>Immigrants are easy destroying weak white culture.
>White culture is the most powerful culture.
>Immigrants are easy destroying weak white culture.
>White culture is the most powerful culture.
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I guess I have my answer.
White culture is 'superior' in the way that it lets people live peaceful productive lives regardless of their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.
Superior does not have the same definition as invincible. Suck my dick.
It's that part of what makes it weaker? It's that what we should be REMOVING so we can emulate stronger cultures?
The strong survive and the weak are killed and eaten. If your culture is weak, it will be subsumed by one that is not.
If it's losing, its not superior, by definition.
Daily Reminder:
If you aren't spreading Colin Flaherty on socks you're contributing to the demise of your nation.
I see no contradiction there.
OP is a dumb brown faggot
Then I guess you don't know what strong cultures, like England and Spain, did to weaker ones, like the Native Americans and the Aztecs.
>they fucked 'em up
it's our empathy and guilt that's killing us, that's all.
If you're outnumbered, many whites are cucks and against whites, you're not going to last long
jesus fucking christ this is the most fucked up thing i've ever seen
Whites are HISTORICALLY the best and now they have turned into weak PUSSIES who are letting others destroy them.
White traitors killing it from the inside
And they don't have any empathy. We need to become more like them to survive.
Better breeding is one way a group can be better than another group.
This. It's how Rome fell.
The fault always comes back to selfish people who have the power to make things better.
It wasn't culture that won, it was the technology and the fortitude. The cultire came later. OP's shitty pis is not mutually exclusive.
The Indians didn't lose because they had inferior literature, philosophy, or fashion you retard.
If you take a shit on a priceless painting, you are destroying the painting. The painting was superior to your shit.
Jesus nigger how many edits of this did you make? I've seen you with like 14 different photos so far.
>white culture is designed to work with white people (IE: civilized, well behaved people)
>import violent 3rd world savages
Gee I wonder why this is happening. But underlying white culture is the same violence life itself is founded on. We successfully tamed that side of ourselves but when pushed past the breaking point it will reveal itself and atrocities will be committed so horrible it will be written about and spoken of for a millennium. You've been warned shitskin.
l feed you, troll
>population 50M
>import 5M with alien culture
>Parent culture is less prevalent
Less prevalent doesn't equal weaker. It just means the borders have been poorly maintained.
Historically dinosaurs were superior, but who cares?
We're not going to turn chickens back into T-rexs.
yep. white culture has allowed the rise of these PC culture apologists because we have lost the quality that allowed the white race to be dominant.
Who's white?
White culture was superior. Liberalism, marxism etc. removed essential parts of this culture that were needed for its protection. White culture is still the most desirable culture, but it has lost its ability to defend itsef. Hence our protests.
why culture is superior in that it is more civilized and leads to a higher quality of life for everyone involved, not in that it is able to replace other without state funded means
>The Indians didn't lose because they had inferior literature, philosophy, or fashion you retard.
You don't think science is part of philosophy? You don't think the use of technology is part of culture?
>Less prevalent doesn't equal weaker.
Ummm..... What does mean 'weaker' then?
Culture is the beginning and it's the end.
>White culture is still the most desirable culture, but it has lost its ability to defend itsef.
Doesn't sound 'desirable' to me.
But, we're not taking about 'desirable,' we are talking about STRENGTH. If you lost the ability to defend yourself, then you're not strong.
If you're worried about some immigrants kicking your culture to the side, then you admit your culture is weak.
Fucking both buttons. White culture appropriates and enhances all it surveys.
A computer is superior to a rock. Doesn't mean a rock can't destroy a computer
>You don't think science is part of philosophy
lel, retard
Why did Romans lose to smelly barbarians? Your theory is shallow and flimsy, should have thought it through more
>>White culture is the most powerful culture.
who in the hell ever said that?
>Doesn't sound 'desirable' to me
Its literally envy of the world. Everyone looks up to USA and western Europe except ISIS. In some places people assume that if you are white you are automatically rich.
No one is saying it's strong. That's why we're trying to make it great again. We can't give up on it though, or we'll find ourselves beheaded by the nearest muslim.
All of these things you claim make white culture 'better' are really what makes it WEAKER.
The only way to beat the intolerance of the Islam state is to become intolerant. Democracy has failed because it leads to weakness.
because the romans imploded on themselves by running their empire like the liberals and progressives of today want to run our countries, and by the time the babarians came around, Rome was just a broken shell of itself. the ruling class was accountable, practiced fiscal responsibility, effective local governments, and rewarded success, and the people were unified and worked together. at the decline, the leaders were corrupt, pissed away coin like it grew on trees, political and social divide. a strinking resemblance to today's political landscape.
Irrelevant to the discussion, but whatever
>It's called the knockout game, and eventually white people are going to get tired of playing it.
You're supposed to put two mutually exclusive things on the buttons, dummy.
Current Western culture is degenerate as fuck. W want a national revival and revolution in our nations against the current liberal system as well as the mass immigration invasion.
Democracy has failed because the political class has rigged it to the point there's no accountability. for example herer in Canada, the liberal party in British Columbia runs their government much differently than their other counterparts because British Columbia has a recall legislation that hold them accountable to the people, and out current electoral system is so badly gerrymandered that it doesn't even take 40% of the vote to get a majority, so the other 60+ % of people's voices can be blatantly ignored.
and yeah. we need to force those camelfuckers to abide to our rules and customs. some european countries have started rounding up those violent apes and deporting them back to whatever shithole they came from.
Fallacy. Not mutually exclusive.
My brother once built a great, beautiful sand castle. Greater than I ever could. I lack the creativity, patience and finesse to do so.
I still kicked it down. It was easy.
What exactly is white culture? Do whites have a culture?
Right the fuckers on this thread seem to think that 'diversity gives strength' or something. Islam understands that homogeneity makes a group strong. We need to learn to be more INolerant, like they are, not more tolerant.
Pretending empathy, diversity, and inclusivity leads to strength was what got us into this mess.
Purity of purpose is strength.
Right, because you were strong and the castle was weak.
If your brother was strong, he would have stopped you. But, he didn't.
White culture is also known as Civilization.
just because its the most powerful culture doesn't mean it can stand up to ALL other cultures ganging up on it and half of its own numbers being race traitor liberals ...