、従属節の動詞を場合は従属節の中に限定しないと意味が不明になります。

Because my father was working in Tokyo, my mother and me went there during the holidays

My mother and me went to Tokyo during the holidays because my father was working there.

long, wordy, and smart-ass shit no one can supposedly understand

Why would you ever stop doing Anki? Anki is your friend. Would you abandon a friend?

>writing on phone
It shows.


Well, without these circumstances, she would be at the mercy of the various circumstances made by other people
迷う所は、wouldか mightか、無難にwouldにしました
思い切って「思惑」 the various opinions of other peopleでいいかもですね
ここはSup Forumsですので

I don't understand ANYTHING in this last sentence. Help!

what's the context


A lot.

The first one to speak is a boy dressed as a girl, with another girl's bloomers inside a bag (the secret).
The second one is his accomplice, who is helping him but doesn't know it's about returning the bloomers.

>'however the name reads* is using the same thing too and I have to put back (only) the contents, because if I don't, sooner or later (the secret) will come out

that's just how I understand the sentence, don't take it as a translation

I don't know what "bloomers" are bute here we go:
>Keina (?) is using the same ones.
>Also, I can only bring the content alone, which is why sooner or later I will have to take it out (of the bag)

>which is why sooner or later I will have to take it out (of the bag)
Ignore this.

This user is right.
>because if I don't, sooner or later (the secret) will come out

Does anyone know where to find an ebook/pdf of 太陽と鉄 by 三島由紀夫? Preferably using 旧仮名遣い.

I don't mind paying for it, I just don't want to lug around a physical book.

I thought about the last part again.
I think literally it should say:
>And, because that is the case, I will have to take it/them out sooner or later.

Maybe it refers to the secret but then youwoulhave to say:
>then I will have to reveal it sooner or later

If it were "something would come out" by itself, in Japanese you would use the intransitive verb 出る、or in this case 出ちゃう. But here the transitive form 出す is used, which requires a grammatical subject and object (both of which can be implied, which they are here).

I finally understand! Ena (that's her name) is using a similar bag, so the accomplice girl is saying "I'll have to take the contents of your bag out anyway to transfer to the (similar) bag Ena has, so sooner or later I'd have to look at it anyway".

That was a tough one, whew. 亜理我39.

shit, yea I didn't pay enough attention to why they use 出す

Oh fuck, I somehow ended up thinking that the other person was saying those lines. No wonder I was having such a hard time figuring it out...

When you can read stuff without looking at a dictionary every now and then

I had prior experience with hanzi and kanji, so I just stopped at Core 2k, seeing as I wasn't worried about my retention. Rikaikun + dictionary is all I really needed after that.
Most people who aren't as fast learners should aim for at least Core 6k, supplemented by reading and grammar.

Now that I think about it, doing rounds has become a part of my life now that doing without it feels empty, even though it is just for less than an hour everyday.

Well, without the explain of these circumstances, she would be at the mercy of the various circumstances made by other people

the circumstances made by other various people
it's mere an ellipsis:typically three dots, such as "…"
what I'm saying :it is the same meaning as "初期消火や避難を手助けする…。"


Perhaps,the Tomgirl has Ena's bloomer?

"Ena-chan uses a bag which is the same kind of my one, so I should put only the content (the bloomer) in it (the bag), but she will take it (the bloomer) out from it (the bag) soon or later."

関わりのある人がすくないので (3人だけ)、これは可能な解釈かな
>If I didn't explain here, she'd probably run around asking others about what happened (to me)

ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m