Farewell Brits- Scotland yard new unit to hunt "twitter trolls"

I wish I could say I were kidding. I'm not. This is how the British government is answering the desire of its people to take their nation back.
Rotherham rape gang of underage White girls? Fine, go on for 12 years... Say something mean about a mudslime of internet? JAIL for you! Britain's biggest police force has set up a controversial unit – dubbed as ‘thought police’ by critics last night – to investigate offensive comments from the internet.
It will be supported by an army of volunteers trained to seek out anything they deem inappropriate on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
They will then report it to officers who will attempt to track down the culprits and possibly prosecute them, according to a report seen by The Mail on Sunday.
Scotland Yard is spending £1.7 million to set up its Twitter squad, which will have five detectives running it.


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oh it's just dailymail

you fuckers are so screwed! Something tells me the nu-males who all jumped on the bandwagon here after Brexit vote will be leaving shortly.
Guess who supports this 100%? Why, your lovely mayor of London, Sadiq Khan:

"The detectives’ role will be ‘identifying the location of the crime’ when online abuse is reported, and refer it to ‘the appropriate force area and social media providers’.
Social media giants such as Twitter and Facebook – which do not always comply with police requests to obtain users’ details – will be asked to help fund a ‘community’ element to the unit, in which volunteers ‘skilled in the use of social media’ will ‘identify, report and challenge online hate material’."

Wait they can hunt down people in other countries for talking shit on the intenret too? Hahahahahahahahaha.

>oh it's just dailymail
So do you think the Dm made this all up? Most of the idiots on here have yet to realize, once you realize how the DM works (they are a troll paper...they publish articles usually pretending to be "horrified" by something, then let the comments tell how the paper really feels.

The DM these days is more reputable than the BBC. They don't censor the leftist shit the BBC does.

Why isn't BBC covering this? I wonder if you can guess...

apparently. how funny will it be when we get letters in mail, demanding we appear in Uk on charges of "hate tweets?"

shit, if shillary wins, they might actually send us. Wouldn't mind a few years in a comfey Brit jail. By now they probably even have PS 4.

>brits and the "thought police"
Call me when something new happens.
Sasuga, island-dwellers.

I always wanted to go to England. Well bring it on cocksucker pc police. Ill say this again and again. Some of you Brits are some of the most down to earth people. While of you Brits need a bullet. Which is why there was a Revolutionary War.

>Wouldn't mind a few years in a comfey Brit jail
Careful m8, our nicks are full of sexual deviants with terrible teeth.

>a Revolutionary War
Like the one your nogs are having against you right now, hmm?

Our sexual deviants get knocked the fuck out and ostracised. You get found out you're a rapist in jail you WILL be beaten the fuck up.

Do you Brits realize just how 1984 this is? And people thought May would be better?
The article also talks about a 20 year old student who told a Muslim MP "go to the Sea" and he had her arrested for a death threat.

Trying not to be too smug, c if things go wrong in Nov., this will be us in a few years, but fuck aren't people there up in arms over this?

I'd like to think in the Us we'd at least organize something online. And these muslims know exactly what the fuck they are doing.

they play the victim card worse than niggers and maybe even worse than Jews. Report a 20 year old girl to police for telling you "go to the sea?"

Drag and American over to the UK over bullshit free speech issues. And there might be a few dead Brits that deserve to be dead. Just saying.

You assholes need to initiate Article 50... RIGHT NOW. Then... and listen carefully...



Brexit doesn't take place until 2019. You Brits will be in hell for another three more years. God Save the Queen.


Things will get worse when the UK is out of the EU and they don't have to abide by any data protection or anti snooping EU laws and directives, will become a far greater nanny state and no more cursing on the internet.

You Irish recently redeemed yourselves in my sight:


>Pastor McConnell was accused of improper use of a public electronic communications network, and causing a grossly offensive message to be sent by means of a public electronic communications network.

>In the internet-broadcast sermon the preacher described Islam as "heathen" and "satanic" and "a doctrine spawned in hell”.


>The evangelical preacher walked free from court after being acquitted of both counts by a judge in Belfast.

>A judge said that while he considered the remarks offensive, he did not consider them "grossly" offensive under the law.

>District judge Liam McNally said: "The courts need to be very careful not to criticise speech which, however contemptible, is no more than offensive.

>"It is not the task of the criminal law to censor offensive utterances.

>"Accordingly I find Pastor McConnell not guilty of both charges."

You potatoes need to hurry and leave the EU.

>You get found out you're a rapist in jail you WILL be beaten the fuck up.
Doubtful, considering our prisons are 30% or more muslim, most of them in there for terrorist offences or rape.

who cares anymore.

Chasm, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 21 hours ago

Am I surprised citizen Khan is in favour? Nope.

Can a brit explain to me how there aren't vigilante gangs of angry fathers killing the rapists of their daughters at this point?

You understand the the Metropolitan police has nothing to do with Rotherham, right?

Because the girls are from the care system and no one gives a shit about them.

The only reason they're getting publicity now is that it is a stick to beat muslims with.

double edged sword desu
on one hand, it can be turned around and used against vocal muslims on fb and similar
on the other hand, people that aren't vocal for a reason are going to be even harder to spot, expecting a migration of those vocal people to move to less known and smaller social networks

if you post on Sup Forums, both of them are rather positive

Most (if not all) of them convert to Islam for protection.

Are we still allowed to hate these commonwealth nigs though?

Great post.

US jails have white gangs to protect eachother. Do the whites not protect eachother over there?

Friends don't let friends use (((Facebook))) or (((Twitter))). Make the Thought Police's job more difficult for them and drop that shit.

You talking about Sikhs? You best not be talking about Sikhs.

Sikhs are fucking bros.


>Only 2 million

Lord Kek shall have a field day with these mongs.

Yep if it's not your immediate family then it's easy to get angry but hard to give a fuck enough to do something about it.

i cant wait to do my part and report you filthy bongs. i only wish this sort of thing was in place during brexit to keep you racists from spreading your propaganda on the most intellectually engaging platform known as twitter

Sikhs in America are niggers with money. Arrogant snobs who drive German cars.

>"Accordingly I find Pastor McConnell not guilty of both charges."
sensible, no need to escalate things by crating martyrs

>I hate the tpp

>>Only because it's missing some crucial thought crimes in addition to DMCA laws