how do people still like black people in current year?
How do people still like black people in current year?
they've never smelled one
>muh savior complex
They've either never dealt with them outside of the token one at the office or they're lying to avoid looking racist.
The tv, news and such refuses to tell the truth about them.
i like them, and i dont give a fuck waht you guys thiunk,,,,,
Ay white boi I'll knocc yo cracka ass out. Yo wimmen love my bbc.
If the white population was above 80% and the kikes didn't brainwash us into submission we would detest.
thanks sven
Because they're different. Liberals hate the people they're around, which is predominately white people, but they've never really gotten to know blacks. So it's a welcome change in their minds. They are completely oblivious.
They like the idea of black people without going out to meet then
That said there's plenty of wonderful blacks out there, usually those who grew up in rural places.
Inner city and ghetto trash are literal subhumans. They should be yanked off the welfare title permanently
It just really baffles me since I grew up in a 30% coon area and have been redpilled on them since first grade.
I guess some people are really just that sheltered.
because liberals all have battered wife syndrome where they keep defending groups of people no matter how many times they fuck them over
Because black guys are hot.
Says who? Even the far lefties admit that "anti-blackness is a global phenomenon".
They are mislead into believing that everyone is equal. Blacks can't be dumber or more violent because you have a black friend.
This is what people actually believe. All but 1 black guy I've worked with has been shit.
>But user, what about that 1 guy who's good, #notallblacks
Niggers are the tool of a socialist
mhmhmmhmm. Please post more
Black guys that I've known would rather fail a math course than miss a day at the gym. Their priorities are on getting laid. Are they working or chatting up some girl? Are they working or are they networking with some rich guy who is desperate for a black friend?
>Big dick sucking lip niggers are good looking
lil white boy i fuck yo bitch
It's not even a meme anymore some may praise you but a sane person will find you challenged
>Big dick sucking lip
are u gay?
>checks flag
I'm not a bad guy user. AMA
Me too. Children can even literally see the blatant differences in skull structure.
Ironically, it's my virtue of tolerance I've held since forever that allowed me to tolerate redpilled ideas, research them, and come to the conclusion that they are right.
What happened to all these people?
I know they're dead now but i mean to the white pop in detroit? Where did they go?
How can a big city go from 90+% white to 80+% black in a few decades?
Manufacturing jobs disappeared or changed as the economy changed, workers push for social welfare and jobs programs that don't help, but entice other populations to the area that feed off of the entitlements, and white flight causes the only population left those that are beholden to the entitlements.
Fucking this so much. This is your answer OP. Its the same with all minority groups too.
The only indian they meet is the guy delivering their pizza.
The only chinese man they meet is the guy working at the postal service.
The only black man they meet is the token one in their office.
The only jewish man they meet is their lawyer/banker whos only on their side because theyre paid to be on their side.
The only gay man they know is their friend they see/drink with every now and then
Notice I said man for all of these too? Thats because most of the women from those groups don't actually work
They don't. The media is lying to you.