Grug want to build big wall and spic tribe give rock for it

grug want to build big wall and spic tribe give rock for it

grug work hard
grug smash evil porkies

grug hate tax
grug see taxman, grug smash

grug loyal to state
grug smash reds
grug take back what is grug's

another meme is born?

grug like robot
grug BECOME robot

do one for anarcho primitivism


this meme is proof of Sup Forums tourism
begone heathens

grug think all grug should live in forest

fuck off

Grug waz kang
Grug want white booty

better version

Once you incorporate the meme political flags it becomes a blatant Sup Forums meme. It's fun yes but it doesn't belong on this board. Maybe Sup Forums is too shit now to have fun with this. That's not my problem.

>being this perturbed by shitty brianlet wojaks
kys m80



grug see muslims
grug smash
grug says palestine no exist

>>being this perturbed by shitty brianlet wojaks
>kys m80


someone make an retarded apu version of grug

grug hate dark skin
grug see dark skin oggabogga one grug love
grug smash dark skin

grug see fash, grug smash

splendid thread

do one for national bolshevism

grug thread funny
grug laugh at grug thread

stop making fucking wojaks and frogs
make something new
be creative
stop making this site shit and go back to r*ddit

>Grug see Mrok sqat on big rock
>Mrok say big rock worth 7 cloths
>Grug say not interested
>Mrok say big rock now worth 10 cloths
>Grog invest in big rock
>now noboddy want big rock
>Grog naked

this one is brilliant

grug hate both rich grugs and dark skin grugs

grug want fuck
grug told no she too young
grug no listen to elders
grug smash her

You can't stop them join them

Love this meme, don't have any so I can't contribute

no where in national bolshevism is racism mentioned.

you just pay by (((thog))) make grug look idiot, grug wish thog die in fire, you just berrypicker cuck, LEAVE GRUG CAVE NOW!

grand narratives try to keep it simple
it's either classes or races

they hate jews because they are capitalists rather than on racial grounds
they probably hate niggers too

Grug soyboy

yeah I can tell you just learnt about it yesterday you pol cretin

Another meme ruined by reddi/pol/

Fucking make some you useless lurker.

You are the death of chans.

I bet you think we are all posting them from ifunny or something you fucking redd*tor.

Grug smash infidels
Grug now caliph

someone make a max stirner one

grug like gaems
grug like gaems a lot

>Sup Forums

Nah i think it was ruined by me

I thought making an ancap grug would be funny

didn't know grug would turn into a political meme

This is the first political grug

you can blame me

btw i'm not Brazilian i'm TÜRKish

meh i like making these edits

Don't reply to me ever again.

Grug like anime
Grug like Grug

grug hate turk tribe
grug hates native minorities
grug want dictator megastate
grug hates sykes picot
grug think he is like whites


make one for Assad and Qaddafi haha

Brob like sauna
Brob like energie drink

Sup Forums is where all the Sup Forums memes originate

greg mash mushroom
greg wohoo
greg wahoo

grug north of boot
grug hate south of boot

This. Sup Forums is irrelevant now.

gurg think the tribe leader ASSad is based
gurg thinks he is no arab gurg thinks he no part of arab tribe gurg hate arab tribe
gurg like persian tribe
gurg thinks he is white

haha now you have to make one for terroni

grug hate north boot
grug poor because of north boot
grug like volcanos

make a UK one haha

grug love queen
grug hate Grugopean Grunion
grug like big yard
grug steal yard


ahahaha cheers m8

Greg here to tell you heritage yours
Greg whiter than mohamed


>louieville slugger
a nice touch haha

What would you call a mix between grug and a mutt?




grukh believe in unified pan syrian state, grukh like ssnp because dey based syrian levant nazi and anyone who doesn't support is zionist cuck, grukh hate zionist cuck
grukh believe he is based white levantine and not arab, grukh hate arab, he secular and based
grukh like irredentism because one strong nation sure to stand for decades, fuck minority regional snowflake, grukh hate minority because dey zionist supporter cucks and enemies to big siryan levantine ummah
grukh want to free palestine with help of iran even though palestineians hate iran because dey shia majoos and enemy to not arab siryan ummah because dey sunni and sunni good and shia majoos bad but grukh confused now, grukh is being played by zionist cuck tricks again!!!
grukh pray 5 times per day in mosque but he tolerant secular, anyone who say otherwise is netnayahu trumplf agent and cuck, grukh hate cucks

What about a catholic grug or crusader grug?

gurg hate Islam
gurg hate arab tribe
gurg hate other gurgs for calling him arab
gurg thinks he white
gurg worship fire

Gruce see abo tribe?
Gruce call you CUNT


grug not believe in sky father
grug smart


Greaf see baby seal?

Sup Forums truly has the best memes

is there a french grug yet?

I do not like these new grugs.

the original grugposting was supposed to bring today's issues into the palaeolithic, but these new grugs do the complete opposite. maybe it's just an anti-meme meant to kill brainlet posting, and I'm just too retarded to get it.

Pretty sure it was born as a normal brainlet, but now it evolved

Ended up kinda weird but i guess i might as well post it


hauskan loista

the grugposting was originally a subcategory of brainletposting. the first time I saw it was in /brit/ in late 2017. the "stone age brainlet" wojaks are older, of course, but that's the first time I saw people explicitly call it "grug".

grug put mud on skin
grug not grug no more
grug is rock-grug


Madame madame hon hon

Jrugg hate king man
Jurgg start evolution

Grug don't like property
Grug says property is theft


Grug no like grugposting anymore
Grug only like old grugposting

I like pink wojak.

>I like pink wojak

He’s a notorious/pol/tard that thinks he’s fooling anyone by pretending to be “anti Sup Forums“ while acting stupid.

Quick, someone make a grug page on KYM before some Sup Forumsnigger tries to steal it.


t. XXI century neo "communist"

How is Sup Forums so good at making new memes and OC?