Why are "veterans" so entitled?

Why are "veterans" so entitled?

le b8 XD u trolled them haha

also sage

because your thread is shit and my last 4 digits add up to 22

They are human parasites that haven't fought on the behalf of bankers since the civil war. They are mindless sacks of meat to be thrown at people we want to subjugate. Not freedom fighters in the smallest sense.

whyd you delete your post to change fought in a bankers war to fought on the behalf of bankers


because they think 4 years of scrubbing a base makes them a hero
only veterans who've actually seen war should get welfare the rest can fuck off

that's it. dub dubs. show's over, nothing to see here.



>I contributed to the massive corrupt state, the military industrial complex, the destabilization of multiple parts of the world, and to making the world a less safe place, all the while costing you money!
>hurr respect me!

>i gave 4 years of my life to fight for this country
Ya know this would hold up if half of these limp dicked motherfuckers actually fought in a war and didnt just take cozy security jobs in foreign countries so they can sit on their ass and make welfare money when they come back from their "4 years of fighting for our country"

Why do absolute retards think the GI Bill is free money? YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT

as in its a service you have to decide to purchase while in boot camp and if you wash out the money is wasted


Lel, I get the gi bill and I never served, thanks Dad

Kek is with us!

What the fuk. Witnesses

Include me in the screencap

>wash out of basic

Only if you're a pussy.


Only for 12 months. And a lot of service members don't use it after they are discharged/retired. It's better to use than not.


Get was checked
OP was wrecked

Because our culture allows them to be. You can ask any veteran and they'll tell you there are plenty of shitheads in the armed forces and they don't really deserve special treatment.

It's the ones with low self esteem and a inferiority complex that demand respect because they "served" our country by getting paid tax dollars to sit around on their ass 90% of the time during duty and fuck around in foreign countries.

mr meme magic strikes again

YFW you realize this is the equivalent of OP pic
