The STRUDEL carried the whole film.
God what a beautiful actor, truly ahead of his time.
The STRUDEL carried the whole film.
God what a beautiful actor, truly ahead of his time.
>that bit where he stubs the cigarette out in it
Strudel is fucking delicious
Anything sweet with a hot dark fresh coffee is delicious to be quite honest famalan
the way he eats it quickly while talking and you can hear the fork clank against his teeth as he vigorously shoves in the next bite actually heightens the suspense of the scene for me.
No no the WHITE GLOVES of the waiter carried the whole film.
Don't forget the cream
Don't post that man, do you know some of us can only eat it once in our lifetime? (though that's reduced to never ever for most of Sup Forums?)
Tarantino knows how to film food.
The burger in Pulp Fiction. The nachos in Deathprood. The strudel in Inglorious Basterds. The hot steaming stew in Hateful Eight. All pure food porn scenes.
my god
>the bit where he picks up a single raisin from the strudel and eats it
That actually, honestly made me a bit sad.
But my point was that every other country must have nice sweet things to eat with coffee. Maybe not strudel and natas, but something.
Everyone else besides Christoph Waltz was unironically shit, especially Eli Roth.
The french guy at the beginning was also pretty great at acting dumbfounded.
Are Sup Forumstards still butthurt because of this film?
Muito bom
how do you get cream to be this THICC
I can think like a jew
Churn it with a big black spoon
this scene is very reddit
use real cream