Women in burka-light burns burka.
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I don't get it.
Are they mocking western women for burning bras?
No these are villagers who got "liberated" from ISIS. They are not forced to cover their faces anymore.
taqiya. she is still wearing a burka
The irony is strong here.
Yay! We're allowed to show our faces now!
All those uncovered little girls though. At what point do hajis consider women haram and force them to cover up? Or do they just prefer to see uncovered kids? Fucking hajis are so backwards.
Why are some of the lolis veiled but some aren't?
Those are some qt lolis.
When the Overton window has been moved so far that this is considered liberating.
That lalalalalala shit makes me want to strangle a kitten.
>Or do they just prefer to see uncovered kids?
No, because you see some smaller girls veiled next to older girls unveiled. I don't get it either. It's weird.
And I just noticed that girl is wearing a hijab with a fucking Simpsons shirt on. Fucking hell.
Contrary to popular belief in the west, a lot of Muslims don't cover their daughters until puberty or when they start going to religious school.
They can burn burkas and hate burkas as much as they want in a country where wearing burkas is not just accepted but actually required by law and we in the west can't even say that we get uncomfortable when we see burkas because we never know the extent of the wearer's oppression and suffering
meanwhile in france
Yeah we don't know what it's like because we are not Islamic, dumb swedecuck.
Maybe in Sweden.
It's still weird to see an older girl with a ponytail standing next to a younger girl with a hijab.
It has to do having their first period. After the first time they bleed they wear the burka.
You can tell who is ready to get prego that way.
I meant:
>we get uncomfortable when we see women wearing burkas because we can't see the bruises or expression on their faces
>we can't say that we hate burkas because we don't understand what it's like to wear burkas
>Burning burka while wearing abaya
>I will only oppress myself 70% now
Arabs confirmed for autistic shitlords. I can only imagine the disgust and butthurt the mullahs are feeling watching this.
>mfw I want to have sex with a muslim woman just to hear her "AYEYEYEYEYEYEYE"
I'll use rubber, I swear I wont racemix
Really? What makes you think they would want a small dick beta kaffir like you?
I'll do what you would do - offer a goat to her father or something
It's true. Here majority of Muslims treat it like confirmation for catholics and christans where it happens usually at age 12.
>they probably tested if burkas can fly with enough hot air
>British science
Small victories
As if. Most Arab women are gold diggers and high maintenance. They want a rich husband who can afford their overseas shopping spree.
I have given up on marriage.
>Why are some of the lolis veiled but some aren't?
Because they're married, digusting isn't it ?
>meanwhile in France
>Aysha Ziauddin who lives in Norfolk
Stop being delusional achmed al brittani
Dat oil money ruined them. I talked to a Saudi once and she said every Saudi is a lazy entitled twat thanks to the oil money.
yeah cannes is in norfolk, of course.
she was on holiday there and was probably the only headbag woman that spoke english, do you think?
would it make you happier if i posted all the french people complaining about it?
Arabs send their young fucks to other Muslim countries like Malaysia. They come over, drink booze and do all kinds of haram shit. Meanwhile parents keep sending oil money to fund their luxurious lifestyle and they get all the local bitches who flock to money.
Kind of sad to see such disparity where one side people are starving and dying of famine and here we have these Sheiks with so much money they can wipe their ass with gold.
>Degeneracy wins again
This is hilarious.
What was he thinking?
Arabs are equally as degenerate as western people. It is just that they don't show it publicly. Human nature is the same everywhere.
>people are starving and dying of famine
you've never been there yourself have you user?
sure there's poverty there but starving and dying? nah not much
Shit like this was front page news
>Women remove burqas once saved from ISIS
I'm sure they meant niqab because they're wearing burqas
I am talking about other Muslim countries in South Asia and Middle East. Even in Arab countries there are slums and people who live in shithole squatter settlements.
>no reading comprehension
He never said there, you stupid londonstani
> Most Arab women are gold diggers
Same in France
No french complain about this shit
oh fuck off you nazi gold hoarder
>Arabs send their young fucks to other Muslim countries like Malaysia.
I realise this, I just still find instances of it fascinating. It's not just the same issues everywhere, it's also always the exact same reaction.
I was in Malaysia to do my degree and have firsthand experience dealing with Arabs. They are loud, lazy and don't study at all. They spend all the time fucking around with bitches.
Also Iranians are practically banned from all the tourist hotels as they destroy the interior and furniture while their kids vandalize the carpet and walls of five star hotels.
Funny shit man.
>Because they're married, digusting isn't it ?
Oh no, if that's the case it's very good. Girls should be married good and young.
I mean, yeah, hijabs is no good but child brides is good.
get in here. We have got more serious issues to take care off.
>haha victory!! I now have the freedom to show 5% of my skin instead of 1% ha victory is ours!!! glory to allah!!
That's not surprising. Syria was mostly a secular country before the war. No burka or shit that.
The thing is Assad was the reason of this secularism. There was a repression in Syria, a harsh one, but this to protect the country from the Muslim Brotherhood. A sect that tried to overtake the country since the first days of Assad's father reign.
Sunnis are a plague, they're intolerant, and most Sunnis nowadays are nothing more than Salafis.
It's not Islam but a Saudi's sect. Sunni Islam must be treated as a sect and outlawed.
Also a lot of them just don't cover. Depending in the background culture, Islam is pretty flexible in some places. Pic related.
I hear this shit anywhere around me and I'm starting shooting I don't give a fuck
and our muslims tell us muslim women are free and it's their freedom to cover themselve...
>that girl is wearing a hijab with a fucking Simpsons shirt
I have a friend who grew up in Nigeria and also spent some time in Kenya. He said because of American aid, you can find some pretty odd clothing combinations in Africa. I imagine that's true in other parts of the world to.
> Burn burka
> While wearing one
>I have given up on marriage.
Even in arab land, the big white cock wins again.
Is this a joke, or did someone just round up a few dozen Syrians from some refugee camp and give them 20 bucks to do this?