

I'm sorry that your inferior subspecies was unable to develop a simple and effective language and instead relied on absurd characters that can't be differentiated from nip language by a Westerner

Looking at azns on OKC leads me to believe many chinks have aspirations of speaking Japanese.
Lots of girls claiming to know chink and nip.

So did she help him?

Like if I was in the us or some shit and someone wanted me to translate german I would just do it.
And if it was some other european language i would chuckle and tell him his mistake :)

She should be flattered any man of any race or nation even wants to speak to her, quite frankly.

>try to show an interest in what you think is someone's culture
>"Augh! That's X culture not Y culture! Could you not?!?"
Well fuck you too

could be worse

>"But no happy ending today, please"

>He entered my house, undressed and lay down on my kitchen table.

if a shitskin asked me if i could read french/polish/german/etc i'd just say "lol nah"
dunno why the inferior races get so butthurt about this shit

My parents are hungarian and I am constantly asked if I speak it. I don't.

It's not a social issue. It's just people being curious, even if it is out of ignorance.

Grow a pair.


she just want to be a victim. Many people here can read basic Japanese because we used to be FUCKING JAPANESE