It was bad

It was bad.

Go watch Dunkirk then dumb Nolan fanboy

Thinly veiled propaganda against white america.

Not bad. Underwhelming. The first half was so good but then it became Prison Break for some absurd reason.

Still one of the better films this year.

Humans should have won desu

Woody Harrelson did nothing wrong

Dunkirk is just as bad, Valerian will probably be worse still.

Why would I root against a human? Because animal rights? Because somehow the apes represent a African Americans or Islamic Americans? Humanity should always be put above animals and it's racist in and of itself to compare apes to humans so if there's some veiled agenda in the film is it not a hypocritical one?

>it's actually a slavery prison break movie
>U.S. army using human wave tactics because nobody bothered to hire a military guy as a consultant for their retarded battle scenes

>Apes will keep simple blondes females (Nova) while killing the humans (whites)

Mind blown

>It's an American upset that his army got shat on

It's actually a warning, don't let niggers run the world because they'll kill us off while "infecting" our women with their diseases and culture, i.e. The lack of speech representing their thug lingo.

>death to white christians and also trump
>fuck humans lmao
this was honestly one of the worst movies ever made, it even contradicts itself with one of the major plot points: the disease. This disease, which turns your mind into a more "primitive" state, affected the girl, who was not only not primitive, as she picked up on some things that others apes did not, but she also FUCKING LEARNED SIGN LANGUAGE IN A WEEK
yeah makes you real stupid great writing there


Unconvincing and unfocused plot
Should've been called Prison Break of the Planet of the Apes
Predictable deaths as well as deaths that come out of nowhere
Badly written villain who does not know what he wants
Drawn out prison sequence
Questionable allegiances (Nova joins apes right after they kill her father/guardian, doesn't care at all)
Military acts like a bunch of clowns
Feels like forced SJW political messaging at times (I guarantee you that 90% of the audience thinks about Trump when they build the wall)
Annoying comic relief character
Weird plotlines

Very good first half
Nice shots
One of the best uses of CGI in modern cinema

>stop my invincible son

>being too stupid to realize the great white hope is a walking symbol of the low-information powermonger
>being unaware of how truly broken he is when he realizes his speech has left him but he's still there, making the "sacrifice" of his son entirely worthless

It's like you didn't even watch the movie you mong.

None of these films have surpassed the level of mildly entertaining. Generic scripts rehashing bland stories audiences have seen repeatedly. But with apes include so cool and stuff.

Plus it feels too soon for a BLM biopic.

>None of these films have surpassed the level of mildly entertaining.

Compared to original Planet of The Apes movies these remakes are fucking garbage. Escape from the Planet of the Apes and Conquest of the Planet of the Apes are masterpieces that blow this shit away and have an actual message.

reported for racism, black lives matter

First two thirds of the film were kino

Becomes an absolute slog to watch in the last third of themovie

Better than SpiderFlop, you marvel paki

the movie showed americans fighting other americans. what was really retarded was the foot soldiers cheered as they arrived at the end of battle. that's bullshit because any grunt who got that close to fighting would be pissed off that he didn't get to partake

>Rise of the Dawn of the War of the Son of the Father of the Man of the Planet of the Apes

Fuck you

It was solid, not great. After the second movie I thought the scope would be much bigger and the apes would rule one forest after another due to their increasing intelligence. But nope! They're suddenly on the verge of extinction and the humans are super powerful. Like, what the fuck happened in between the movies? And there was no war, lol, just two human fractions fighting each other, there were literally only 2 human characters, the other side got 10 seconds of screen time and then we got the stupid deus ex machina in the form of an avalanche. And of coruse they had to rape us with nazi/whites/slavery bullshit.

Solid movie with some incredible kino shots, but ultimately the biggest disappointment of the year.