I can't do this anymore Sup Forums. For the past three weeks I've made $.10 a post to write pro-hillary posts on reddit, facebook, and yes, even Sup Forums. I just wanted the money.
Over the course of those 3 weeks, I realized just how dishonest Hillary is, and how much the media refuses to cover (thanks in small part to your "happening threads"). I morally cannot do this anymore. I've talked to other paid posters who feel the same.
Lincoln Perry
we did it!
Kevin Fisher
Cool bait, haven't seen one like this before
Connor Anderson
Who employed you dude? Link? I wanna get paid to shitpost too. I can get a burger proxy if needed
Alexander Walker
You and your controller's incompetence was on full display by your attempt to shill on this site of all places....
now piss off and die
Easton Sanchez
how new are you?
there's at least one "im a paid shill" thread everyday
Levi Watson
I responded to a craigslist ad. It's not up anymore.
Ian Nelson
Bentley Sanchez
Fine. I'll bite.
Did they direct-deposit or send you a cheque?
I, and everyone else in this thread, would be very interested in seeing the transaction (with your name blanked out, obv.).