Why does Sup Forums hate Koreans so much?!? One shitpost from a Korean, and everybody hates them

Why does Sup Forums hate Koreans so much?!? One shitpost from a Korean, and everybody hates them.
Meanwhile Japanese posters act the same and everybody loves them...
So much bias...

I hate gooks equally

even koreans don't like koreans. they're an arrogant, easy people to hate

I don't hate koreans
Korean girls are funny and cute (those that haven't done plastic surgery at least)

I have read abour roof koreans during the LA riots.

Pretty cool guys, I respect them.

be a CP spammer lad

There's something disgusting about Asians as a whole, imho.

The korean posters do not act significantly different from other countries' posters (except worse English)

Zitto animale

i don't hate koreans but i hate crying little bitches like you

I like Koreans and I fucking hate japs, I don't care if they are nips, english teachers or proxies, the mere sight of that red dot enrages me.

Japanese flags are usually weebs or US soldiers

I hate J*ps and like Korean posters for BTFOing them

Wtf are you talking about?
The majority of Japanese posters here are very obnixious, and they are either hated or laughed at.

I dunno, I feel Koreans are slightly more tolerated than Japanese here. They haven't built a reputation for >dumb shit quite as much as the Japs, and Korean bants are considered pretty decent when it hits, even if it probably is English teachers

I do not like you. I hate the netouyos on Sup Forums, but you are equally as annoying.
No. The men are considered ugly subhuman-asiatic gooks, the women plastic whores, the culture soulless and empty when they are not moreso of that than most places...
WTF?!?! This is even more racist.

Just write funny things about Japanese


This is probably the best post i've seen on Sup Forums

>learn math 1 and 1 bomb is end of war
Holy fucking kek

No Anime. I don't give a fuck about your retarded dog eating culture if I can't masturbate to it with big anime titties and butts, get with the times retard.

the bants aren't even good, people are just (You)ing because >xdd lol asian fights!
when will we rangeban these shitty english slants

The bants were good but you're not wrong.

Here is you

Yes, I'm here.

got news for you. asians don't care if subhuman spics like them or not

Ask dumb questions, get dumb answers.