Why are American soldiers the only soldiers that get PTSD

It's a global embarrassment and politically makes us look weak.

You never had to sign up, no one forced you. So stop being such a wimp.

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Probably because we fight everyone's wars for them.

So by everyone do you mean the super elite?

>no one forced you to sign up
>I've never heard of the selective service

They don't, warriors have become haunted and unable to adapt to civilian life afterwards for thousands of years of documented history

Even ISIS has a problem with their guys going berserk and killing each other

But they aren't

wait. i just read somewhere that australian soldiers are more likely to die from suicide than terrorism or combat

also ptsd is pretty common in tumblerinas, as i have heard

There hasn't been a draft since the Vietnam War you chode.

Everyone with ptsd from the middle east signed up on their own.

A couple years ago a Serb veteran of the Yugoslav wars snapped and mass murdered like 13 people with his rifle, a Serb could tell you more about it, it was on the news for a while

This. USA's warmongering kikes love to drag Americans into wars.