>worshipping a jew
>can't handle this red pill
Rustled Teapot
That's cute. I bet you think Israel is the actual biblical city too.
>teapot affirmed in ancient books
>corroborated by contemporary historians
>even historians who were hostile to its followers and teachings
>the people who purported to be eyewitnesses of the supernatural events surrounding the teapot all chose persecution, torture and martyrdom, instead of admitting it was all made up (leading a reasonable person to believe it wasn't, if they're not dogmatic in their naturalism)
>the eyewitnesses saw the exact same events (the teapot's resurrected body) so it couldn't have been a hallucination, since hallucinations are subjective to the individual
i am now a #teapotist
>china teapot
>little red book
GTFO commie scum trying to ruin muh christian values. The world is 5000 years old and fossils were placed her by the devil to trick us into voting for Clinton
Trump 2016
I've started constructing what could easily function as a religion based in Naturalistic Pantheism and basic human psychology.
ask me whatever you want on the topic.
t. craigcuck
i like craig, i didn't get that from him though.
excellent refutation btw
>i like craig
You fags are so easy to spot.
>excellent refutation btw
Refutation of what? There was no argument, just unfounded claims.
>>worshipping a jew
>>can't handle this red pill
>>can't handle this red pill
>>can't handle this red pill
>>can't handle this red pill
>>can't handle this red pill
>christcucks are mad that their logic is shit